A deck built around the new Sorin basically. The idea is to get lots of tokens out and win conditions are a bunch of tokens and Geist-Honored Monk.
+1 if you like and comment if you have things you think I should add or take out. Also need help with the sideboard as well.
Hero of Bladehold really shines in this deck. Giving all my tokens battle cry is crazy.
Explanation for my choices:
Altar's Reap- I have plenty of tokens I could sacrifice and card drawing is never a bad thing.
Geist-Honored Monk- Vigilance. Need I say more? She get's enormous and produces to fliers.
Oblivion Ring-Good removal and a must have for white in my opinion.
Lingering Souls-Makes two fliers and has flashback. Only reason Midnight Haunting is better is cause it is instant speed. But having them in is like having a bunch more Midnight Haunting
Gideon Jura- Amazing planeswalker but he is there when he can destroy a big threat or just soak up some damage for me.
Day of Judgment-Seems counter productive right? Well if I'm facing another token deck or goblins etc. it will help me stabilize and regain board control.
Black Sun's Zenith-Same reason as Day of Judgment but also helps deal with hexproof and indestructible things.
Grafdigger's Cage-Duh. Pod and anything else with graveyard themes.
Nevermore-Planeswalkers. Or anything else I can't get rid of by other means.