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Traxos, Scourge of Kroog - Voltron Stax

Commander / EDH



Robot dinosaur gonna eat you by turn 5 and there's nothing you can do about it.

4 main lines to winning:

1) Slam Traxos ASAP with fast mana and get swinging. Should be able to consistently take the most threatening player out by turn 6. Protect Traxos with equipment to make him Hexproof/ Shrouded and Indestructible, and slam Stax pieces to prevent opponent's being able to stop you.

2) Set up repeatable boardwipes with Nevinyrral's Disk and Darksteel Forge. If you need to wipe on each turn, throw Unwinding Clock into the mix. Most people will scoop here unless they have a way to exile the Forge at instant speed (watch out for this!)

3) Generate infinite mana and draw your deck. This is most reliably done with Basalt Monolith, Rings of Brighthearth and Sensei's Divining Top, each of which are great cards on their own. Once you have infinite mana and your whole deck, you can win with a giant Machine Gun Bastard (aka Walking Ballista) or just puking your deck onto the board and winning with a hasty, equipped Traxos.

4) Deploy rapidly from your deck with Planar Bridge and Unwinding Clock. You need to accumulate a lot of mana rocks for this (or have a Clock of Omens on board), or have a Metalworker with enough artifacts in hand.

Concerning what pieces I chose in the Stax/ Fort category and why:

  • Crawlspace and Silent Arbiter are great for protecting yourself against go-wide strategies while the latter also prevents double-blocking Traxos meaning you're probably gonna get some damage through on each attack.

  • Winter Orb is somewhat obvious given how many mana rocks we're playing. Similarly, Static Orb is less harmful to us as we have lots of mana sources that produce more than 1 mana (as opposed to most opponents just untapping 1 or 2 lands for 1 mana each). You won't make any friends playing these, but they do a lot of work.

  • Blinkmoth Well, Icy Manipulator and Pacification Array are mainly to tap down our Winter and Static Orbs on the end step before our turn so they don't affect us, but can also be used to tap down problematic creatures/ artifacts. They can also tap things like Howling Mine on our turn so our opponents don't get their benefits (this is even easier to do with Clock of Omens, which can serve many purposes in the deck).

  • Meekstone doesn't really affect us at all as Traxos doesn't untap on our untap step anyway. It's great disruption for conventional creature strategies. Similarly, Maze of Ith can deter significant attackers.

  • Platinum Emperion is basically Glacial Chasm for our deck; if we can protect it with Hexproof + Indestructible over Traxos, we're basically untouchable unless an opponent can wipe our board.

  • Torpor Orb can hose a lot of decks that are reliant on abusing ETBs, particularly green decks which run things like Bane of Progress and Reclamation Sage.

Sensei's Divining Top + Activated Untapper (Manifold Key/ Voltaic Key/ Clock of Omens): This basically creates an activated ability of "{2}: Draw a Card" It leaves your Top open to destruction or counterspells, though, which can be annoying (but not too harmful, in the grand scheme of things). Tap the Top, hold priority and activate your Untapper targeting the Top, then activate the top again once your Untapper's ability resolves.

Nevinyrral's Disk + Darksteel Forge: As discussed above, this can win you the game. The Disk doesn't actually sacrifice itself for its ability, so it's a repeatable effect if the Disk is indestructible. Darksteel Forge achieves this, making a 1-sided board wipe every turn if you need it.

Metalworker + Planar Bridge: Metalworker is busted on its own, but being perhaps the biggest burst mana source in the deck makes it incredibly powerful with Planar Bridge. If you somehow have both of these on board at once, your first target to fetch should usually be Unwinding Clock as it can let you fetch on each player's turn.

Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth: This is a well documented infinite mana combo. You need Rings and Basalt Monolith on board, and 2 mana open to start the combo.

  1. Tap the monolith to add {3}
  2. Untap the monolith with its own activated ability
  3. Pay {2} to Rings of Brighthearth to copy the untap ability
  4. Let the copy resolve; your Monolith is now untapped with another untap on the stack.
  5. Tap the rings to add {3} in response to the original untap ability, then let the untap resolve. You're back where you started, except you netted {1}.

