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To Kill an Oloro [New York Times Best Seller]

Commander / EDH Pillow Fort WUB (Esper)



Enchantment (1)

Sorcery (1)


My oldest, most expensive, and most iconic deck. circa. 2015

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic

Archetype: Control

Themes(s): Pillowfort, Lifegain, Life Loss

Sub-Themes(s): Relaxation, Light Stax

What I love about Oloro is that he doesn't have to come out to be effective.

For this deck, I have more freedom and flexibility in its design than I would normally be with decks that revolve around the commander.

Oloro just relaxes and chills out, and I do the same.

He's built to handle threats and negate problems while also having many win conditions. He was built to deal with the bullshit I played against in High School, especially against stax.

It's not meant to be that competitive, it's just a high-power deck for when we play serious matches in my playgroup. Suggestions are appreciated, but I do have a lot of pet cards I probably won't take out.

Win Conditions

These combos kill everyone but require a life-gain trigger or an opponent losing life to initiate the combo loop.

This combo can kill one player, and regain all your lost life. Just needs you or someone to lose all their life, then trigger Tainted Sigil.





94% Competitive