
Dihada, Treasure Lordess

-3 Planeswalker Power

Although often overlooked Dihada, Binder of Willsaltered is one of the most POWERFUL Planeswalker EDH Commanders out there. This deck is focused on using her -3 loyalty ability to tutor for our tribe of fearless legendary creatures, while dumping the rest of our cards in our graveyard and creating a massive hoard of treasures to cast spell after spell. This deck runs a number of lower mana curve legendary creatures, as well as a stack of powerhouse, finisher-style legendary creatures to ensure our victory. The plan is to start the game by flooding the board with our lower mana curve legendaries and create blockers for when we cast our Sorceress Queen Dihada. All of our lower mana creatures either create treasure tokens or have other staxing effects on our opponents. We are looking to always cast Dihada turn 4 at the latest and immediately hit her -3 loyalty ability. Do not underestimate how powerful this -3 ability is. We get to look at 4 cards and grab ANY amount of legendary cards we hit. We run 40+ legendary cards in this deck, so barring some awful luck, we are hitting multiple legendaries every Dihada -3 trigger. Remember the key here is that however many cards we put in our graveyard and NOT into our hand, we create that many treasure tokens. Often, we will want to only grab 1 legendary card (even when there are 2-3 to choose) in order to get the most powerful card and create three treasures. 9/10 times that is enough to cast said powerful legendary or another lower mana curve blocker or two that same turn. Do not be afraid to cast Dihada early game on turn 4-5, even if we do not have a blocker. The priority is always getting Dihada onto the battlefield.

Example: We have no creatures on the battlefield and 5 mana with Linvala, Keeper of Silence in hand. Instead of casting Linvala, cast Dihada for 4 mana. Then use her -3 ability, we then select one legendary card of our choice and put the other three cards into our graveyard (legendary or not), creating three treasure tokens. We then cast Linvala with the treasures and one leftover mana and pass turn with a loyalty 1 Dihada, a new Legendary card in hand and a 3/4 flying blocker.

We want to be getting Dihada out ASAP any turn we are able so that we can start abusing her -3 ability to create treasures and search for our strongest legendary cards. This is one of the best things about Dihada, we often don't particularly care if she dies. Yes, it is great to get Dihada and a powerful Legendary such as Sheoldred *ser*   on the battlefield to protect with her +1 vigilance, lifelink and indestructible granting loyalty ability, but except in rare scenarios, we always want to use her -3 ability instead when able, even if Dihada is at 3 loyalty and it will kill her to do so. Just make sure you create enough treasures from the ability to have enough mana to re-cast Dihada on your next (or same) turn and do it all over again. This is one of the reasons Dihada is so strong, our opponents don't realize we care primarily about her -3 ability.

Example: Turn 6, we cast Dihada, use her -3. We keep one legendary card Kambal, Profiteering Mayor and make three treasure tokens. We use our leftover mana and one treasure to cast Kambal. Now, when we pass turn Dihada has loyalty 1. If it goes around the table to our turn and no-one has attacked Dihada, all we can do on our turn with her is use her +1 ability to make Kambal gain vigilance, lifelink and indestructible. However if we let an opponent swing and kill Dihada, we have plenty of mana with our leftover treasure tokens to re-cast Dihada from the Command Zone and immediately use her -3 ability again on our next main phase.

Take each individual game into account because some of our creatures such as Sheoldred, Whispering Onefoil may be worth saving each turn with Dihada's +1, but most of the time Dihada is 2 loyalty or under, we should be more than happy with the enemy swinging on her for the kill. This also works out to our own advantage as our opponents often focus on Dihada with their combat damage instead of our life total. In regards to Dihada's ultimate -11 loyalty ability, in over 500 games I have NOT ONCE, gotten it off. There were only maybe ten games I ever truly attempted to (all games I was well in control of) and each time my foes managed to remove Dihada before I could activate it. Moral of the story, if you find yourself way ahead of the competition and want to make the effort for its awesome "gain control of all non-land permanents until end of turn" effect, all the more power to you, but it is not a goal of our deck to activate this ability by any means. As previously mentioned, our focus should always primarily be on activating Dihada's -3 ability as many times as possible.

