This is a deck that synergizes off of these three cards; Brash Taunter, Fiery Emancipation, and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell. With these three cards in play, you can deal 24 pts of direct damage to your opponent's face just by dealing 2 pts of damage to your Brash Taunter! How it works;
Step 1: Have the following cards in play;
Brash Taunter,
Fiery Emancipation, and
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell.
Step 2: Do 2 pts of damage to your
Brash Taunter, say, with the Stomp Adventure from
Bonecrusher Giant. Then
Fiery Emancipation triggers, tripling the damage and it becomes 6 pts of damage to your
Brash Taunter. The
Brash Taunter's ability then triggers, dealing that damage directly to a target opponent. Because it is a red source you control and you are dealing it to an opponent
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell's ability triggers adding 2 pts of damage to the 6 pts of damage making it a total of 8 pts of damage. Then, because a source you control is dealing damage to a player,
Fiery Emancipation triggers again and triples this damage! This gives you a total of 24 pts of damage straight to the face of your opponent!
Best of all, playing Stomp from Bonecrusher Giant means damage can't be prevented this turn which ups the odds of you outright defeating your opponent for only the 2 mana you spent on the Stomp side of Bonecrusher Giant!
It looks like Mono-Red, Gruul, and/or Rakdos are the best colors for building a shell around these cards. Here are some examples of what could happen depending on which colors you choose to play with:
Mono-Red: Assuming these cards are in play; Brash Taunter, Fiery Emancipation, and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Gruul Examples: Assuming these cards are in play; Brash Taunter, Fiery Emancipation, and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Cindervines: With this enchantment in play, your opponent will take 9 pts of damage every time they cast a non-creature spell! If you use the activated ability, the player will take 12 pts of damage!
Domri, Anarch of Bolas: This card enables all of your creatures in play to fight way outside their weight class. Activating his -2 will allow a 1 power creature to deal 9 ts to an opposing creature, and it just scales up from there! The biggest part of this is getting multiple activations from the Brash Taunter in the same turn to wipe your opponent's creature base or even finish the game for all the damage that will be dished out. For example, your opponent has 2 3/3 vanilla creatures in play. Your turn starts and you decide to activate your Brash Taunter targeting one of the 3/3s. They fight each other and with your other cards in play your taunter deals 9 pts of damage to the creature, killing it and being indestructible survives the return damage. Then it's ability triggers and those 3 pts of return damage become 15 pts of direct damage to your opponent!If they are still in the game, you simply activate Domri, Anarch of Bolas's -2 and pick the remaining 3/3 to fight your Brash Taunter. This kills the other creature and hurls another 15 pts of damage at your opponent for a total of 30 direct damage to them and 2 killed creatures for a total cost of 3 mana and 2 loyalty counters!
Rakdos Examples: Assuming these cards are in play; Brash Taunter, Fiery Emancipation, and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Footlight Fiend: Easy way to generate some damage. If it dies with these other cards in play and you target an opponent or an opponent's creature it will deal 9 pts of damage! If you shoot your Brash Taunter with it instead it will do a whopping 15 pts of direct damage to your opponent!
Mayhem Devil: Just like with the Footlight Fiend, this card will let you punish someone or something for either 9 or 15 pts of damage whenever any player sacrifices a permanent.
Obosh, the Preypiercer: Some truly crazy numbers can happen because of this card. When this is in play with the other cards you could cast a simple Shock spell at your Brash Taunter to deal 2 pts of damage. Obosh would double it to 4 pts of damage, Fiery Emancipation would triple it to 12 pts of damage. Then the taunter would trigger itself, this would trigger Torbran, the emancipation and Obosh again! Then the Brash Taunter would hurl an insane 84 pts of damage at your opponent's face! From a single casting of Shock. If you rather just kill a creature, aiming Shock at an opponent's creature would net you a total of 24 pts of damage for that casting of Shock!
Rakdos Firewheeler: This creature becomes monstrous with these cards in play. When you cast this creature, it enters the battlefield then it deals 2 damage to target opponent and 2 damage to up to one target creature or planeswalker. So if you target your opponent and then target your Brash Taunter then this happens; The 2 pts to your opponent becomes 4 pts from Torbran then triples from the Fiery Emancipation for a total of 12 pts of damage to your opponent. Then the 2 you did to the taunter becomes 6 pts from the emancipation, then the taunter triggers, dealing 24 pts of damage to your opponent for a total of 36 pts of damage for casting this creature!