Tread with Caution (1st place FNM)

Standard Vindemiatrixx


Quadsimotto says... #1

With four advent of the wurms i would have trostani in the main board two for two of the smiters.

October 11, 2013 5:19 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #2

That is something to consider, however im trying to maximize the odds of getting a wurm on T4... so I am not 100% sure on the swap as of yet. I do love Trostani though, such a beautiful card.

October 11, 2013 5:21 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #3

By swapping two smiters for two trostanis you dont lose any chance that you already have for achieving your goal. you only add one CMC to one your creature spots, you gain life each time something comes in after that and you can populate your big fat wurms each turn. I play tested my dimir against a deck similar but not nearly as creature heavy as this yesterday and just got swarmed with that very combo. I upvoted this cause it looks solid as can be. if your taking this to your next FNM i hope you just over run the competition. I am skeptical of my build as of now being that almost every deck i play test against just whoops me. So i am thinking maybe go more control very similar to your Dimir. Or go aggro red black. I havent decided.

October 11, 2013 5:30 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #4

Red black is a fun playstyle, but if you aren't on a strict budget I think Esper Control has the best odds overall, but that depends if you are willing to shell out tons of cash for cards like Sphinx's Revelation and tons of shocks. And sorry I thought you meant take out 2x Advent of the Wurm but obviously you meant the Loxodon Smiter but yeah I would actually like to make that swap! Good suggestion! My Dimir deck did manage to beat this deck but it really just depends on how often I draw removal... I would have to sideboard alot more removal for it to be consistant, as it stands this deck is 7-1 with my dimir deck so it is pretty brutal overall id say, probably even more so once I make the Smiter swap!

October 11, 2013 5:52 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #5

I dont even want to pit my dimir against this. I may try my ramp to grind or carnival of pain up against it but my mill deck is wayyyyy to slow for this. Ill be overrun by turn three or four.

October 11, 2013 6:25 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #6

Eh i tried it with both of those decks and they just couldn't keep up with the sheer amount of creatures this deck peddles. That Experiment One followed by a Fleecemane Lion followed by Witchstalker then a Advent of the Wurm CRIPES man that. is pretty much game over. By turn four if you have been swinging away they will not have enough defenders to save themselves for turn five and even if they have managed to stave off the swarm they are probably running shy on removal and you havent even touched the meat of your creatures yet. I really am impressed with this build. I am also glad i dont have to play against your deck at FNM when i get home cause it would be looking bad for the home team over here. LOL I almost beat it with my R/B thanks to Slaughter Games early two of the games out of the match( bye bye advent). And i managed to grind it out thanks to you getting screwed for mana early in my first game with my ramp to grind but ultimately the Lulipop Guild managed to midget kick me in the ass and send me down the yellow brick road. Sorry for the novel here.

October 11, 2013 8:01 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #7

Haha no worries, I like reading and coversation, yeah this deck has become really brutal, especially if T1 I get an Elvish Mystic or a Experiment One followed by a Fleecemane Lion or Voice of Resurgence not to mention that if the Voice dies and I have 4 creatures out its a 5/5 elemental token. Advent of the Wurm is a really good surprise blocker if an enemy thinks they can get through. Also its just really good to play on opponents end step so it can swing in the following turn. The plus side to the deck against burn is Trostani, Selesnya's Voice which gives us tons of life if we get the chance to get it off in time. Against control side in Rootborn Defenses for board wipes from Supreme Verdict and populate a 5/5 wurm.... it just gets out of hand really fast. I have to say I love this deck so far.

October 11, 2013 7 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #8

I reworked my +1/+1 Domination (2nd place FNM) and I'm going to playtest it against this and see the results. I'll post them in here with a turn-by-turn play.

October 13, 2013 3 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #9

Game 1:

Coin flip- I go first.


Turn 1:

ME: Forest , pass turn.

YOU: Selesnya Guildgate , pass turn.

Life totals: 20-20


Turn 2:


ME: Swamp , Gyre Sage , pass turn.

YOU: Temple Garden , pay 2 life, Voice of Resurgence , pass turn.