Although we do run Revel in Riches, most games we win by decimating our opponents with a random combination of combat damage and extremely punishing effects from our high mana legendaries such as Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobitefoil and Kokusho, the Evening Star. The deck is separated below into several main synergies / themes. This is followed by an extensive maybeboard and reasonings for why the cards have been removed or chosen to not be included in the deck at this time. (to be added) Hope you enjoy striking it filthy rich with our treasure filled deck of Legendary nasties as much as I have. Cast away Planeswalkers!

Card Draw

We run almost no card draw in this deck. This is due to us being able to draw and tutor so many cards with our -3 Dihada loyalty ability that we can afford to put these slots into our other deck synergies instead.

Esper Sentinel The white Rhystic Study on a 1/1 body, our only true card draw piece. Esper's fantastic draw opportunities each turn and low one mana cost justify Sentinel being one of the only four non-legendary creatures in our deck.

Deterrence / Protection

One of the main aims in our deck is to slow down the opponent and make them unable to attack us without suffering punishing effects or taxes. This gives us time to collect our bountiful pile of treasure as we continue to load our hand with powerful legendary creatures and spells.

Authority of the Consuls and Blind Obedience Classic EDH stax pieces and we will play them both. Two cards that do absolute WORK in the deck, especially if we get them out early. Authority of the Consuls delays our opponents swinging at us and gains us life EVERY time ANY of our opponent's creatures enter the battlefield, while Blind Obedience additionally delays any artifact ramp and can also extort our enemies when needed. Do not underestimate how many games these two cards can win / save by stopping our enemies meanest, hasty creatures from swinging at us when they enter the battlefield tapped. Two great opening hand keepers.

Boros Charm If you’ve ever won a game or at least taken out a single opponent at the beginning of their upkeep step with Charm’s bolt +1 direct 4 damage you already know why were keeping this one in. We most often will be using our Charm though to grant all of our permanents indestructible in a pinch and it also pairs lovely with Exterminatus. We can also utilize its final double strike ability for game ending lethal combat damage with one of our larger legendaries if a situation so presents itself. Stuck with Charm over Flawless Maneuver as although we need to have two mana held, it grants ALL of our permanents indestructible instead of just our creatures.

Ghostly Prison, Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker and No Mercy More well-tested EDH deterrence staples. Ghostly Prison taxes our enemies 2 to attack us, while No Mercy cause our opponents to destroy any creature that deals damage to us. Note that Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker causes ANY OPPONENT SOURCE that damages us to cause its controller to sacrifice a permanent and decimates any ETB damage decks playing cards like Impact Tremors. This can get ugly, or as I like to say, “fun”, quick, if one our opponents forgets Michiko is on the battlefield and decides to hits us for multiple damage triggers on a turn. Farewell enemy lands, we hardly knew ye…

Shadowspear Do not underestimate lifelink. We run a few spells like Black Market Connections that can drain our life total down in longer engagements. The real bonus here is our ol’ Spear of Shadow is a legendary artifact, so we can grab it with Dihada’s -3 ability and use its second ability to have our enemies lose their precious hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.

Teferi's Protection If you’re not familiar with Teferi's Protection, I hope your first EDH games go well. God Speed. We will play this and phase / peace the hell out for a turn whenever things are getting dire or to protect all of our lovely permanents when threatened.

Low Mana Legendaries

We run a whole bunch of 4 cmc mana or lower legendary creatures in the deck. The idea is to try and get these legendaries out early game when possible, but it also gives us a great pool of low cost creatures to grab with Dihada’s -3 ability that we can often cast more than one of each turn.

Damage / Drain

Arbaaz Mir *f-etch* A great new one from Assassin’s Creed. Every time a historic spell enters the battlefield (all of our legendary and artifact spells are historic) we deal one damage to EACH opponent and gain 1 life. The large majority of all of our spells are historic, so this is a great one for us to get going early and start to ping our enemies life totals several times a turn when able. Also a great late game finisher when opponents health points are in the single digits. Pairs great with Primevals' Glorious Rebirth and a bunch of other legendaries in the graveyard for some serious life drain / gain triggers.

Kambal, Consul of Allocation *f-etch* Life drain is one of our main ways to grind down our opponents in this deck. Kambal, Consul of Allocation *f-etch* is an excellent low mana blocker who pings our opponents for each noncreature spell they cast, while gaining us life at the same time. Has the added benefit of shutting down any Izzet Storm players out there you may run into.

