
Creature (2)

Artifact (2)


The basic idea of this deck is to control the early game with the discard-shell, then prevent all ETB-Triggers with Torpor Orb and Hushwing Gryff and punish the opponent with the three different fatties.
Torpor Orb and Hushwing Gryff make the creatures in this deck playable. Just one of them would make the deck to unstable. When the opponent tries to destroy our Torpor Orb in response to playing a Hunted Horror in turn 5 or above, you can flash the Gryff on the board to prevent the negative effect of our creature. Two Ratchet Bomb mainboard are flexible to kill the tokens of our Hunted Horror if the plan goes wrong or just to make an boardwipe with the most effective cmc-curve on the board in the late midrange.
Most of the time, you start the game with two discard spells and you try to dominate the early game with discarding all the good stuff from your opponent.

Inquisition of Kozilek is always your first choice and you always hit the best card in the early game with no drawback. Thoughtseize with the additional cost of 2 life is your second choice and can also hit the midgame cards with cmc 4 or higher if you don't want them on the board. When you already saw your opponents hand and you can get rid of additional creatures with Despise.

Treacherous Pit-Dweller is the first creature you can drop because it's drawback triggers not until He dies, so you can bring the No-ETB enabler in the next turn into play.

Hunted Horror is just super broken, 7/7 Trample for , just super efficient, but you need an No-ETB enabler first to play him or a Ratchet Bomb in response.

Dust Elemental is the most expensive fattie in the deck, but I think his Flash ability makes him playable and more flexible and less susceptible for removel in comparison with e.g. Eater of Days.

Apostle's Blessing is clearly the Best protection spell in this deck and it's so flexible. Most important thing is, you can protect your Torpor Orb for only and 2 Life with instant speed when the opponent tries to get rid of our Torpor Orb and tries to enable the downside of our creatures ;) Of course, protecting a fattie from being pathed or just make him unblockable for lethal damage is a great option.

Ratchet Bomb can fix the downside of our Hunted Horror if we have no No-ETB enabler or our opponent destroyed it in response. Otherwise you can always fire your Ratchet Bomb for the most efficient cmc-curve on the field.

Lightning Greaves gives the fatties permanent removel protection and haste, i think two of them mainboard are a good choice.

Drown in Sorrow is a super cheap boardwipe with scry which doesn't kill our own creature's against Weenie Decks. I think it's so good in this deck that we can play two of them mainboard.

Shambling Vent is a bit slow, but we don't need that speed in most cases. A extra blocker/attacker in the late game with lifelink which gives us more time to survive against fast aggro decks and colorfixing is more important.

Sorin, Solemn Visitor's +1 with these big creature's is just a brillant lifeswing we need for extra time. Also giving the opponent the choice to attack the planeswalker instead of us potentially gives us extra time :) If we have no creature's in play we can produce a blocker with his -2 which is sometimes not bad when you don't draw enough creatures

I couldn't test it that much, but i had problems against heavy creature decks like Merfolk and CoCo-Elves, so i think Drown in Sorrow and Languish are the best solutions against. The rest of the sideboard is pretty by feeling, e.g. Spellskite against Burn.

What do you think? How can I improve this Deck?

Especially the sideboard needs a lot of improvement


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Revision 1 See all

(9 years ago)

+2 Despise main
-4 Distress main
+2 Drown in Sorrow main
+4 Dust Elemental main
+1 Godless Shrinefoil main
+2 Lightning Greaves main
+2 Phyrexian Obliterator maybe
-1 Swamp main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #26 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years
Splash colors W

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 8 Rares

8 - 7 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Tokens Centaur 3/3 G w/ Pro Black, Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Vampire 2/2 B
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