Life totals: 20-18


Turn 3:


ME: Burst of Strength on my Gyre Sage , tap Gyre Sage and Swamp to play another Gyre Sage

YOU: Selesnya Guildgate , Fleecemane Lion . Attack with Voice of Resurgence . No blockers assigned.

Life totals: 18-18


Turn 4:


ME: tap Swamp , Forest , and Gyre Sage to play Renegade Krasis . It causes both Gyre Sage to evolve. Current board is a 3/4 Gyre Sage , 2/3 Gyre Sage , and a 3/2 Renegade Krasis . Pass turn.

YOU: Plains , Trostani, Selesnya's Voice . Attack with Voice of Resurgence . No blockers assigned. Pass turn.

Life totals: 16-18


Turn 5:


ME: tap the 2/3 Gyre Sage for Savage Summoning . Tap the 3/4 Gyre Sage and the Swamp to play another Renegade Krasis as a 4/3, causing each other creature to evolve, making a 4/5 Gyre Sage , a 3/4 Gyre Sage , and a 4/5 Renegade Krasis . Because a Renegade Krasis evolved, each creature I control with a +1/+1 counter on it gets another +1/+1 counter, making a 5/6 Gyre Sage , a 4/5 Gyre Sage , and the new Renegade Krasis to a 5/4. Pass turn.

YOU: Forest , Experiment One , gain 1 life. Attack with Voice of Resurgence , no blockers assigned. Pass turn.

Life totals: 14-19


Turn 6:


ME: Finally, another land. Swamp . Tap 4/5 Gyre Sage to play a... Gyre Sage ! One green mana floating. Use the floating green mana and 2x Swamp and 1x Forest to play Rubblebelt Raiders , making the new Gyre Sage evolve. Tap the 5/6 Gyre Sage to play Nylea, God of the Hunt . It comes out as a 6/6 creature as well, causing evolution to occur. 5/6 Gyre Sage to a 6/7. 4/5 Gyre Sage to a 5/6. 2/3 Gyre Sage to a 3/4. 4/3 Renegade Krasis to a 5/4, causing each other creature I control to get another +1/+1 counter. 5/4 Renegade Krasis to a 6/5, causing each other creature I control to get another +1/+1 counter. Current board position: an 8/9 Gyre Sage (tapped), a 7/8 Gyre Sage (tapped), a 6/5 Renegade Krasis , a 7/6 Renegade Krasis , a 5/6 Gyre Sage , a 3/3 Rubblebelt Raiders , and a 6/6 Nylea, God of the Hunt . No cards in hand. Declare attackers: Both Renegade Krasis (13 dmg). IN RESPONSE, you cast Advent of the Wurm , gaining 5 life, blocking the 6/5 Renegade Krasis and trading creatures. 8 dmg goes through. Pass turn.

YOU: Plains , Experiment One , make Fleecemane Lion monstrous. Pass turn.

Life totals: 14-16


Turn 7:


You can block 14 worth of damage, and I can deal 42 trample damage. Game over.


Not a bad game there, though. Took a while to write this as I played though haha.

October 13, 2013 3:48 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #10

Wow sorry it's so huge, I have no idea how that happened

October 13, 2013 3:49 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #11

w2g on the first place.. I had no doubts.

October 15, 2013 1:56 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #12

Thanks :) it basically just pummeled through everything, it shocked most people how powerful the deck really is. When are you doing your FNM!?

October 15, 2013 6:03 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #13

this upcoming friday. the 17th.. Im really looking forward to it but am shy of some of the cards in my deck ill have to make due with what i have if i cant get them from the card shop when i arrive home. Ive been pricing Theros booster boxes and may end up buying one or two of them for trade stock and cards im looking for.

October 15, 2013 6:15 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #14

I have something similar to this. Be ready for ratchet grenade and illness in the ranks by taking your extra Smithers out of the sideboard and adding fade into antiquity. Also works well against decks that rely on the whip or are heavy in enchantments.

