

The main idea of this deck is to expand on Jodah's ability to cheat in big game winning plays all for the low low cost of .

The Goal of this brew is to be as competitive with Jodah as possible, we will want to be able to compete and beat other cEDH level decks. With that being said We have 3 game winning spells our goal being casting one as fast as possible are;

  1. Enter the Infinite - This alone and literally nothing else will trigger a game winning combo see our winning plays sections to see how

  2. Omniscience - This can combo into many winning lines

  3. Tooth and Nail - A single card that will win us the game, Not as efficient as the above however strong enough to warrant its position

Although we have some possible ways to win turns 1-3, turn 4 is more of our consistent fast path and as such we have aimed this to be more of mid ranged deck.

  • Average CMC - 2.17 (adjusted for real casting costs
  • Earliest Win - Turn 1
  • Ramp - 16 with 14 being non land ramp (Important for one of our combos)
  • Removal - 13
  • Interaction - 17 at instant speed
  • Tutors - 15
  • Land - 33
  • Infinite Combo's - 1.5 (Can win with infinite mana, or just infinite untaps)

This deck is sorted via purpose of the card as I strongly believe that the best way to see the core and dynamics of a deck is to see the purposes of each card. We currently have the following Piles;

  • Win Con- The nails used when we have our engine up.
  • Infinite Mana - This is to highlight the infinite mana combo within our deck.
  • Game Winner- If Win Cons are the nails, These are the hammers. This category is to show the cards that should lead to a victory if all goes to plan.
  • Utility- Cards with a niche use.
  • Disruption- Things to slow down our opponents tempo.
  • Lands- Pretty Simple, Our land base.
  • Tutors- Our cards that are destined to help locate our combo pieces.
  • Ramp- Straightforward, Our Mana Ramp.
  • Removal - How are we going to remove obstacles?

We have several lines (See winning plays section) to using the following cards to win but these are the current nail in our opponents coffin;
  1. Walking Ballista - Once we have Infinite mana we can cast this to deal infinite damage

  2. Zhur-Taa Druid - This will deal lethal damage once we have infinite untaps

  3. Reality Shift - Can be used as part of an infinite exile each opponents library. (See **Mid Game Winning Plays** section)
We have a few different lines that can get us a win on turns 1 - 4, This is not the focus of the deck, We can't consistently produce these exact lines, and as such are focused on the mid game. However these are some of the magical lines that are within the deck.

What to do with deck in hand

So once we have the deck in hand we need a total of; to create an infinite mana loop and deliver a lethal blow. To achieve this after we have played Enter the Infinite we can cast;

Spend 2 and cast Talisman of Dominance

From here we use our Isochron Scepter imprinting Dramatic Reversal combo to create infinite mana and use Walking Ballista to deliver the lethal damage

By turn 3 and especially turn 4, the ways in which the lines can change but still result in lethal damage being produced become rather high, the more you play the deck the more you will see how many options exist.

The mid games are where we will get most of our wins, These are some of the ways we can trigger a combo to get the win.

  1. Cast Razaketh, the Foulblooded with Jodah for
  2. Sacrifice Jodah to Razaketh, finding Life / Death
  3. Cast Life for
  4. Sacrifice 4 animated lands to Razaketh, finding Isochron Scepter , Dramatic Reversal , Mana Crypt , Mana Vault , Fellwar Stone
  5. Cast our Mana rocks and Isochron Scepter imprinting Dramatic Reversal
  6. - We now have infinite colourless mana
  7. Sacrifice Animated land to find Walking Ballista , Cast for lethal damage
Total Cost of the combo - + 12 life

Optional added steps

  1. Instead of finding Walking Ballista Find and castFellwar Stone works, Chrome Mox or Mox Diamond work in a pinch
  2. - We now have Infinite coloured mana. This means we can cast and sac Jodah to Razaketh as many times as our life allows.
  3. Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , Silence are options to help protect
  4. Find Walking Ballista and cast for lethal

  1. Cast Tooth and Nail and Entwine
  2. Find Academy Rector + either Sidisi, Undead Vizier or Razaketh, the Foulblooded
  3. Similar to our turn 3 winning line, Sac Academy Rector , Find Enter the Infinite and put Omniscience into play
  4. cast enter the infinite and win

  1. T1 - Land + Non Land ramp
  2. T2 - Land + Zhur-Taa Druid
  3. T3 - Land + Isochron Scepter imprinting Dramatic Reversal
  4. - We can now tap and untap infinite times, dealing lethal damage

This can be reduced to a two turn win by;

  1. T1 - Land + Mox Diamond , cast Zhur-Taa Druid
  2. T2 - Land + Isochron Scepter imprinting Dramatic Reversal
  3. - We can now tap and untap infinite times, dealing lethal damage
This requires a more specific piece so less reliable.

