How to Have Fun in EDH - Phelddagrif Surprise
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 398 | 322 COMMENTS | 123631 VIEWS | IN 307 FOLDERS
poorpinkus says... #2
I'm glad that you found it fun, it is hard to make the deck not look like a mill deck, but one way that you can make it more "group hug" is by asking people whether or not they want certain cards out. Depending on the game, cards like Forced Fruition can either seem like a hilarious way to make the game insane or a malicious attempt to win. The best way to combat that is to say something like "I can make everyone draw 20 cards, do you guys want this?" and stuff like that
It still is hard to make it not seem like a mill deck but (and it might sound odd, but:) if you allow other people to win instead of you at the endgame that could change. Just remember that people remember previous games so sometimes you will have to overcompensate to change people's idea of the deck
I don't know if that is helpful at all lol, but I hope it helped
February 1, 2015 1:11 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #3
Temporarily replaced Standstill for Braids, Conjurer Adept, I don't like Standstill that much but if you guys disagree I'll try to change a different card instead
February 1, 2015 1:15 p.m.
I think Standstill is a monumental card. When I played, people were so anti-opponent card advantage that all I got were activated abilities until I dropped an Upwelling. Depends on what you want to play. In a meta of control and aggro, do play it. It stops control players from playing removal unless another person plays something first, and aggro will think twice while playing against control player (boardwipes). Midrange will shoot right through it, and combo wins once they get the combo out.
February 1, 2015 1:31 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #5
That's true, it can be pretty funny in certain situations... Is there anything that you have found isn't as useful that I could substitute to put Braids back in?
February 1, 2015 1:45 p.m.
I have found that Arbiter of Knollridge is actually an angerer of aggro/midrange decks. This makes it almost impossible for them to win unless by commander damage. It makes them mad at you.
Experience Online: Took Arbiter out of my list, then tried him back in it. Played two aggro decks, 1 of them Krenko and the other being Exava. The other deck was a Sharuum combo. The aggro guys teamed up against Sharuum, but an Arbiter of Knollridge saved her at 7 life. The two aggro decks built up their field for a one swing victory, and my Supreme Judgement saved the game. I was then nice to everyone, playing a Swans of Bryn Argoll and letting everyone draw 10 cards with Prosperity. But the aggro decks were still mad. I had set up a nice for with Lightmine Field and Dawnstrider, so the aggro decks turned to burn my Arbitrer down, mad at me for saving Sharrum. I realized that I was in a trap as Sharuum got an infinite mana down, milling out the Exava deck with Blue Sun's Zenith, the began to turn on me, bringing me down to 10 with Magister Sphinx. Of course, she being at 30something forgot about Arbiter, and brought me back up. I hit her with a huge buffed Phelddagrif to deal lethal commander damage. Then, a Windfall hopped out of my hand for the mill win. The Sharuum deck was completely mad at me, even though I saved her. The aggro decks sent me spam messages and flagged me. I didn't play it group-huggy enough. The Arbiter actually frustrated people more than it helped.
February 1, 2015 2:32 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #7
Alright, yeah I wasn't sure about arbiter as I haven't drawn it yet, so I can't tell if it's going to be group hug or not. Another problem is that it can prolong the game way too much, I'll swap him out, thanks for the feedback!
February 1, 2015 3:34 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #8
I see playing Feldy as a power balance. What happened in your game is that you let the two aggro decks get too powerful too quickly. What you could've done to counter this better would be to use the green pump on Phelddagrif to give the Sharuum deck some chumps and essentially some time to stabilize. The white pump for lifegain would've helped too since it's more marginal than Arbiter. Arbiter comes in handy when you are playing against lifegain decks (like my Selvala deck) and they are escalating to the point where life is a source of power. Thus, it can be good depending upon your playgroup.
