Trampling Golgari

Modern Xzallion

SCORE: 22 | 50 COMMENTS | 11997 VIEWS | IN 18 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/08

Gigglestomp says... #1

The scavenge on Drudge Beetle is very very high mana drop. In an aggro deck the game usually needs to end before control decks take the game over turn 6-7.

I like the concept though. I have a similar deck i'm tweaking... deck:corpsejack-aggro-deck

Also check out Vampire Nighthawk for one more mana over the imp it gets an extra power, 2 toughness, and deathtouch.

November 15, 2012 2:07 p.m.

Xzallion says... #2

The Vampire Nighthawk is a good suggestion, but I need a lot of scavenge built into this deck. I might replace the drudge beetle with some Dreg Mangler 's or something similar to get the power boost and scavenge.

November 16, 2012 1:26 p.m.

Xzallion says... #3

I pulled out Golgari Charm and Dreg Mangler from the sideboard, and pulled card:Inquisitor's Flail from the main deck. moved Treasured Find from the mainboard to sideboard, as well as added a Lumberknot to my sideboard. Added Primordial Hydra 's, card:Death's Presence's and a Lumberknot to my main deck.

November 19, 2012 5:17 p.m.

comatoseeffect says... #4

I'm not sure why you removed Dreg Mangler . A 3/3 for 3CMC, with haste and a scavenge cost that places it the turn after you drop Corpsejack Menace is pretty fantastic in my book.

November 19, 2012 7 p.m.

Get rid of Korozda Monitor s and put in Deadbridge Goliath s, i'd substitute Drudge Beetle for the Goliath as well. And don't forget about card:Rogue's Passage. I'd also switch out Grisly Salvage for card:Jarad's Orders, so when you have enough land, fetch out something strong, like Primordial Hydra , and ditch Slitherhead .

November 23, 2012 2:16 a.m.

Demarge says... #6

I would suggest you read this article on deckbuilding.

by the sound of it if you follow this article your uncle should never be able to win a game again until he reads the article and follows it's advice.

November 25, 2012 1:13 a.m.

Xzallion says... #7

Thank you for the link Demarge, I skimmed it and will go over it in more detail this week, and make some changes to my deck.

cestdesconneries, thanks for the tips. I ordered some Deadbridge Goliath 's and Predator Ooze 's for my deck, and will look into card:Rogue's Passage and card:Jarad's Orders.

Looking forward to tweaking and updating this deck.

November 25, 2012 1:08 p.m.

DaggerV says... #8

Might I have you explain what you mean by Demarge? Unless I'm missing a comment somewhere else? Mono-green is viable, as is any other mono-color.

November 26, 2012 3:20 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #9

First, its not mono green DaggerV.

Also, i read the article. There are some solid balancing tips there.

November 26, 2012 6:27 a.m.

Xzallion says... #10

DaggerV I was thanking the commenter above my last comment, whose name was Demarge.

November 26, 2012 1:50 p.m.

DaggerV says... #11

Meant the comment about the uncle not being able to win another game unless he reads that, with the comment about the deck being mono-green, sorry for the confusion.

November 26, 2012 7:23 p.m.

Xzallion says... #12

DaggerV I can't find anything in the comments about mono-green, it was never mentioned before your comment. The article mentioned (Zero to Sixty: Daily MTG) is just about deck building, and has some good tips but does not talk about mono-green.

November 26, 2012 9:54 p.m.

DaggerV says... #13

In the update it's mentioned your uncle runs mono-green in the match-up, and Demarge comment was from sound of it your uncle shouldn't be able to win another game until he reads it. None of that equated to anything to me, that is all, sorry for the confusion, carry on. Mis-interpretation and what not.

November 26, 2012 10:50 p.m.

Xzallion says... #14

Ah okay, I just couldn't figure out where the mono-green was coming from. Now I get it.

November 26, 2012 11:33 p.m.