This combo allows us to exile all cards in each opponents library

Omniscience on board:

  1. cast Beast Within ,into Reality Shift
  2. Cast Seasons Past bring back Reality Shift
  3. Use instant/sorcery tutor, Find Seasons Past
  4. Cast Reality Shift , now Use Seasons Past to bring back Reality Shift + Tutor

With Omniscience on board + Deck in hand

  1. cast Beast Within ,into Reality Shift
  2. Cast Seasons Past bring back Reality Shift
  3. cast Ponder , Find Seasons Past
  4. Cast Reality Shift , now Use Seasons Past to bring back Reality Shift + Ponder

These are two slightly different versions of infinite loops that don't require Infinite Mana or Enter the Infinite , I find this to be a very important resilient back up option.

These are some of the ways the deck interacts with each other,

With Omniscience on board:

  1. Cast Demonic Tutor find Conflux
  2. Cast Conflux find Seasons Past + anything
  3. Cast Seasons Past grab Demonic Tutor and Conflux
  4. We now have a loop to get our hand into our deck

With Sensei's Divining Top

If we have our Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal combo active, we can use Sensei's Divining Top to draw our entire deck. For those who havent seen the combo before;

  1. Tap Sensei's Divining Top to draw a card/li>
  2. Before it resolves cast Dramatic Reversal with Isochron Scepter
  3. Untap Top and repeat
  4. When you stop casting Dramatic Reversal You will have as many activations of the top as you want
  5. After the first activation Senei's Divining Top will hit the top of the library but the 80 activations will still draw you cards

  1. Use Survival of the Fittest or Fauna Shaman bin anything find Razaketh, the Foulblooded find
  2. Survival of the Fittest bin Razaketh, the Foulblooded find Loyal Retainers
  3. Cast and sac Loyal Retainers recur Razaketh, the Foulblooded
  4. If we used Fauna Shaman this can be sacced to start our Razaketh, the Foulblooded winning line
This will work with any legendary creature.

Some of the strengths include;
  1. A high amount of over lapping and intersecting paths, if one piece gets removed we not only have ways to get it back but will have multiple ways to replace it.
  2. Like all WUBRG decks we have access to the entire colour pie (At times this makes things tougher not easier)
  3. This deck can play low to the ground with a average cmc cost of 2.64

Do you see anything else?

Some of the weaknesses include;

  1. We don't have a reliable way to execute out turn 1 to 3 lines, therefore we are pushed to being a mid range deck
  2. The starts of games can be tricky to play, we will have enough mana to cast Jodah but at times will need to just sit and wait to respond
  3. Some of the Combo's can leave us very vulnerable to losing the game, I.E playing Enter the infinite without open manaand being then forced to draw 2 cards will lose us the game
Do you see anything else?

There are many options for Jodah, The Sideboard and MaybeBoard represent some of the options that are great but just didn't make the cut;
  • Fist of Suns - Obviously a good resilient card, but with Jodah only costing 4 and the game most likely ending before we cast Jodah twice the actual benefit of this is much reduced. If you're in a slower meta then it becomes better again.

  • Time Stretch - I'm 50/50 about this, I think it's potentially a win more card though. If we have Jodah out in what scenario will an extra land help us win, So if can do something impactful now with Jodah then we should.

  • Palinchron - Gotta love a good Palinchron infinite mana combo, This was originally a Tooth and Nail target to make infinite mana, Grab this + Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and you instantly have infinite mana, The only issue is the 7mana it cost to get the combo off the ground and need an additional piece...just a tad slow for a competitive meta tha

  • Zendikar Resurgent and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - These exists in the sibling's decks as back ups to jodah, but in this just too slow.

  • Eternal Witness + Winds of Rebuke - An alternative combo to work with Omniscience but wont work against decks with anti mill so we opted for our Reality Shift line.

  • Dream Halls - Last Minute option, I think at it becomes to slow, even just would warrant a spot.

  • Linvala, Keeper of Silence - Potential creature based disruption, good for our creature count and works with Loyal Retainers but we'd rather spend on something else and use Loyal retainers in our Razaketh line (See Deck Synergy).

  • Shadow of Doubt - Ok but cut for space and cost.
The 2 BIGGEST mistakes Jodah decks make are 1-Impactless plays and 2-Win more cards.

One of the first things you realise when you start using Jodah is that you don't always get much time with him so each cast you get is a valuable commodity. So each play needs to be doing something impactful, If you're casting with Jodah setting up for the future you've just lost a full turn and unless no one interferes you've got little to show for it. Some prime examples of cards that have little to no impact but are in lots of Jodah decks include;

  1. Sunbird's Invocation - Looks great from the outside but we need to spend a full turn to cast it, then after a table rotation cast something big with Jodah - But if we are casting something big why not cast it last turn?

