Tonight We Drink!

Standard CaveShinobi


revote says... #1

I think you should use blood artist while he is still in rotation. You could take out some higher cost stuff and throw in Gather the Townsfolk or even Skirsdag High Priest would help, you need ways to make more then one creature with a single card so things like Doomed Traveler and Sorrin, Lord of Inastraud will help as well. With a sac deck it is better to have quantity then quality. Please forgive bad spelling.

August 5, 2013 11:04 a.m.

revote says... #2

oh and trade out Sin Collector for Duress

August 5, 2013 11:08 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #4

Getting a full playset of Blood Artist is kind of out of question for me, however. In fact, buying Innistrad cards at this time is mostly out of question, especially now that most will rotate in about a month or two, and I'll soon have to start directing my money mostly to education-related expenses.

There is a little detail, though - this isn't exactly a sac deck, per se. Sure, I have some stuff that will make my opponents sacrifice creatures, but it's mostly to help keep the other side of the board clean, not to trigger sac abilities I own. The Cartel Aristocrat I mentioned in the description will only be post-rotation. And it's only a possibility, I don't have any plans for this deck set in stone, yet.

And I already have 2 Duress in the mainboard and 2 other Duress and 4 Sin Collector in the side. I don't see how I would be trading Sin Collector out for more Duress.

August 5, 2013 11:53 a.m.

revote says... #5

my bad should have looked closer

August 5, 2013 12:23 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #6

Blind Obedience would be great and give you another extort

August 8, 2013 2:29 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #7

This deck does have Blind Obedience , but in the sideboard. I'm not really sure if it's worth it to main that card, simply because it's usefulness is mostly against aggro/weenie decks. Otherwise, it won't do much difference. Tithe Drinker is more useful against, say, control decks or midrange, since it can attack early and help me whittle down my opponent's health sooner.

I'll consider it, though. I haven't been to my LGS much, lately, so I might be a bit out of date with the meta there. I'm pretty sure it's mostly control-y, though.

August 8, 2013 1:57 p.m.

Sawyer42 says... #8

Are you going for an "extort to death" approach, or are you swinging for your damage?

August 21, 2013 11:26 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #9

Mostly swinging. After the last changes, this changed so much that now I barely have extort here. However, I'll have no problem in using extort as an alternate win-con and as a stall-breaker. Hence why I still have Tithe Drinker and Pontiff of Blight in the mainboard.

On the other hand, Tithe Drinker is a card I'm more than willing to switch out for anything else, although I'm leaning towards either Syndic of Tithes or to simply wait for the Theros spoilers to see what good black 2-drops might come.

High Priest of Penance is another card which, although I really like, feels more defensive than this deck asks for.

August 22, 2013 8:08 a.m.

Sawyer42 says... #10

Personally, I love High Priest of Penance due to his scare factor. Some people will just refuse to swing outright. I suggest keeping the Tithe Drinker in. Not just because I personally love him, but he is a cheap drop with lifelink and an extort trigger. Syndic of Tithes 's only advantage is his one white one colorless mana-cost, and he also misses out on lifelink. If you also have Basilica Guards or Basilica Screecher in the deck, when you get out Crypt Ghast and play those small spells you can extort the life right out of the opponent. And you can still swing with all of these guys except for Basilica Guards! Tithe Drinker will get you life no matter what, and Basilica screecher swings for one, but he is also a flying blocker with 2 toughness. I honestly think that extort is more effective than swinging if you get those small drops in there.

August 22, 2013 5:43 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #11

Here's the deal: Extort is a mechanic more focused on the long haul. If you're going to attack with extort creatures, chances are you'll lose them more often than you'd like to, and trying to play with extort requires you to have a well-established table.

The reason I prefer Syndic of Tithes over Tithe Drinker is that he has a higher toughness. If I want to, I can swing with it without having to fear getting blocked with a mana-dork. The lifegain from the Drinker's lifelink is negligible most of the time.

I have played with an Extort-centric deck, but, at my LGS, at least for now, it's pretty much impossible to do so and have any chance of winning. Maybe I'll go back to making an Extort deck after rotation but, until then, I won't rely too much in that. If I do go for that, however, I know exactly what sort of cards I'll have to play. Gotta add those Celestial Flare and Brave the Elements for extra removal and protection.

August 22, 2013 6:59 p.m.

Sawyer42 says... #12

Agree to disagree, I suppose. I will admit that my preference to Tithe Drinker is mostly personal, but I still think that dropping him early before your opponent can get a blocker can net you a bit of life, and hey. You're never going to be upset about losing him as a chump block. My Orzhov deck doesn't run on solo extort, I'm not sure if that was what you thought. This deck is more aggro-y than my Orzhov, which isn't to say it's inferior or superior, but rather, we've been sorta comparing apples and oranges. I really do think this is a great build, overall. I'm not sure about Seraph of the Sword , just because if you're looking for a flying blocker (I think that's what you're using her for) there are cheaper options.

I realized why you may take out the High Priest of Penance s due to Desecration Demon 's scare factor. However, I wonder how your early game goes. Do you always get a two drop? I mean Vampire Nighthawk is my favorite turn three creature drop, but if you're going against an aggro deck you may be too far behind already. What do you think?

Lastly, I'm not sure Pontiff of Blight feels right here. He is a great blocker, but his selling point is giving those extort triggers out. Crypt Ghast opens a lot of doors for turn five, and Vampire Nighthawk should be dealing damage or protecting you well. Maybe replace Seraph and Pontiff with Crypt Ghast will open up bigger bombs for you to drop, or getting those heavy-hitting demons out even faster.

August 23, 2013 4:35 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #13

Usually I can get a 2-drop without much issue. And, even if I don't, I always have some low-cost removal to keep some control of the game. But yeah, we've been sort of comparing oranges to apples. I do believe I might've said earlier that this deck isn't focused on extort. It just isn't the focus for this deck.

Yeah, Seraph of the Sword is a somewhat iffy card I got here. I like her. I really do. The combat damage prevention is really neat. However, I think those 4 mana could be better spent. I'm also a bit afraid of running Crypt Ghast , because it dies with such ease, and, by the time I drop it, if I lose it, it'll be one whole turn lost. Anyway, after rotation, I'll probably go back to playing with it; and I'll most likely maindeck Brave the Elements .

Regarding getting the demons out faster, that is a non-issue for me. With 25 lands in the deck, I usually never miss a land-drop (unless I went with a really bad hand and god unlucky, but not even Crypt Ghast would save me in those situations), so I usually have all the necessary land to drop them by turn 5. Pontiff of Blight is the only that would get to enter the battlefield earlier than usual with a Crypt Ghast. And I don't really want to remove the Pontiff, at least not for now. Even though extort is not my focus in this deck, it's always an alternate win-con. I'm more likely to switch a Seraph for a Crypt Ghast than switch both for 2 Crypt Ghasts.

August 23, 2013 8:50 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #14

Scratch what I said about protecting Crypt Ghast with Brave the Elements . Only now have I noticed Brave the Elements only affects white creatures.

August 23, 2013 7:56 p.m.

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