Xzallion says... #15

I did an overhaul of my deck, here is a run down of the changes: mainboard: removed 2 Daggerdrome Imp 2 Drudge Beetle 2 Golgari Decoy 1 Vraska the Unseen 2 Golgari Keyrune 2 Korozda Monitor 1 Primordial Hydra 2 Terrus Wurm Added 2 Forest 2 Swamp 3 Sewer Shambler 3 Dreg Mangler 3 Predator Ooze Sideboard: removed 2 Sewer Shambler 1 Lumberknot added 3 Rites of Reaping . I am competing in todays FNM and will take careful notes of how my deck performs. Any final suggestions would be appreciated.

December 7, 2012 1:35 a.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #16

Whats your strategy on using Champion of Lambholt ? How come you don't use Woodland Cemetery

December 20, 2012 1:17 a.m.

Xzallion says... #17

I just can't afford the Woodland Cemetery or Overgrown Tomb yet, I want to add them. The Champion of Lambholt is there to allow my smaller creatures to attack early on until I'm ready to sacrifice and scavenge counters on something else. It was a card I decided to try on a whim, haven't had a chance to use it in game yet so I'm waiting to see how well it works before I decide to swap it for something else.

December 20, 2012 2:51 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #18

Champion of Lambholt is a damn scary card. I use her in my golgari deck and she usually catches people by suprise. Most do not register that it makes everyone unblockable, and by HER power. Even after they read it they will still ignore her too long usually.

That said, she works best in decks with multiple ways to power her up. Shes going to be very vulnerable as a 1/1 until you get 4 or so creatures on the board or get a few killed to scavenge. If you want to run her, and i'd reccomend it, I would add Increasing Savagery x3. It synergizes with coprsejack, can come back from the grave (Which keeps to the theme) and can instantly add 5(alone)-20(GY and corpsejack) tokens to anyone, including lambholt, depending on field positions.

It doesnt happen often, but if you get 2 corpsejacks out and then drop this, you get 5x2=10 x2 = 20 tokens without even casting it from the graveyard.

Now picture using Essence Harvest ... =D

Essence harvest is another one that always catches people by surprise. Their eyes get all wide, they've never seen it before, and when you chomp 16 points with it or so they panic sideboard a ton of cards over.

December 20, 2012 10:17 a.m.

KrisLoom186 says... #19

Nice combo with Increasing Savagery

December 20, 2012 3:16 p.m.

TzarChasm says... #20

Your deck has given me a few ideas on how to refine my own Golgari effort. I really like the idea of running Essence Harvest with Primordial Hydra , and somehow I'd missed the incredible potential of Predator Ooze in this kind of deck, despite that I own a play set of them.

If I may make a suggestion, Hunger of the Howlpack is insane in this kind of build, offering a permanent Giant Growth effect at instant speed. With a Corpsejack Menace in play you can toss up to six counters on any of your creatures for G. Granted, you have to trigger morbid, but I'm sure you can find a way to make something die. ;)

December 20, 2012 4 p.m.

Xzallion says... #21

TzarChasm Yeah I could throw in Jarad and just sack a creature, or just chump block to trigger it and scavenge that creature. There are a lot of good possibilities. Thanks for the suggestion!

December 20, 2012 5:12 p.m.

TzarChasm says... #22

I don't really like Jarad for Golgari decks because he's strangely anti-synergistic with the Scavenge mechanic. Every time you scavenge he gets weaker, albeit only slightly. Personally, I'd much rather run Increasing Savagery or more Corpsejack Menace s at the four-mana mark.

December 20, 2012 6:12 p.m.

Golgari Charm or Abrupt Decay to get rid of those pesky enchantment's that plague you so, also consider a Deadbridge Goliath a 5/5 for 2GG is pretty damn good and a scavenge for 4GG for 5 +1/+1 counter's isnt something to scoff at, specially if you have a corpsejack out.

December 26, 2012 1:05 a.m.

DarkHero says... #24

use Alpha Authority instead of Ring of Evos Isle and add Bioshift somewhere

February 7, 2013 3:35 p.m.

DarkHero says... #25

you need to run 4x Woodland Cemetery and at least 2x Overgrown Tomb and Golgari Guildgate is unnecessary if you can do that. You could consider cards such as Increasing Savagery , Revenge of the Hunted , Burst of Strength , Forced Adaptation . Seriously check out my deck Simic Golgari Alliance.

February 7, 2013 3:41 p.m.

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