Sensei's Divining Top + Rings of Brighthearth + Infinite Mana: You can draw your whole deck by tapping to Top and copying its ability with Rings; this will draw a card, put the Top on your deck then draw the Top. Cast it again and repeat. Without infinite mana, this combo can still draw multiple cards each turn at {3} per draw.

Clock of Omens + Traxos, Scourge of Kroog: Clock of Omens is perhaps the best activated Untapper in the deck, and interacts particularly well with our commander. If you're untapping mana rocks to cast multiple spells in a turn, try to tap Traxos to untap mana rocks so when you cast the spell, Traxos untaps again. If you're really efficient, you can effectively halve the activation cost of the Clock in some turns!

Mystic Forge + Sensei's Divining Top: Mystic Forge is already powerful, but Top interacts it similarly to how Top interacts with Bolas's Citadel; you can tap the Top to flip it on top of your deck and draw a card, then cast the Top from the top of your deck. This boils down to "{1}: Draw a card" which is already incredibly powerful, plus being able to spin the Top to choose the best of the top 3 is fantastic. Combined with an effect that reduces the cost of artifact spells (Ugin, the Ineffable, The Immortal Sun, Semblance Anvil), we can draw our entire deck for free!


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EDIT: With the banning of Paradox Engine, some more edits have been made

M20 has given us a couple of goodies so far which I'm keen to jam in the deck. Combined with me finally finding my copy of Walking Ballista, I've tried to streamline some lines to winning:


  • Mystic Forge: Our own version of Experimental Frenzy, except it can clear our top card if we don't want it! Combined with some of the topdeck manipulation we have in Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top, we can be casting spells much more consistently.

  • Manifold Key: Voltaic Key already offers this deck a ton of utility in being able to untap Traxos at worst, or a Basalt Monolith, Mana Vault or Grim Monolith at best. Redundancy for it that can even make Traxos unlockable is even better!

  • Walking Ballista: Perhaps the best infinite mana outlet we have in colourless, Ballista lets us channel infinite mana from any of our combos into an arbitrarily large dude with which to machine gun our opponents. It's easier to assemble than a KCI combo, and we can recover from a counterspell with some of the artifact recursion we have.

  • Elixir of Immortality: This is mainly to allow our massive Ballista to win deterministically if it gets countered, but can also help us get other important resources back into our library from the graveyard while gaining a little life to hold on.

  • Bag of Holding: Another looting engine, not quite as good as Treasure Map or Azor's Gateway, but can be useful for refilling if you end up discarding spells to it. It can also seem like a threatening cache of resources which makes it a good lightning rod for removal...

  • Metalworker: This is perhaps the one of the most powerful mana sources in the deck; usable as early as turn 3 sometimes, this can ramp you hugely and combos fantastically with Planar Bridge. Metalworker demands an answer before it can tap, or you can surge ahead.

  • Cryptic Caves: While I like to minimize the number of nonbasics in the deck to make Endless Atlas more consistent, this is definitely worth running to cope with flooding out.

  • Mystifying Maze: This is perhaps a less definite replacement, but I feel it's worth having a little redundancy for a Maze effect.


  • Explosive Apparatus: There's no getting around the fact that this is a bad card outside of the KCI combo. Drawing it felt awful and didn't justify very occasionally being able to do silly combos.

  • Junk Diver: This card impossibly difficult to find and, outside the KCI combo, hasn't been performing brilliantly.

  • Myr Retriever: with the removal of the KCI combo, this gets a bit worse. I'm still tempted to keep it to be able to return artifacts from the graveyard.

  • Krark-Clan Ironworks: Having removed several important pieces of the KCI combo, I think KCI itself isn't doing enough for the deck anymore. I'm much more inclined to build Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle if I want a KCI deck in Commander.

  • Blinkmoth Urn: While this can ramp us absurdly, it's too slow most of the time. Unless you're playing this before turn 4, it's a whole turn of doing nothing to make more mana than you probably know what to do with.

  • Arcane Encyclopedia: With the number of consistent card draw engines in the deck, I decided it would be better to have a cheap cycling engine over a fairly inefficient card draw engine. I might add it back in if I find many situations where I have 3 mana left.

  • 3xWastes: Removed 1 because I miscounted lands, back down to 35 now. Other two were removed to accommodate Cryptic Caves and Mystifying Maze.


Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.09
Tokens City's Blessing, Construct 0/0 C, Spirit 2/2 C, Treasure
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