Trauma 6.0

Modern* R.C.


R.C. says... #1

I will definitely look into Archivist . It could definitely help out. And I see your point. Guess I'm just sentimental lol.

August 10, 2014 8:13 p.m.

Programmer_112 says... #2

I don't really like Traumatize in mill decks. I mean, think about it. With Palladium Myr , it could come down as early as Turn 4. At this point, it isn't really very much bang for your buck. I would much rather have had 4 Hedron Crab s down and mill 12 per land.

August 11, 2014 10:08 p.m.

R.C. says... #3

I luckily found some more Hedron Crab s. And I've never regretted using Traumatize . The odds of getting all the Hedron crabs on the field early isn't that great. And so far Traumatize has always been the biggest bang for its buck. And a great combo with Undead Alchemist . And now with Keening Stone I can take someone out pretty quickly.

August 24, 2014 1:22 p.m.

to take out traumatize would be traumatizing to this deck

August 24, 2014 11:25 p.m.

vomdur says... #5

Psychic Spiral get all your cards back and mill them at the same time!

also Elixir of Immortality will help sustain you to get some things going and grab back cards again!

I would take out Plumeveil Ring of Evos Isle and maybe trim a few creatures down to add more control magic and get some more 4 ofs to help with your consistency.

I have a mill deck (not uploaded to tappedout) I run it B/U with Consuming Aberration and a bunch of cipher cards with a few unblockables mills extremely fast.

September 3, 2014 2:21 p.m.

R.C. says... #6

I might consider Elixir of Immortality . Maybe even take out Grindclock . Plumeveil has been a lifesaver. And I need the defense. The Ring might be dropped soon...the time it takes to build seems annoying like Grindclock...Like I said in my update. It feels like my deck got worse somewhere when I tried to get more of the same cards.

September 6, 2014 11:50 a.m.

Kratos1810 says... #7

I'm not too much of a mill player, but I have dabbled in it before. Here's a bit of personal experience that may help:

  1. I used green for Axebane Guardian , and he's best buds with Doorkeeper . Sometimes adding a color helps cover for weaknesses in decks, green especially. Plus Mind Grind with G/U is hilarious.

  2. I preferred Psychic Spiral due to instant speed shuffle/mill versus Traumatize . Again personal preference being a once strict U/W control wanting every card as instant.

Hope these bits of knowledge help your deck out. Perhaps try for consistency with 4 copies versus a bunch of 2 ofs and 1 ofs. Cheers!

September 29, 2014 1:06 p.m.

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