October 17, 2013 10:45 a.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #15

illness isn't that big of a threat since most tokens are 5/5 bringing them down 1 isnt that bad, bomb is easily countered with Rootborn Defenses or just bust out 2x Pithing Needle and most problems are solved

October 17, 2013 6:52 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #16

I got donkey stomped by a deck more similar to the older version this FNM. I like this version too it's way better on the budget. Yet still effective at winning.

October 21, 2013 6:13 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #17

@ Quadsimotto Yeah this budget side is alot more versatile in my personal opinion with playing both sides of the deck. I feel like Scavenging Ooze isn't that effective past a 1 of in the deck so that could be added in but I would never run more than 1 since the other oozes will be far less effective. Overall I have had awesome runs with this new setup. The Soldier of the Pantheon is a force to be reckoned with and for 1x Plains its a steal. Experiment One can easily be pushed up to a 5/5 since we are getting so many 5/5 tokens through Advent of the Wurm as well as populating them through our many ways.

October 21, 2013 6:20 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #18


Added and removed cards!


Scavenging Ooze is just a great 1 of in the deck, gains us life, and can be a major threat, however more than 1 to me is not so great since the following oozes will be starved, overall this card is great and I do see why people run multiples but for this deck 1 is doing the job just fine.

Bow of Nylea Super awesome card, I tampered with this card in playtesting and wow did it do work, not only do we have major threats but now they get deathtouch? Count me in on that! It being legendary and the deck being super tight on space I decided to make this a 1 of in the deck as well.

The reason I decided to toss 2x Fleecemane Lion is the simple fact that I always found myself making better use of 5 mana rather than blowing it on his monstrosity, however I could see him becoming a 4 of in the deck by swapping out Call of the Conclave but that just takes $$$$.

Overall I feel the changes are a nice new touch to the deck and gives it the additional threats it deserves! Let me know what you guys think! Need some suggestions!

October 23, 2013 2:34 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #19

The bow is sick in any deck with tramplers. Every point of damage past the first is ouch to the other guy. I actually like it better than the whip and expect it to blow up in price when players realize how versatile it is.

October 23, 2013 5:41 a.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #20

I think if you want to make more use of the bow you should add one more. Perhaps move the Rootborn Defenses to sideboard, and increase Scavenging Ooze to 3x and Bow of Nylea to 2x?

Also, I was hoping you could throw me some feedback on my new deck. I tried merging two of my old ones into one stronger version, and your input is highly valued :)Superbug

October 23, 2013 3:05 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #21

I disagree with removing Rootborn Defenses it's Supreme Verdict sidestep which helpful against control decks. I do like the bow bought a playset this morning for a green devotion deck with Colossus of Akros and Arbor Colossus mana ramping.

October 23, 2013 5:06 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #22

@ Drfrozenfire I refuse to use multiple copies of Scavenging Ooze I assume you didn't read the entire post, you are forgiven. However, like Quadsimotto said Rootborn Defenses is a great way to counter Supreme Verdict which is nice, it also populates which is a plus! I would put in a second copy of Bow of Nylea though but I would have to decide what to remove.

@ Quadsimotto Yeah the bow is insane with trample, since you only have to deal 1 point of damage for it to be "lethal" therefore everything else is directly at the player. I def wouldn't run more than 2 copies though since it is legendary. I do think it will go up in price once it makes a huge impact or become a staple in standard which I highly think it will

October 23, 2013 8:58 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #23

If I were you I would use Phalanx Leader in place of the Soldier of the Pantheon , yeah you don't have much to target it with, but you have the Unflinching Courage which would boost it up quite a bit.

October 23, 2013 10:41 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #24

The only problem with that is dropping a 1 drop that gains me life and can carelessly block things like Loxodon Smiter or Boros Reckoner as well as any other multi colored creature, which is great in my opinion, idk if the swap would really be worth it overall. The only great thing about Phalanx Leader is the effect where all my creatures get +1/+1 which is insane

October 23, 2013 10:58 p.m.

Drfrozenfire says... #25

I did read it, but I would favor competitive play over budget play, but that may just be me

October 24, 2013 1:08 a.m.

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