This is my current test build for going on a treasure hunt. Dimir offers some of the most versatile removal in standard and multiple win-cons.
I'm still not sure about a lot of this deck, so please let me know whatever suggestions you may have!
Here is one of my favorite things about this deck. It doesn't rely on 1 or 2 cards to win the game. It can use any of several to get you the gold.
-1 Revel in Riches: This is the reason I started building the deck. This is actually one of the hardest win-cons to meet because it requires 10 treasures. Plus, the win is only on upkeep. The upside is very few decks are running any enchantment removal.
-2 Mechanized Production: This is possibly the most janky win-con and I have been considering removing it as it is a 1-for-2 for any opponent with Abrade. (Abrade targeting artifact effectively destroys both the artifact and Mechanized Production.) It still needs 8 treasures, but it is the cheapest option at a CMC of only 4.
-3 Marionette Master: This is the probably the best wincon as it can win as soon as it hits the field. Choose to put the counters on the Master for Fabricate, and then sac 5 treasures. Instant win even if you somehow haven't dealt any damage yet.
This deck is a little light on creatures. I am considering whether or not to add in
Dire Fleet Hoarder to get a blocker out sooner and make more treasure.
The Sailor of Meanss are great at getting the ball rolling on finding treasure and have a big butt to help start blocking creatures. Deadeye Plunderers are perfect for this deck. A 3/3 for 5 isn't the greatest, but by the time I get one out, they should be at at least a 5/5 because of treasure and/or Treasure Map
. Their real promise also lies in being able to produce treasures. Still, their slgihtly expensive so only 3 in the deck.
Marionette Master is one of the wincons but is expensive so only 2. I'm considering upping it to 3 in the maindeck, but I'm not sure.
This deck relies on a lot of removal and counters to keep the deck mostly clear while I ammass my hoard of treasure. This is fairly flexible on how many of each.
Supreme Will is a versatile option for the entire game ensuring I never find it dead in my hand. That being said, it is always expensive for whatever option is most useful, so only 2 in the deck.
Spell Swindle is an extremely expensive Mana Drain with the added benefits of allowing me to use the extra mana when I want and "stealing" lots of treasure to win.
Lost Legacy is kind of a counter in that it prevents any key cards in a deck from hitting the field. This is great against any deck in the meta, so 2 copies.
Four copies of Fatal Push is obvious as it is the best removal in the format and revolt is easily triggered through treasure tokens.
Walk the Plank is a slightly more versatile kill spell for the bigger creatures in decks.
Vraska's Contempt is an expensive exile and small lifegain, but allows me to take out Hazoret the Fervent, The Scarab God, and Chandra, Torch of Defiance. A must-have, but only 2 in the main board.
Yahenni's Expertise is a great card for this deck. Almost all of my creatures live through it and will wipe most of an opponents board. If Revel in Riches is out to let me the bodies, even better.
This is probably the thing I am least sure of. 4
Drowned Catacomb is obvious, but I'm not sure how many
Fetid Pools would be the best. The versatility is nice, but having them always enter tapped is a problem.
Additionally, I am not sure how many lands total to include. In one sense, I will have a ton of gold to throw around, but I also need to keep a critical mass in stock to buy me a win.
First off is
Contraband Kingpin. This card is so good, I'm considering mainboarding it. Big butt, low cost, life gain, and scry every time I find gold. The only downside it doesn't produce treasure which is why it is currently just sideboard.
Negate is for Approach decks to prevent the second sunrise. I'm considering replacing this with Spell Pierce.
Opt is included to help improve consistency and cycle through my deck.
Treasure Map
also helps improve consistency and can transform to create treasures and increase my late game draw power.