
So I was searching the Magic inter webs and I was reminded of the card Master Transmuter. I thought - "Wouldn't this be an interesting Modern card? So I brainstormed, then thought: " BING! Gifts Ungiven + Master Transmuter " What? You say.

Let me explain,

You use Gifts Ungiven to search for these four cards:

-Unburial Rites

-Sharuum the Hegemon

-Master Transmuter

-Any of your toolbox artifacts.

Heres what happens depending on what cards your opponent puts in your hand:

Unburial Rites/Master Transmuter: Unburial Rites reanimates Sharuum the Hegemon which in turn reanimates your toolbox artifact. Play Master Transmuter to cheat in whatevers in your hand (not stuff involved in the tutoring).

Unburial Rites/Sharuum the Hegemon: Unburial Rites reanimates Master Transmuter which in turn cheats in Sharuum the Hegemon which brings back the toolbox artifact.

Unburial Rites/toolbox artifact: Unburial Rites reanimates Sharuum the Hegemon which in turn reanimates Master Transmuter which cheats the toolbox artifact into play.

Master Transmuter/Sharuum the Hegemon: Play Master Transmuter which cheats in Sharuum the Hegemon which, reanimates the toolbox artifact. You save the Unburial Rites for another time.

Master Transmuter/toolbox artifact: Play Master Transmuter which cheats in the toolbox artifact. You could reanimate the Sharuum the Hegemon, but it is more useful to wait until one of your artifacts die.

Sharuum the Hegemon/toolbox artifact: reanimate Master Transmuter with Unburial Rites, cheat the toolbox artifact into play using Master Transmuter. Save Sharuum the Hegemon for another time, though you could cheat her in with Master Transmuter since she's in your hand.

So thats how the combo works! It is extremely consistent.

Also, I'm debating between Mind Stone, Expedition Map and Etherium Sculptor. Any thoughts?


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 3 Mythic Rares

28 - 7 Rares

16 - 5 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
Folders Borrowing 100,000 Ideas, Modern, Thing I want to build, Liked Decks, Would Like to Build, Modern Transmuter, Modern
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