"If you're a fan of playing a collection of powerful rares and mythics, then I have the deck for you! There are plenty of powerful cards to choose from with Jund right now, and I honestly think this deck could be a contender on Week 1 due to its sheer power.
The main deck has the tools to fight Mardu Vehicles with plenty of various removal spells for the creatures, including potential two-for-ones in Walking Ballista; Liliana, the Last Hope; and Chandra, Torch of Defiance. One of the biggest problems for removal-heavy decks in the past against Mardu Vehicles was an inability to profitably deal with Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. Enter Glorybringer, a four-power hasty flyer that can not only kill a Gideon the turn after it enters the battlefield and makes a Knight token but can also cleanly deal with the Knight token as well.
If you're looking for which previous Standard card gained the most value with Amonkhet's release, it may be Arlinn Kord. Arlinn's +1 ability is the perfect ability for creatures with Exert, and it pairs extremely well with not only Glorybringer but also Combat Celebrant, which isn't in this deck. Another card that synergizes well with Arlinn Kord is Verdurous Gearhulk. Verdurous Gearhulk can already enter as an 8/8 trampler, which is insane on rate alone, but with Arlinn Kord, that same Verdurous Gearhulk can be a 10/10 with haste, vigilance, and trample, which is just filthy.
One of the biggest reasons I'm excited for this deck is the available sideboard options from Amonkhet. Manglehorn is a great tool at fighting Mardu Vehicles, Temur Dynavolt, and Four-Color Saheeli, which will most likely be a tough matchup pre-sideboard. Our other tool for fighting Four-Color Saheeli is the innocuous Trespasser's Curse, which you will find in all of my sideboards for black decks. Trespasser's Curse is the card that Authority of the Consuls wanted to be. It not only shuts off the combo by allowing you to gain a life for each Felidar Guardian that enters the battlefield, negating the one damage it would attack for, but also makes the opponent lose one life for each creature that enters the battlefield on their side. Just this ability alone will help turn races in our favor.
By Force is a powerful anti-artifact card that's pretty self-explanatory, but Dispossess is undervalued at the moment. The biggest downside to Lost Legacy in the previous format was the inability to name Aetherworks Marvel and Torrential Gearhulk, two of the most important cards to remove from your opponent's library. Dispossess fixes that and is a hammer to bring in against either Aetherworks Marvel or blue-based control decks.
My last disclaimer is that this manabase is probably terrible. I'm honestly not sure yet how I would want to build this manabase with the introduction of the cycling duals, but I would want to test some out to start with. Evolving Wilds is a quality card in the deck because it helps enable Fatal Push, Grim Flayer, and Tireless Tracker, so I know I want at least two copies of it, but the rest of the manabase is a work in progress."