
An idea I'm brewing for a Tor Wauki, the Younger rakdos burn / Dragon's Approach deck. Ping my opponents to death, play some solid rakdos dragons, win the game. Could use some help figuring out what if any cuts I should make to add some stuff from the maybeboard into the main deck.


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After a long time messing with this decklist, I finally got the chance to build the deck and test it in a 4-player pod with some friends. The first two games I played with the deck, I won, though one of them was fairly close. The first game I pulled this deck out, I managed to hit my last opponent for 46 points of damage for a total of 2 mana. I had out Tor Wauki the Younger, Fiery Emancipation, Pyromancer's Ascension with more than two counters, and Locket of Yesterdays out with 4 copies of Dragon's Approach in my graveyard. Because of the Locket, I was able to hit my opponents for 10 points of damage effectively for 1 mana. As mentioned, I had 2 mana open and two copies of DA in my hand. Last opponent was at 27 life with The Wanderer out on the field. Wanderer had 3 loyalty on it. I cast the first DA, targeted Wanderer for 6 with Tor Wauki's cast trigger, then domed him for 20 damage each Approach twice in a row. This deck definitely appears to be able to go from "Not Threatening" to "I Just Won the Game" incredibly quickly.


92% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

35 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.42
Tokens Copy Clone, Treasure
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