A deck I took to Standard Showdown 10/22/17 and 11/05/17.
This is the arguable typical Gearhulk Reanimator with a minor twist for Ixalan standard.
The usual pieces Cathartic Reunion Tormenting Voice are here to help you discard your big artifact threats early. The playset of Refurbish is there to bring them back.
Best hit to bring back is Combustible Gearhulk. It's card advantage, or damage to their face. Both options are great. You can redirect that damage to planewalkers if needed, or just send that damage to the dome. I've had it pop an opponent for 16 damage.
Noxious Gearhulk can help pick of those creature targets to get you some life back. The silver bullet of Cataclysmic Gearhulk can help with those token and aggro strats to help stabilize.
This is a turn 4+ deck. You gotta get there. Once you do, you can often out value their attempts to rebuild. Turn 1-3 are defensive and set up. Cut / Ribbons, Harnessed Lightning and Sweltering Suns are there to keep you clear of those early game threats and ramp targets your opponents play. Don't be afraid to fire them off... especially Cut. It's a 2nd wincon once it's in the graveyard. If you aren't in danger, or just don't have what you need, start setting up for graveyard with the discard/draw spells. You see a lot of the deck early with them, and you'll eventually find your answers, or be ready to go offensive T4 and up.
The Ixalan additions of Wily Goblin and Captain Lannery Storm may seem a little janky... and I doubted them when I first added them to the mainboard, but they perform. The Treasures they create can help you make the you need if you don't pull the land you're hoping for, and God-Pharaoh's Gift can bring them back as real threats. I'm not a huge fan of bring back Hulks with the Gift... I don't like having to exile them, but when necessary, it can make a 4/4 hulk that gives you the ETB trigger.
Liliana, Death's Majesty is another Refurbish for 5CMC, and can help fill the yard while making Zombie tokens to block. I've yet to ultimate her, and that's fine. That's not why she's there. If she brings back one creature, she's worth it.
Cast Out is there to deal with those... other things we can't deal with game one (i.e. The Scarab God Anointed Procession other walkers...
And that's the build. What do you guys think? For a deck full of mythic jank, it's really affordable and has a lot of answers.
P.S. For those who say this deck scoops to graveyard hate... That's fair. It's also the other reason the Treasures are there. They help force out 5 and 6CMC creatures early. Once you're ahead, it's hard to take it from you.
Thanks for looking! And leave a comment if you have any suggestions or comments.