  • Archetype of Endurance and Avacyn, Angel of Hope Similar to above these seem good, but in the context of a fast and competitive meta at best we could spend using Jodah + Tooth and Nail to cast these out on single turn or use two full turns to get them out but what advatage did we get? ok so it's harder to remove our stuff..meanwhile someone at the table is about to exile everything we have. These although protect us, don't lock the board down and don't give us an advantage over 3 players

  • Swarm Intelligence - unless this is part of a combo that is going to win you the game this turn, similar to Sunbird's Invocation spending a full turn and then trying to play something is just to slow
  • In general when deciding what goes into a Jodah deck always be mindful of how crucial time is and that wasting a turn to set up a play for the future needs to have concrete reasons to do so otherwise your probably lowering the power level by a lot.

    The flip side to impactless cards are cards that really only work when we are already going to win..within Jodah decks this is a very very common mistake. Some examples include;

    1. Time Stretch - If you select non budget 50 Jodah decks at random i'd guess 46 have Time Stretch , But to cast it you need to have Jodah active, and if we have Jodah active + how is Time Stretch actually helping us?, If we have Jodah + Then let's cast something to win. The two subtle issues with Time Stretch are When do we play it? and How much do we actually benefit?

      • When do we play it? - To cast Time stretch we first need to cast Jodah (we can't really ever use it without Jodah) so what turn are we hoping to cast it? the earliest we could reliably is turn 4 but to do we would have to leave no open mana on turn 3 when we cast Jodah and leaving no open mana in a cEDH game on turn 3 is bad, So now we're looking at turn 5 or 6 to be the earliest to get it out. and If it's turn 6+ we won't really be in a situation often when we need 1 extra mana (it could happen but it's rare) so we're better of either tutoring for our combo or just playing the combo.

      • How much do we benefit? - This is an extension of not being able to play it early, he later in the game we play it less likely we actually needed it. after a certain point our mana available is high enough that we should just be tutoring and trying to win. for example At 7cmc we can win with Tooth and Nail and this is one of least efficient winning lines, So we're much better off tutoring for a combo piece and trying to win straight away.

    2. This comes down to if we have enough mana, we can tutor and combo for to try and win and if we early on in the game then we're handcuffed by needing to play Jodah first.

    3. Plague Wind / In Garruk's Wake - Similar theory to above, we need Jodah and to cast but its not often (if ever) that creatures on our opponents board will prevent us from winning and if we need non spot removal we already have Toxic Deluge - in short these are too cmc expensive and take a full turn that don't progress our winning enough to justify a position.

    4. Most of the Eldrazi - Pathrazer of Ulamog - People seem to love putting a suite of Eldrazi into their Jodah Decks, Most of which only work when we're left alone and given time, There room in a deck for 1 maybe 2 but even that iffy.

    5. Clone Legion - This requires our opponent to have an excellent board state and us to have and Jodah (Seeing a pattern yet?) instead of being cute and hoping to have a board state we can copy and somehow win with..cast something big and win

    There are soo many win more cards that Jodah decks like to run, Always think about what can a card do for in good and tough situations.

    This deck actually has 2 other siblings, Both are based on what we're trying to do here but have different power levels.

    To Infinity and Beyond + (Small Write Up)

    Commander / EDH* caantpayrent


    is less competitive than our Thanos_Jodah but still really strong and tuned, It has no issue at any strong casual table.


    Captain of Timmy's Table - (with small write up)

    Commander / EDH caantpayrent


    is a more casual fun deck, The main differences are that we have less stop our opponents plan pieces and more win big options. Some of the win big things that are in the other deck include. Anyone who likes to cast big spells will like this deck

    Now that I've got the deck to this point the next step is my favourite one...enjoying it!

    I'll be playing it and seeing if there's anything that could do we a tweak here or there, If you see something you think should come out or have any questions let me know..this deck only exists with the eyes and critiques of several cEDH players from here on tappedout and on reddit.

    Specific Feedback

    • One section that I will expand given time is the Common Mistakes section, If you have a comment or suggestion for this section as well I'll be glad to hear it!

  • I'm also working on a Strengths and Weaknesses section, If you see any weaknesses or have a compliment for the deck dynamics feel free to leave a comment and I'll either try and improve on the weakness or add it into the weaknesses section.

  • I'm not sure how I feel about claiming this as a Primer, I've not tagged a deck as a primer before. If you have any opinions on this as well i'm keenly listening.
  • And Finally

    If you like what you've seen --->


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    Revision 2 See all

    (6 years ago)

    -1 Aven Mind ensor main
    +1 Aven Mindcensor main
    +1 Dream Halls maybe
    +1 Eternal Witness maybe
    +1 Winds of Rebuke maybe
    Top Ranked
    • Achieved #9 position overall 6 years ago
    Date added 6 years
    Last updated 5 years

    This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    17 - 2 Mythic Rares

    59 - 8 Rares

    13 - 2 Uncommons

    11 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 2.60
    Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Manifest 2/2 C
    Folders Strong when built but needs updating, Helpful Decks, Primers, commander, Primers only, Ideas, Terrific, JODAH, EDH Ideas, EDH
    Ignored suggestions
    Shared with
    Based on