But, instead of saving people, think of evening the play field so that it's not a sudden jolt of energy but a constant stalemate of fun. People enjoy watching crazy boardstates develop, and if they don't they're far too competitive and not really worth playing with. That's why I love Tempting Wurm and Braids, Conjurer Adept. They create opportunity for crazy boards in the early game.
February 1, 2015 7:51 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #9
I 100% agree, it allows crazy board states and it also has the ability to break super late-game standstills, like, the only time I'd actually try to win with the deck is when the game lasts too long, since at that point my group tends to want the game to end so I happily oblige
February 1, 2015 9:17 p.m.
PepsiAddicted says... #10
hah awesome i was just talking about Pheldda. +1 for awesome choice
February 2, 2015 4:39 p.m.
soggyfatman says... #12
I have been playing around some more with my Pheldy deck and I have noticed that my enchantments just keep piling up. You went for Phantatog but what about Nullmage Advocate? Better group hug and people won't see it as a threat.
February 5, 2015 10:22 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #13
soggyfatman I just need some sort of discard outlet for things like Elixir of Immortality, I usually justify to my playgroup that I use it in the case that one of my enchantments starts benefitting one person too much more than another, but yeah, I just need some way to be able to discard cards. I do get that it can be seen as a pretty huge threat, I just don't know what else to use
February 5, 2015 10:33 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #14
What do you guys think of me replacing Tempt with Reflections with Fascination?
February 5, 2015 10:46 a.m.
soggyfatman says... #15
I had a fun experience with Tempt with Reflections and Walking Archive, I would vote to keep Tempt with Reflections because your creatures are group hug and more the merrier right?
February 5, 2015 11:01 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #16
yeah true, I just rarely have any times in which anyone actually wants my creatures lol, but that is true it does work with a few creatures. I'd still like to put in Fascination for more card draw but I'm not sure what I'd replace
February 5, 2015 11:16 a.m.
soggyfatman says... #17
I actually pulled out Font of Mythos. I feel that I had so much other "draw more cards at beginning of your turn" or "draw some cards" it was redundant.
February 5, 2015 11:45 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #18
That's true, I really do like Font of Mythos though, I'll do some thinking about it
February 5, 2015 11:57 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #19
I feel like Jester's Mask is great flavor, but could be seen as a major threat. I might consider swapping it for the extra draw in Fascination.
February 5, 2015 12:19 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #20
Yeah I might do that, I'm going to keep it in my deck as my playgroup knows that I have only used it for good purposes (such as letting somebody search for removal to get rid of a threat), but most people wouldn't use it in that way
February 5, 2015 12:22 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #21
Ah, I see. In that case, I am unsure of what to remove. I had taken out Might of Oaks to leave only one power win-condition (Strength of Cedars) for lethal damage. The card draw should get it in your hands by the late game, anyway.
February 5, 2015 1:03 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #22
That's true, I might switch that instead as I really like the mask
February 5, 2015 4:44 p.m.
Collective Voyage and New Frontiers? Let everybody put lands into play, big group hug! +1
February 6, 2015 5:59 a.m.
My bad, Kami of the Crescent Moon? Pygmy Hippo! Its a Pygmy Hippo!
soggyfatman says... #1
I finally got around to playtesting my version of Feldy with some folks and it was pretty hilarious. I did not have the whole deck yet because the mail was taking a while but I was able to get close to 100 cards. One thing that kept happening to me was my deck was seen as a mill deck. As much as I wanted to help, people's hands just got too big. Played about 4 times, lost once, tied twice, and somehow managed to win the last time. My sideboard is huge so there is lots of tinkering to do. One final thing I noticed is that the deck helps poorly made decks. A buddy of mine focuses on card advantage and has a deck built around his graveyard and other aspects. Feldy did not help him that much but helped out the other guy who just modded a pre-con mono black or white.In the end, the deck did what it was intended for. I did my best to keep balance and go unnoticed. Need more than 3 people, because the game is a 1v1 when I am in it. I still need to learn how to play it. Good luck to you guys too.
February 1, 2015 11:53 a.m.