

"Take heed struggler. Struggle, endure, contend, for that alone is the sword of one who defies Death. Do not forget these words." -Skull Knight, Berserk

Freshly updated version of Toshiro; Now with Crimes! ;) All the heavy interaction you can shake a hunk of iron at! Recovery as both a mana-bomb & rez deck, with MUCH more resiliency & responsiveness than usual at doing so... You gotta be fast & hardy to last in the bleak world of Berserk

Give it all another go if it fails the first time, via Tosh-triggered Kaervek, the Punisher or Corpse Dance / Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed.

RPG Element: Alters depict scenes/characters from the anime/manga BERSERK. If Toshiro (Guts) loses while in play, Yawgmoth (Griffith) becomes the General & the Maybeboard swaps into the deck. If Yawgmoth loses (or kills himself), Toshiro returns to lead the next game. Immortal Enemies in an Eternal Power Struggle

"DO NOT PRAY! If you pray, your hands will close together. You will not be able to fight!" -Guts

Alters: Toshiro Umezawaaltered = Guts

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyxaltered = Casca

Umezawa's Jittealtered = Guts battling Nosferatu Zodd

Thought Vessel = Schierke with Ivalera

Sword of the Animist = Isidro with Salamander Dagger

Yawgmoth, Thran Physicianaltered = Griffith/Femto

Sidisi, Undead Vizieraltered = Void

Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalaltered = Slan

Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hungeraltered = Conrad

Mikaeus, the Unhallowedaltered = Ubik

Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyedalteredfoil = Skull Knight

Jet Medallion = 'Egg of the King' Behelit

Word of Commandaltered = Brand of Sacrifice

SINKS: Tymaret, Chosen from Death - Tainted Adversary - Necropotence - Peer into the Abyss - Corpse Dance - Evolved Sleeper - Outrageous Robbery - Black Sun's Zenith - The Meathook Massacre - Torment of Hailfire - Agadeem's Awakening  


Sheoldred, the Apocalypse + Peer into the Abyss

Sensei's Divining Top + Bolas's Citadel (Aetherflux Reservoir in SB for extra evil)

Grave Pact + Ogre Slumlord + any free-Sac (eg. Yawgmoth or Yahenni)

Nest of Scarabs + Yawgmoth, Thran Physician + Zulaport Cutthroat + 1 other creature to start

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Yawgmoth, Thran Physician + Gray Merchant of Asphodel + 1 other creature (Walking Ballista in SB)

Tree of Perdition + Sudden Spoiling = Set their Life to 2 (then flashback Blood Pact or Landfall Dread Presence)

Hatred + Tainted Strike / General damage / any Lifelinker

Grave Titan + Mimic Vat = Overwhelming Tokens (Nim Deathmantle & Ashnod's Altar viable)

Cabal Coffers / Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx at 6 + Deserted Temple + Rings of Brighthearth = Overflowing Coffers!

OR Corpse Dance + Magus of the Coffers + Yahenni, Undying Partisan = Deep Mana Pockets!

Once you pop, the fun = Corpse Dance 8D - its suite: Fleshbag Marauder becomes 1-sided Lethal Vapors without downside. Sidisi, Undead Vizier becomes Enter the Infinite. Gonti, Lord of Luxury becomes Villainous Wealth. Archon of Crueltyfoil becomes their worst nightmare. And many more!

Extra credit:

Head Games + Misinformation + Word of Command = Thwart their plans, their mojo, & their livelihood!

Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed reusing Ghouls' Night Out to keep the deadliest recruits, or give him his Behelit Blade Vorpal Sword for the classic: "Skull Knight banishes you to the Shadow Realm!" (also good on a Flyer + Sudden Spoiling)

"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." - Friedrich Nietzsche


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94% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 7 years
Last updated 1 day

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 10 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.18
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Decayed, Zombie Rogue 2/2 UB
Folders Permanent Posse, Decks to make, Inspirational card choices, Inspo, References, Other Player's Decks, EDH - My Decks, edh, EDH Decks, DEcks
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