Kambal, Profiteering Mayor Kambal's altar ego Profiteering Mayor is an excellent choice for our deck. His token copying trigger is unparalleled and it's always entertaining to see how this uniquely interacts with our different opponent's decks each game. As great as Kambal's token ETB battlefield trigger is, it's his second trigger of draining our opponents and gaining us life each time a token enters the battlefield under our control. This can rack up some serious life drain / gain with the amount of treasures we create.

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse Another powerful, low mana cost legendary. This Phyrexian femme fatale gains us life every time we draw a card, while draining our opponents for every card they draw. As card draw is one of the main EDH synergies in any Commander deck, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse can do some serious life draining work on our enemies and completely shut down card draw focused decks such as Nekusar, the Mindrazer or Niv-Mizzet, Parun.


Loran of the Third Path A legendary blocker with vigilance that destroys an enemy artifact or enchantment when it enters the battlefield. If you do need to end up using Loran as a blocker, a smooth move is declaring the block and then using her tap ability to draw you and the least threatening opponent of you choice a card before Loran dies from the combat damage. Her ability can also be copied if we have Rings of Brighthearthfoil on the battlefield for double ETB destruction.

Rankle, Master of Pranks Although it is always my intention to cast our flying Prankster when I have other token creatures to sacrifice, 9/10 times I cast Rankle I end up sacrificing him that same turn with his own “each player sacrifices a creature” on combat damage trigger. Long story short, if you can save him great, but our main utility for Rankle is getting a hasty flyer out who can hit for combat damage same turn and force our opponents to sacrifice a creature. Use the lose 1 life and draw a card ability if you need to, but remember that ALL of our opponents are drawing a card as well with the ability and this should only be used when we absolutely need it. Same to the discard ability, if our enemies hands are low and ours are plentiful, use away, otherwise let it be.

Sorin of House Markov   One of the newest additions to the deck that I have been quite pleased with. We love the 2 drop mana cost and Sorin makes a great early game 1/4 blocker. We also rarely have a hard time gaining enough life to transform Sorin into his proper Planeswalking self. Crank out a +2 and a food token if you need some health insurance, but our priority is using Sorin’s -1 loyalty ability to deal however much life we gained that turn into direct damage that we can use to target any of our opponent’s creatures or selves. This can be a very powerful removal ability in our deck. Maybe one of these days I will actually read what any Planeswalker's ultimate loyalty abilities do, but per usual, if we get there it’s a rare luxury and not our primary use for this card.

Special Abilities

Beza, the Bounding Spring A brand new slot in from Bloomburrow. This elemental Elk is quite versatile in its uses. In a perfect situation, this one creature on ETB can net us a card draw, a treasure token, two 1/1 fish tokens and 4 life. This perfect situation will rarely occur of course, so pay attention to which of the card’s abilities requirements you have met before casting. Beza, the Bounding Spring was my saving grace in an earlier game just today, as I was up against an enemy Sheoldred, the Whispering One with no creatures on board. After two turns around the table with no one else casting creatures for fear they would need to sacrifice them on their upkeep, I was able to draw Beza and cast her to make the two fish tokens. I now had sacrifice fodder for Sheoldred on my next upkeep and was able to continue to build my board state and slaughter the evil Praetor on my next turn. Very pleased with the work Beza has been doing so far.

Ratadrabik of Urborg With Ratadrabik on the battlefield, any of our other legendary creatures that die (and we have a lot of them) return to the battlefield on death as non-legendary 2/2 zombies. Nothing is more satisfying then having our opponents finally wipe our Praetor packed board only to watch our punishing Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobitefoil effect return right to the battlefield on our imposter zombie token. Add Anointed Procession to the mix to create two tokens instead and dole out some punishing double legendary creature effects with our non-legendary impersonators.

