[PRIMER] Torment From the God-Pharaoh

Standard x12721


Dickified says... #1

Huh...i just may have to sideboard her... Or even main board tbh!

January 29, 2018 4:01 a.m.

Argy says... #2

You alread have a note to fix your mana base.

Until you do, I can't test this deck properly, because I can't get my hands on enough to play some of your important cards.

Aether Hub is great for an early fixer, but is hopeless long term, unless you have a way of making more

Glimmer of Genius can do that, and should be in this deck instead of Hieroglyphic Illumination, as it is about one thousand times better.

Scry 2, then draw 2? YES PLEASE.

I would drop Aether Hub to two (three of you add Glimmer of Genius), then up your Evolving Wilds to three.

If you have a look at the top decks at the moment, that's about how they are doing things.

Tag me in these comments once you fix your lands, and I will take another look.

February 26, 2018 11:06 p.m.

x12721 says... #3

Thank you, Argy, I have changed the Hubs to 2 Courtyards (As my preferred T1 play would be Authority of the Consuls or a Push), an Wilds, and a 4th Catacomb. I also swapped the Approaches with the Azors, because it is much easier to cast, and can be fetched by Azcanta.

February 27, 2018 7:47 a.m.

Argy says... #4

Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin will move Azor, the Lawbringer to the bottom of your Library. You can only put a NONCREATURE, NONLAND Card into your hand, and the rest on the bottom of your Library.

Buh-bye Azor.

Are you thinking of Mastermind's Acquisition? If so, why would you use those, rather than just putting Azor in the Mainboard, and freeing up some space in the Sideboard.

Slaughter the Strong seems an odd card to have in your deck, as it gets rid of all your Creatures, but will leave a wide board of Merfolk largely untouched.

February 27, 2018 8:58 a.m.

x12721 says... #5

Yeah, I agree with your thoughts on both Azor, the Lawbringer and Slaughter the Strong.

Azor will be seeing the axe, I think. He seems really good, but I'm thinking Nezahal, Primal Tide would be a better control finisher. What do you think? I also was wavering between Yahenni's Expertise (as it misses my own creatures) and Fumigate as a boardwipe.

Finally, do you think that Acquisition would be a good card to have? At all? I have no experiences with Wishes in Standard.

Thank you for your time, Argy.

February 27, 2018 10:45 a.m.

Argy says... #6

Nezahal, Primal Tide is definitely a better choice.

With Yahenni's Expertise, it very much depends on your meta. Try it, and you will find out quickly if it works.

Unless you have some clever reason for using Mastermind's Acquisition, I think it is a silly card to use. It would be best as a three of, ONLY to ensure that you hit a certain card.

It costs a lot, and stops you from putting another, more valuable, card in your deck.

February 27, 2018 8:22 p.m.

eragon795 says... #7

So I quite like the look of the list at the moment, but II do have a couple of suggestions.

First off, I don't really like overwhelming Splendor in this deck. I think it's a very interesting card, but it costs so much for a limited effect the I would prefer to play another, more versatile answer instead.

Second, why are you not playing 4 copies of Vraska's Contempt? That card is absolutely BONKERS! and it's also your best answer to many of the treats in the format, such as Hazoret, Scarab God, Chandra, etc.

Finally, I would recommend playing a playset of Glimmer of Genius and some number of Essence Scatter as bot are very good right now.

I have seen the revision log which appears to have some of these suggestions showing, but they aren't appearing in the decklist that I can see. Good luck with the deck!

February 28, 2018 9:09 p.m.

x12721 says... #8

Thank you both, multimedia and eragon795!

eragon795, I'll start with your comments. I now have one Splendor in the side, just as my long term answer to dinos and similar. I can still fetch it with Acquisition if I need it, I guess. There are a couple reasons for only three Contempts (two main, one side). The first is that it's kind of clunky as a 4-of, as I can usually make do with the two I have + T. Hulk flashback. Secondly, most of the targets for it are targets for Essence Scatter anyway, so I can use them instead (and save some money too!)

Finally, I am currently favoring Illuminations over Glimmers because I can cycle them early game, and later flash them back with the Hulks. The scry is nice, but I have no need for energy at the moment.

multimedia, thank you for the detailed lists! I really appreciate the help.

I did originally have Approach in the deck, but it seemed really... inconstant, as I had not originally built the deck with it in mind. After testing, I decided to stick with Gideon in its place. I would still be willing to switch that around, though. I have taken out most of the white now, and I will be testing with some of the modifications you suggested in its place. The last thing I need is a good boardwipe. I previously had Yahenni's Expertise, but removed it after a while. Should I go back to it? I also have been thinking about Azor's Gateway  Flip. It seems really good, but I don't know of a place for it.

Thank you both for all your feedback and help, I appreciate it!

March 2, 2018 12:42 p.m.

w33m4n says... #9

No need for energy is not a reason to not run it. I run Glimmer of Genius in Treasure Production Control with no possible use for energy but the ability to move up to 4 cards for 4 mana instant speed is winning over Hieroglyphic Illumination. The cycle is nice sure early game, but that isn't when you would wanna be drawing in a control style deck. You'd want it turn 4 or on more traditionally. In control if you really need to draw within the first 3 turns you probably should have mulliganed. if you need early draw just run Opt which would be a better 1 mana 1 draw option given its scry instead of discard like cycling. Sure the discard is an option later for Torrential Gearhulk but playing control by that time your graveyard should be full of spells anyway that would do good(or that glimmer ya popped off turn 4 and now you can move up to 4 cards again.

March 2, 2018 1:54 p.m.

w33m4n says... #10

although I will say this deck is very fun and very very veeeerrrryyyyy long games playing against control. I feel like you are lacking a little in the ending the game department. It definitely holds off but in a counter control matchup it is just a straight fight of attrition to see who gets the game ender first ON TO THE FIELD. That's the hard part. In testing my Treasure Production Control against it, it's a very very hard fought matchup between the two.

March 2, 2018 2:27 p.m.

Argy says... #11

Glad to hear this deck is performing well.

March 12, 2018 6:28 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #12

The description says esper, yet your are grixix...?

March 23, 2018 8:54 a.m.

x12721 says... #13

Ha! Thanks for catching that mistake, DrkNinja! I was waffling between the two builds, and forgot to change that in the description. Thank you!

March 23, 2018 5:08 p.m.

w33m4n says... #14

cheap removal pieces like Cast Down and such from the new set should be great for here.

March 23, 2018 5:25 p.m.

x12721 says... #15

w33m4n I know, I'm so excited! I'm seriously thinking about making an Esper build after rotation.

March 29, 2018 9:53 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #16

I'm just sad I can't play this in Arena.

March 29, 2018 1:44 p.m.

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