How to Have Fun in EDH - Phelddagrif Surprise
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 398 | 322 COMMENTS | 123629 VIEWS | IN 307 FOLDERS
poorpinkus says... #2
TheRedGoat I do like the idea of Clone Legion, but The Great Aurora can mess with the deck as it usually tends to build up a fair amount of enchantments that synergize with each other. The other problem with Aurora is that the deck already extends the game a gair bit, so when I attempt to cast it there will most likely be more than a few groans. I did consider the offerings, they are quite good and appear to be an obvious choice for the deck, but the problem is that a) I can't choose to allow everyone to gain its effect which can cause politics problems, b) in the case of Sylvan Offering it puts up a large threat but I also need to wait a turn to be able to do anything, whereas most of my other win conditions are able to happen instantly in one turn, in the case of Benevolent Offering's first effect isn't very powerful for me as I have a fair amount of ways to prevent being attacked/block and the lifegain effect doesn't really do all that much for me as I tend to not take much damage once the game starts rolling (plus commander damage stays), and in the case of Intellectual Offering both effects are great, but the mana cost means that by the time I am able to play it everyone is most likely already drawing at least two or three extra cards per turn anyways. The untap effect is useful for combat tricks but for 5 mana I could just boardwipe, and c) if I were using it for politics, Phelddagrif can let me give a player one of the two modes for each card.
Thanks for the suggestions though! I may have sounded a bit pessimistic with the offerings but I'm still going to see if I have any cards that I don't have much use for and I may possibly switch them for one or two. I really like Clone Legion as a suggestion, the sorcery speed is a bit unappealing but the card itself is really fun! If I am to put any of the offerings in it will probably be Sylvan Offering as it can scale with the game and the Vows give the big guy a bit of evasion, not to mention its synergy with boardwipe spells.
As an ending note, if I were to put in Clone Legion and/or Sylvan Offering what cards do you think I should remove to make space?
January 4, 2016 3:26 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #3
I'd cut Divine Presence and Vow of Duty. While that messes with the curve, I think those are two of the weakest cards in the deck.
January 4, 2016 11:33 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #4
While I do like Divine Presence, I agree that it doesn't really do much, not to mention it messes with the phelddagrif surprise. As for Vow of Duty yeah it doesn't allow for evasion which is usually the most useful thing about it. Without that it's basically a higher-cost, less useful Pacifism
January 4, 2016 2:10 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #5
Exactly. The reason I like the other vows is that they have great synergy with Plan B: Commander Damage if it comes to that for you.
January 4, 2016 2:45 p.m.
TheRedGoat says... #6
@poorpinkus I actually totally understand some of the reasons behind not using the "offering cards I just was curious. Also your welcome for the suggestion of Clone Legion. I originally got my copy of it to deal specifically with an "elf cancer" (now an even more annoying "elf-emrakul" deck) player in my group, and I can attest it makes it hell for 'em when you get just as much power form their cards as they do.
January 5, 2016 10:40 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #7
Yeah it seems like an awesome card, and lol it is great messing with people's tribal stuff
January 13, 2016 1:25 a.m.
I really like this deckmy first deck was the proconstructed mizzix deck,i am planning to build this deck as a nice second deck for when I want a change from spell-slinging to giving people awkward hugs :D
January 13, 2016 1:58 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #9
moseph awesome! I'm glad to hear it, it is definitely a different deck, and I think it would be a great contrast to a precon deck as instead of playing an average game (which is fun), you can sometimes have a weird and crazy game (which is also fun). I will warn you, there is a fair amount of bookkeeping once enough things are in play (I tried to reduce this by removing things like Upwelling). but any bookkeeping card will have a large impact on the game. Just play like you want to help everyone else and watch the surprise when you use a group hug mechanic as a win condition
Anyways I'm glad you looked at this deck, I had a lot of fun with it. Thanks for the feedback!
January 13, 2016 8:43 a.m.
Great deck idea! I want to try building a less aggro deck that my friends enjoy playing. I'm thinking about going hippos. It appears there has to be a delicate balance of helping everyone and not being viewed as a threat while trying to prepare a late-game single turn win. I'll probably use some of your ideas to build my initial deck and I'll provide some feedback after I've tried my own version a few times.
Thanks for sharing!
January 16, 2016 10:45 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #11
Horseror Awesome! I'd appreciate your input later on as to how it goes
January 16, 2016 5:38 p.m.
I'm really curious about your thoughts on the Font of Mythos. Does it upset people? Seems like it'd be a good addition.
January 29, 2016 9:21 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #13
CoryDean It's more the price for me, as a matter of fact it's a great card, but the last time I checked it was worth a lot more than it is now. I'll definitely have to think about re-adding it and rebalancing the budget with some of the changes in price since I made the deck, thanks for reminding me!
If it were cheaper it would be an auto-include in the deck, it's quite powerful and people usually don't mind per-turn card draw, they're just afraid of instant draw
January 29, 2016 10:57 a.m.
Destroy666 says... #14
Hi there, I've build one of the latest version of this list and I do really like it.I like a bit lesser the fact that at my lgs 2hg is the most used format, so that means games end up pretty quick with me being bashed around by huge artifact creatures, Tassa ohkos or nearly everything in general.Hippo doesn't fit that meta at all, I suppose, meh!
