Torbran's Goblin Hose

Commander / EDH MistaMint


GameDragon111 says... #1

This deck seems to be strong and has great foundations. However, I would suggest that you replace Swab Goblin with Purphoros, God of the Forge and Goblin Instigator with Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin.

The god will help you deal mass amounts of damage, especially with Torban as your commander, and the other Krenko will help you create more goblins than Goblin Instigator can.

Also, if you want to deal more damage, you may want to add Fiery Emancipation to your deck. I would replace End the Festivities with that card.

Hope this helps

September 21, 2022 1:42 p.m.

MistaMint says... #2

GameDragon111 I agree with you on those points, but they go against the hidden restrictions set on this deck before I made it.

All creatures except the commander must be goblins. Trying to do something different than sac goblins because that's the norm. Goblins do not have any artifacts of their own, they only steal and break them. I am going to be putting Tin-Street in though, he's just in another deck atm.

By not using Skirk Prospector or mana rocks, a 6 cost enchantment is too high a price.

Good suggestions though, anyone thinking of going along these lines should for sure use them. Thanks for the input

September 21, 2022 3:29 p.m.

TapatioDorito says... #3

Maybe consider Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker to go infinite with Conspicuous Snoop. You could win with Impact Tremors or even Boggart Shenanigans due to ETB or sacrifice triggers, respectively. Swab Goblin is an easy drop to get Kiki-Jiki in.

September 25, 2022 9:52 p.m.

MistaMint says... #4

TapatioDorito I like those suggestions, and I wish you'd put them on the actual suggested part lol.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker would be a good addition to the deck and I'll have to ponder on it. I'm going to be putting Foundry Street Denizen in place of Swab Goblin, as much as I love saying it's name

September 27, 2022 2:44 p.m.

UncleLucky says... #5

I like decks that stick to arbitrary restrictions. Nicely done! Pyrohemia looks like it might be a good source for repeatable damage and works well with your general's asymmetrical ability.

September 27, 2022 4:33 p.m.

MistaMint says... #6

UncleLucky it's an option, but I see that it's at the top of my mana curve and doesn't have an immediate effect so I think it would end up feeling like it slows down the deck. If it survives and gets off 3\9 damage spilt the next turn that Torbran could survive that could be devastating for a 3 mana investment. Thanks for the input

September 27, 2022 6:49 p.m.

Local_Hethen says... #7

I'd recommend swapping your Five-Alarm Fire with Shared Animosity. i.e. During combat you could swing with five 1/1 goblins and they all get +4/+0. Big oof.

Also, if you want to keep you hands full of goblins, try Sensation Gorger.

October 11, 2022 10:15 p.m.

MistaMint says... #8

Local_Hethen I like where your heads at with those cards, they can fit perfectly.

The reasons I went with Five-Alarm Fire are it's innumerable uses in my play group. Having a free burn spell that is essentially 7 damage on hand at all times can take out the big air bodies or tougher creatures that survived Gobo damage. Or after a successful block by an opponent that they manage to scrape by, 14 damage to the face for blocking all my creatures. Or beat someone to death with goblins, and burn another opponent to death. Or in response to someone targeting Torbran, light them on fire first. Great political piece.

Sensation Gorger I don't use because again, playgroup. Lots of graveyard love and recursion happening, and I didn't want to help them. It would definitely fit the crazy feel of the deck though, and would drive people without graveyard interaction crazy.

October 12, 2022 11:08 a.m.

Max_Hammer says... #9

Shared Animosity loves going into Goblin tribals.

Arc Blade is just a reoccurring shock that could deal some pretty okay damage over time and act as removal when you need it to.

October 29, 2022 9:44 p.m.

MistaMint says... #10

Max_Hammer I hear you, and it does make sense for the horde. I was thinking of taking out Five-alarm for that like the other suggestion said, but after a game I played where someone's lands and mana rocks bothered me, I decided to put in Blood Moon to take them away.

Arc Blade doesn't really mesh with the deck I think. Suspend is too predictable and this deck is trying to embrace the chaos. And it only targets one thing after that three turn fuse goes off.

Thanks for the suggestions though

November 11, 2022 4:26 p.m.

Max_Hammer says... #11

Hey, I have more suggestions!


November 11, 2022 5:46 p.m.

MistaMint says... #12

Max_Hammer all of those would have been great suggestions before I put in Blood Moon

November 11, 2022 7:59 p.m.

Interesting idea. Torbran definitely speeds up the goblin aggro clock.

Marton Stromgald the OG aggro lord. The commander for my goblin build (Torbran is in the 99)

Aether Vial your deck has that low Legacy curve

Needle Drop Torbrans can tripping Lightning Bolt

City on Fire speed up the clock

Hammer of Bogardan I really like this in my deck. It might not be appropriate in your build. You know what would be really interesting in yours...Thunderblade Charge! The Torbran boost might make this janky rares 5 graveyard cost worth it. Unique wording. As long as it doesn't get exiled you can do it every combat phase.

August 1, 2024 5:24 p.m.

MistaMint says... #14

@SufferFromEDHD: Most of those are "target" and aren't cost efficient in this deck. For one mana I can hit all opponents creatures for 3.

Aether Vial doesn't feel like a fit because aside from the two 5 drops, the deck maxes out at 4 and is optimized at 3. So vial might get one or two hits, and then do nothing for the remainder of a game, and in a mono red deck I don't like to have cards that have any potential to have no potential.

The clock in this deck is Torbran. When he drops, he's usually accompanied by a low cost damage spell that deals at least three damage to anything that could block, and when their creatures die and the boosted goblins get in, people are usually shocked at the amount of damage they just took. The enchantment is too expensive, and convoke removes any benefits of having those creatures be boosted by it. What's the point of getting it out early if I can't attack that turn? And if I don't convoke it, I'm hoping to see 8 mana in a deck that rarely sees or needs more than 5. It just feels like a "win more" card. If I can play it, I'm already winning the game and it's not actually helping.

All those suggestions are good cards and can work in other decks, but I've never understood suggestions that are essentially "I see what you're doing with the deck. Here's some cards in the complete opposite direction that would require you to retool the whole deck in order to use them."

What I DO like is that your suggestions come from your own deck, your own idea and your own flavour, and you wanted to share those. I appreciate that much more than people who just say "put these cards in your deck because they are in every deck and I don't have any original ideas".

Goblins are an extremely fun and comical tribal and there are many ways to get your Gob on

August 3, 2024 1:49 p.m.

Just spitballing some ideas. Nothing more.

I agree with your card analysis and reasoning. The enchantment is winmore considering Torbran boost. Only card I'm gonna push back on is Aether Vial. This is an aggro deck. It is 1/3 creatures.

5 1-drops

9 2-drops

14 3-drops

Vial's upkeep is a MAY trigger. You keep the charge counters at 1,2 or 3. It guarantees an instant speed, uncounterable creature a turn while allowing you to keep mana open for whatever. I run Urza's Saga in my deck to find it.

August 3, 2024 4:07 p.m.

MistaMint says... #16

SufferFromEDHD I absolutely missed the "may" on that card, which significantly changes it

August 3, 2024 9:04 p.m.

Skullclamp another 1 drop that might be useful.

One more niche suggestion: Chaosphere. Chew on it ;)

"get your Gob on!"

August 3, 2024 9:14 p.m.

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