Stax Effects

Boromir, Warden of the Tower Yeah, yeah, he’s definitely no Faramir… but the less loved son is still a must include in our deck. Boromir is an excellent protection piece with his “sacrifice to grant all our other creatures indestructible” ability, but do not underestimate how strong his first ability to counter all mana cost zero spells is. Boromir shuts down tons of free ramp such as Jeweled Lotus and Mana Crypt, as well as all the Commander 2020 staple free cost instants Flawless Maneuver, Fierce Guardianship, Deadly Rollick and Obscuring Haze. I have not had more enjoyment in a game in recent memory then when I watched an enemy the other day cast Etali, Primal Conqueror   for what they thought would be the win. The look on their face after they spent 5 minutes exiling and choosing cards to cast before they ultimately realized they were all countered by our fearless Warden of the Tower was absolutely priceless.

Grima Wormtongue Come to think of it, it may have been this Grima fellow talking all that dirt about poor Boromir… We’ll look past his slimy ways for now and include him in our deck to stop any of our opponent’s life gain from getting out of hand. I run into a ridiculous amount of Exquisite Blood / Aetherflux Reservoir combo life gain decks and Grima is our one true means of shutting them down. A great one when in those circumstances to keep protected with Dihada's +1 loyalty ability.

Linvala, Keeper of Silence Has Thrasios, Triton Hero or Yisan, the Wanderer Bard been getting you down? Not once our angel of justice Linvala arrives on the battlefield and shuts down all of our opponents creatures activated abilities. One of our go-to and most oppressive stax pieces in the deck.

Thalia, Heretic Cathar Can’t go wrong with the classics. Our stunning, selfless blonde soldier stops even our opponents hastiest creatures from swinging at us on cast and slows our enemies ramp by causing all their non-basic lands to come in tapped.

Powerhouse Legendaries

The main way to win with our deck is to ramp into huge early game mana with our Dihada -3 loyalty ability and our other treasure token producing cards. We are then able to cast many of the following powerhouse “finisher” creatures early game and overwhelm our opponents with their punishing damage, drain and stax effects.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobitefoil The OG Mother of Machines herself, our Praetor lordess Norn is one of our most potent weapons in the deck. Get our treasures and ramp going early and let her loose on the battlefield to annihilate any and all of our enemies 2 or less P/T mana dork and card draw creatures, while giving all of our own baddies a +2/+2 buff. One of our top reanimation / return to battlefield targets.

Kokusho, the Evening Star A 5/5 flyer can always come in handy, especially as a blocker and especially when it dying (with three opponents still alive) causes us to gain 15 life when Kokusho hits our graveyard. Besides the obvious opponent drain / life gain bonus for us, Kokusho is a great deterrent from our opponents swinging at us with fearsome, larger P/T creatures anytime he is untapped. Like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobitefoil, Kokusho is one of our top reanimation / return targets in the deck that can be crucial to our victories.

Olivia, Crimson Bride One of my newer addition, high mana cost legendary powerhouses, Olivia is spectacular in our deck for her return creature to battlefield from graveyard ability. Our bloodsoaked bride is a hasty flyer, so she can swing after cast on the same turn. When she hits, return our most powerful fallen warrior from our graveyard to the battlefield, oh yeah, TAPPED AND ATTACKING too. The only downside to our vampire newlywed is that if our foes do happen to remove Olivia, we do lose any of our newly reinvigorated friends to exile. Despite this drawback, Crimson Bride is well worth playing for the potency of her reincarnation abilities.

Sheoldred *ser*   The newest rendition of the Phyrexian temptress, Sheoldred. This has quickly become an auto-include in any of my Commander decks with black in their color identity. For just 5 mana, each of our enemies has to sacrifice a NONTOKEN creature (how’s that indestructible treating you now?) and once an opponent’s graveyard has 8 or more cards in it, we can transform her into a Saga and destroy one target creature of our choosing for EACH opponent. This card can be absolutely clutch for destroying the biggest threat from each individual player in one single transform trigger. If you happen to get the ultimate and return all creatures from all graveyards to the battlefield and then re-transform our Saga back into Sheoldred for another sacrifice trigger, I applaud you. This has not happened in over 500 games for me. Again, incredible if it happens for you, but the main utility of this card for us lies in its original sacrifice and initial transform to destroy ability.