January 30, 2016 11:42 p.m.
Oblation? - I like the "nonland permanent" aspect a lot.
Jace's Archivist? - Too aggressive? Not sure about this one.
February 2, 2016 10:40 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #16
CoryDean Oblation is a really good card in EDH, it isn't as useful in my playgroup though since most people tend to have some way of giving hexproof. I'll definitely give it some thought though (I think my original reasoning was that it was too expensive as I built this deck before the "tuck" rule changes), and as for Jace's Archivist, yeah, it is a bit aggressive. People don't like giving up their hands and it is fairly obvious what I will try to use it for, not to mention the fact that I can't use it the first turn I put it down, so usually it gets killed. One of my main criteria for a card include is that it either has to help me win the game NOW, or if somebody saw it in my hand they would rather see me play it than get rid of it. It doesn't work with either of those so I decided to remove it
February 2, 2016 10:53 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #17
Destroy666 Aw that sucks that Pheldy doesn't work too well in 2HG, the deck definitely isn't optimized to come out swinging in 1v1 or 2v2 situations at the moment, and more focused around multiplayer free for all games. I have taken out quite a few pillow fort cards from the deck since I initially made it as my idea was that if I was helping people, other players would get focused first, but my first suggestion would be to add something like that. I should make a more competitive version of the deck; Norn's Annex, Aurification(!!!!!), War Tax, Collective Restraint, Ghostly Prison, Sphere of Safety, Dissipation Field, Chronomantic Escape, Delaying Shield and Windborn Muse are all good ideas to prevent as much damage from coming through, and you can remove some win cons to put these in since you will have another player with you. You can even go as far as to remove all win cons and go full support if you wanted to, using Pheldy as a blocker in the case that blocking is possible. More removal spells is also a good idea (aka Oblation as CoryDean mentioned) and more obviously malicious cards such as Jace's Archivist, Jester's Mask, Mind Over Matter, Lavinia of the Tenth, New Prahv Guildmage, Sterling Grove and Glacial Chasm will work well. Finally if you are having trouble with taking massive damage from single creatures, Divine Presence is a great option.
Anyways, I hope this helps, I'm glad you tried out the deck, and it's good to know that it doesn't work as well as-is in more aggro-focused formats. Basically if you're playing in 2HG just take out the cards that are meant to make the game more "fair" for an opponent, and replace them with pillow fort cards and cards that will reduce the damage that you will take. I think if you absolutely know that you will be playing 2HG, you could benefit from switching the deck from a group hug deck to an enchantment-based pillow fort deck, and that should help you deal with some of the more swingy decks. (Pro tip: Delaying Shield will essentially prevent all commander damage, and convert what you didn't pay for into normal damage)
Hopefully the deck will perform better at your LCS if try out these things! But don't spend too much money on the extra cards as I haven't playtested anything of this sort. Proxies are always a good idea (if they allow them), then you can figure out what works and what doesn't
February 2, 2016 11:18 p.m. Edited.
This deck looks fun as can be. EJust a few suggestions of cards that might help you are Dragonlord Dromoka as she can let you play your turn uninterupted, be a bulky defense that nets you life, and even a win condition if you need someway to finish the match off. Kiora's Follower might be a useful early game creature for you that you can use to keep a wall active or just to make more friends. Lastly Master of Predicaments can be a fun card to join the insanity and again can fly over for a win if need be. And since you're playing multilayer as is Deep-Sea Kraken can easily be summoned with it's suspend ability in a few turns with all the spells going on. Maybe one of these will help your deck out,
February 15, 2016 1:28 p.m.
rigidmoose says... #19
Hey, thanks for making this deck for everyone!
The last few cards are coming in and I'm hyped to play this deck with my friends this weekend, I'm planning on surprising them with it ;)
February 15, 2016 1:36 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #20
MsSysbit Hey thanks for those suggestions! I haven't been suggested quite a few of those actually, I'm surprised I didn't think of them. Kiora's Follower seems like an awesome card! It's like a better Spectral Searchlight. I will just need to make room for it...
I also love the idea of Master of Predicaments, I'm not sure if it would make me get focused or something, but it would definitely be a fun card to play. I might put it in my Ruhan of the Fomori chaos deck
February 16, 2016 2:33 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #21
Also rigidmoose I'm really glad you decided to get this deck! I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes, so feel free to post on here what goes down when you play it!
February 16, 2016 2:34 p.m.
Poorpnkus well glad some of my suggestions might help ya out! Hope you have some fun!
February 17, 2016 4:39 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #24
RalZerek The reason why I didn't include it is because with all the ramp I am giving everyone, they will most likely be able to play most of their board by the next turn anyways, not to mention I have a fair amount of ways to prevent taking damage, so I don't really need to worry about permanents. My main concern is usually players with instants that can inturrupt me when I go off
The other thing about Cyclonic Rift is that it is fairly one-sided, so I wouldn't be able to justify very well why I was running it in my deck to people that think of it as a friendly deck
TheRedGoat says... #1
Two ideas for cards to try out here are Clone Legion and The Great Aurora to deal with/take advantage of anyone who goes super wide like any tribal deck ever.
Also why none of the "offering" cards like Intellectual Offering, Benevolent Offering, and Sylvan Offering?
January 3, 2016 2:09 a.m.