How to Have Fun in EDH - Phelddagrif Surprise
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 400 | 322 COMMENTS | 123982 VIEWS | IN 307 FOLDERS
MirranTitan says... #3
Pheldagriff is that friend who always wants a hug... and doesn't know when to let go. This deck always makes me smile. maybe someday I will bring back my own pheldahug. +1 fun cool deck.
February 23, 2015 4:16 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #5
Thanks MirranTitan! Lol that's so true
And buildingadeck yeah I have, but it's too expensive for me to put in... I want to try to keep this deck budget
February 23, 2015 5:23 p.m.
Hi! Awesome deck!
I would be very interested to see the updated card list for this!
February 24, 2015 11:10 a.m.
Sebastimus says... #7
Jace Beleren? I thought its budget...Time Stop? Really? Why? O.o Totally useless and out of main way of this deck...
I dont login to tappedout very often. Its nice to see that u got so many upvotes, congrats.
February 24, 2015 4:13 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #8
Sebastimus I added Jace because there was a lot of demand for it but I might replace him with Temple Bell, and Time Stop is just funny, plus it's a really good denial counterspell, I mean, sometimes you need stuff like that for regulating. Also, thanks!
Lap1ska thanks! And what do you mean by updated card list?
February 24, 2015 4:48 p.m.
Sebastimus says... #9
funny card for 6 ? :D brah... rather get there Portcullis. with this card u are owner of this world... :D
February 24, 2015 4:55 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #10
Time Stop has actually saved me before when the game got down to 1v1. I was able to keep from taking damage before milling my opponent to death. This deck has strategies that arise when you least expect them, but it's extremely fun to play.
February 24, 2015 8:54 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #11
The thing is that this deck can ramp out surprisingly more often than one would think, plus, Time Stop is only really used in the lategame when people are trying to execute combos, and every time I play the card the text makes people laugh:
me: "Alright, I play Time Stop, end the turn"
other guy: "Wait... what? how is that even a thing?"
February 24, 2015 10:23 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #12
Alright, so I've updated the deck to be a bit more budget. Do you guys agree with my choices?
February 26, 2015 12:58 p.m.
SkylordAleksander says... #13
Just an edit, but you mention Mikokoro, Center of the Sea being $100 when it's only $10
Other than that it runs about the same, you cut a lot of cards i did in mine. I added a Kruphix, God of Horizons. it gives a good place to stick your mana over time and hold on to it.
February 26, 2015 2:36 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #14
Oops, typo, also I have been considering Kruphix, God of Horizons but I don't know if he would draw unneeded attention, especially since people know that I can draw them to death with "draw X" spells
February 26, 2015 6:07 p.m.
Might I also suggest Gaea's Blessing as a "don't deck out card"? You don't have too many means to keep cards in your hand past the discard phase so, discard it and shuffle your whole deck back in. I would also suggest the two legendary, legacy-legal Eldrazi but that would make you a target. Also Wheel of Sun and Moon is a good card for what you want to do.
February 26, 2015 11:59 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #16
Gaea's Blessing seems like it would be good if it wasn't required to be put into the graveyard from my library. Also, I really like Wheel of Sun and Moon but I'm concerned about it drawing too much unnecessary attention, like, Elixir of Immortality I can pass off as just a way to gain life in case people attack me, and people tend to not pay much attention to Quest for Ancient Secrets as it doesn't really do anything until I use its effect (which requires it to get counters). Plus, it's a lot less money-wise to purchase. I'm fairly content right now with my maximum hand size modifiers and "Not decking yourself" cards as the only time I really will find them useful is when I've drawn a ton of cards, and at that point I usually have drawn one of those cards.
Please feel free to argue with my logic, I am mainly just not sure what I would replace for these cards
February 27, 2015 12:33 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #17
By the way SkylordAleksander, were there any other cards that you cut because they were too expensive? If so, how did the deck run without them?
February 27, 2015 3:31 p.m.