Sheoldred, Whispering Onefoil Seriously?!? What kind of sick, twisted sons of b*s would run ALL THREE Sheoldreds in their deck? Us, that’s who. We pledged total fealty to our Praetor overlords long ago and we’ll take all the glistening oil we can get from them. Whispering One is right up there with Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobitefoil and Kokusho, the Evening Star as our decks MVPs. Our opponents sacrificing a creature each turn is brutal to say the least and the powerful return any creature from our yard to the battlefield on our upkeep ability can ensure our most cruel creatures return to fight another day turn after turn. Yet another top reanimation target for the deck.

Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts With Teysa on the battlefield, any creature that deals damage to us is destroyed and we are blessed with a 1/1 flying spirit token for the insult. Just like No Mercy, Teysa can completely stop our enemies creatures in their tracks. Did I mention that Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts also has vigilance and PROTECTION FROM ALL CREATURES?!? So go right ahead and swing for some unblockable combat damage whenever possible. This protection makes Teysa a great re-usable blocker as well if you ever find your life total low enough that a player is attempting to swing at you for lethal combat damage even with Teysa on the battlefield.

Ulamog, the Defiler I have never personally been a fan of Eldrazi, but when this new blasphemous Ulamog dropped, I felt the time was right to finally give one a try. I wanted to slot this atrocity of a piece of cardboard into a number of my decks, but none of them justified removing a slot for a ten drop mana commitment. Enter Dihada. Our cuddly Ulamog has finally found a permanent home. As noted, we make TONS of treasure and mana in this deck and it is not unusual for us to have ten mana stored by turn 6 or 7 if all is going according to plan. Our deck is all about dropping a few, key finishers and Ulamog, the Defiler with his half library exile and often 7+ annihilator trigger is our coup de grace.

Urabrask the Hidden We round out our Praetor color identity clan with “the Hidden” OG himself, Urabrask. Just like Thalia, Heretic Cathar, Urabrask causes all our opponents creatures to enter the battlefield tapped, but this time grants all of our own creatures haste as well. I’m not going to spend any time explaining why both those things are good.


Compared to most decks, we are running very few traditional EDH ramp staples. This is due to the vast majority of our ramp coming from our treasure creation / bonus cards that will be detailed later on in the description.

Arcane Signet, Mox Amber and Sol Ring Classic ramp Commander staples at their finest. Mox Amber is a great zero cost artifact for us as we aim to always have legendaries on the battlefield early.

Black Market Connections Another must include in Commander decks with black in their color identity. For a chunk of life, we can create a treasure token AND draw an extra card each one of our precombat main phases. Don’t underestimate the power of a 3/2 shapeshifter as a lone blocker for Dihada early game when needed either, or just as ever helpful sacrifice fodder when warranted. We run enough life gain effects in the deck to make us often able to at least create a treasure token and draw an extra card each trigger without regretting the loss of life too much. Individual game dependent as always, but if we find ourselves close to or above our starting life total, we should not hesitate on paying the maximum cost of 6 life in order to reap all three of Black Market’s rewards each turn.

Crucible of Worldsfoil We end up milling lots of our non-legendary cards into our graveyard with Dihada’s -3 loyalty ability. Crucible helps us get all of the lands we discard this way back onto the battlefield. Vital, reliable land access for our deck all around. Do not underestimate how important Crucible of Worldsfoil can be to our victories, especially when we find ourselves in longer engagements. Yes, it's not technically ramp, sue me.


We have a significant amount of cards dedicated to removal in our deck. Although we do aim to cast lots of creatures, we never mind wiping the board when our powerhouses are not on the field to help keep Dihada alive and well when necessary.

Bedevil Our one true answer to a serious enemy Planeswalker threat is why we keep Bedevil in the mix. Its versatility to also hit a creature or artifact is splendid as well.

Blasphemous Act and Vanquish the Horde Great cost reduction board wipes excellent for taking out a packed table full of creatures with just one or two mana respectively. Yes, we run into the occasional green stompy or Eldrazi deck where our enemies creatures are greater than 13 P/T, but Act is still well worth keeping for its low mana removal opportunities.

Deadly Rollick Not going to explain for long why we like the ability to exile in our deck, especially at zero mana cost in the case of Deadly Rollick with Dihada on the battlefield.