SkylordAleksander says... #18
Well, most came in today, sadly everyone in my group just left for spring break. And i didn't cut too much for cost more for just to change a bit. Like I added Forced Fruition because it was too funny not to have. Phelddagrif, Lover of Hugs
February 27, 2015 11:55 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #19
Aw that sucks that your friends are away, and yeah I actually have Forced Fruition in my material deck, but I know the bad attention it can draw so I kept it out of the decklist. Also, I keep seeing Dakra Mystic in these kinds of decks, do you find it worth having? I just keep thinking that I probably have enough card draw mechanics and I don't like paying the mana cost, but I mean it could be worth it
February 28, 2015 2:05 a.m.
SkylordAleksander says... #20
It's nice because you can drop out peoples combo cards. I have it just to answer some of my friends infinite combo shenanigans. In my group i'm using this to act like a sheriff, We have some people that have played for a while and are really good but don't tone it down for the new people. So i'll help everyone get to the endgame where the decks become equal and help slow down and hurt the better people.
February 28, 2015 3:41 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #21
Oh that's good, it's interesting because this deck can function in more ways than I first realized, like, it can either make the game insane, be the "sheriff" of a game or just speed up the game by giving people a head start. That's interesting, thanks for the input!
March 1, 2015 2:24 a.m.
poorpinkus says... #22
I'm still taking suggestions, but I think this deck is starting to reach an equilibrium where there isn't much left to change. I'm working on another deck: Exponential Growth in EDH - Experiment Kraj Combo which is basically an interactive combo deck, it isn't scummy as it is easy to stop and the combo is actually pretty interesting, if you want to, check it out!
March 2, 2015 4:40 p.m.
SkylordAleksander says... #23
Hey, I made a list of cards I'm still considering for my deck, thought I would share them here with you. I wrote them down a while back and just forgot about most of them when making my deck.
Jushi Apprentice: More draw, and a flip. Interesting and isn't seen as much.
Reward the Faithful: Life gain for everyone who isn't targeting you. Hopefully everyone.
Cultural Exchange: The best in all of these. I will most likely pick it up soon. Just too funny not to have.
Dimensional Breach: A board wipe that just makes it fun. Could see some interesting game changes.
Curse of Echoes: Can lead to funny situations. I could see even putting this on myself to double my life spells and all draw spells
Void Stalker and Vortex Elemental: Can tuck a bothersome commander that ruins the games for others. cough cough Nekusar, the Mindrazer cough cough
Diluvian Primordial: Fun interaction with others, with Curse of Echoes it gets really crazy fast
Zur's Weirding: Gets rid of instant win combos, but could make drawing take FOREVER. My biggest fear for it.
Let me know what you think, just a block of cards I'm thinking of.
March 2, 2015 10:11 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #24
They all seem like good cards if I could find a place for them, I think that Jushi Apprentice looks cool but I don't know how long it would survive in my situation, Reward the Faithful is also very strong but, I mean, Phelddagrif can already let people gain a lot of life, Cultural Exchange would be hilarious, I'll definitely consider that one, Curse of Echoes I'm not too sure about since I've been trying to stay away from curses and if I put it on myself it would be similar to Hive Mind where counterspells would become an issue to try to use , Void Stalker and Vortex Elemental are also really good but I think I have enough tucking (people hate it with a passion but it is sometimes necessary), Diluvian Primordial is also a really good card but I feel like people might find it a bit "selfish" to run and Zur's Weirding I love, but again it could hinder my progress, especially when I'm giving people life, in which case it could force the game to a halt. Overall the suggestions are awesome, I just think in my playgroup some of them might not work well, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't work well in yours. I'm definitely going to make space for a couple of them though
Also, sorry for the late reply I didn't notice your comment on my news feed
March 9, 2015 11:05 p.m.
poorpinkus says... #25
Oh and Dimensional Breach would be good for a field wipe but on the other hand it doesn't necessarily get rid of anything. My main problem with it is that it could favour those with big creature decks over those with small creature spam, and I am trying to be as fair as possible
SkylordAleksander says... #1
My take on the deck is ordered. It will be here within the week. Will post results!
February 22, 2015 noon