Exterminatus We can thank Warhammer 40K for one of the best new wipes in years. The 7 mana cost is a bit steep, but it's more than worth it to destroy ALL nonland permanents. Oh yea, it also causes ALL of our opponents permanents to LOSE indestructible until end of turn first. That’s Planeswalkers, artifacts, enchantments, the whole shebang folks, Flawless Manuevers and Heroic Interventions be damned. With Boros Charm in hand this card can end games for us as it only removes our opponent’s indestructible abilities and not our own. If you need to cast this in a tight spot and have Dihada on the battlefield, be sure to use her +1 ability first to give our most powerful legendary creature indestructible until end of turn. Even though Exterminatus will destroy Dihada and the rest of our nonland permanents, this can still be a very powerful effect as we have wiped our opponents entire board states and kept only the likes of Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobitefoil or Sheoldred, Whispering Onefoil, etc. on the battlefield when the dust has cleared. An incredible answer to both enchantment stax decks (shrines shudder) and artifact control decks in one swell swoop.

Promise of Loyalty A card you should be considering as one of your go-to mass removal / protection pieces in any white color identity Commander deck. For only 5 mana our enemies need to sacrifice all of their creatures except for one (so long indestructible tokens) and whichever creature they chose to save is unable to attack us OR a Planeswalker we control. Yes, we only get to save one creature as well, but with Dihada in play, our strongest creature on the battlefield and our enemies lone creatures unable to swing at us, we are in a great position. Had an especially great matchup recently against a brutal Voltron Skullbriar, the Walking Grave deck. After Loyalty got a vow counter on Skullbriar, he was unable to attack me for the rest of the game. Priceless. I wonder if I inspired him to slot in Final Act.

The Meathook Massacre and Toxic Deluge We have lots of ways of dealing with enemy indestructible creatures in our deck and these are two more of them. Deluge is a staple for a reason as we can pay any amount of life we have into its X cost. Meathook is fantastic as well because we can find it with Dihada’s -3 ability and as an enchantment it stays on the battlefield after cast and continues to drain our opponents and gain us life as creatures continue to die.

Urza's Ruinous Blast Yes, this exiles all of our own nonlegendary permanents as well, but as the large majority of our cards are legendary, this spell more often that not heavily benefits us when cast. We keep it because exile is exile and it’s a legendary sorcery meaning we can grab it with Dihada’s -3.

Vandalblastfoil Playing red? You should be running Vandalblast. So, we will follow my own advice and do the same. Holding out until we can use Blast for its maximum overload effect is optimal, but don’t be shy to use this turn 1 or turn 2 for its single mana cost either to destroy an opponents turn 1 Mana Crypt, Mana Vault or Sol Ringfoil, etc.

Yawgmoth's Vile Offering This spell comes in handier than one might think as it lets us destroy / return a creature OR Planeswalker with its ability. This means when we have our Offering in hand we can let Dihada stay in the graveyard on death and negate her Commander tax by returning her to the battlefield from our graveyard with this spell. Another legendary sorcery we can grab with Dihada’s -3. Don’t get too excited and forget that you need to control a legendary permanent to cast legendary sorceries, but this is rarely an issue in our deck.

Special Abilities

Breach the Multiverse Please note, ANY and EVERY BLACK DECK you EVER build, YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING BREACH THE MULTIVERSE, it is really that good. 7 mana, blah blah, this thing could and probably should be 10 mana and I would still play it. I don't care if you playing mono Rats, some Dimir faeries or Orzhov angels, does your commander have black in their color identity? PLAY BREACH THE MULTIVERSE. Oh, we're stealing a creature from every opponent 90% of the time on their mill and filling their graveyards with other tasty reanimation targets for our spells? Not to mention reanimating one of our own creatures as well? PLAY BREACH THE MULTIVERSE. It’s so good, I just copy and paste this section into every one of my decks.

Primevals' Glorious Rebirth Every EDH deck should have at least one hail mary backup plan and Glorious Rebirth fulfills this role for us. This can be a superb, late game finisher when our graveyard is packed with our slain or discarded legendary warriors and another spell we can grab with Dihada’s -3.

Reanimatefoil Take our pick of any fearsome creature in any graveyard and Frankenstein them right up to fight again. We run a significant amount of board wipes and removal in our deck, so reanimate and its one drop mana cost is a no-brainer include.

Rings of Brighthearthfoil I might have stated once or twice so far that we want to be utilizing Dihada’s -3 ability as much as possible. Rings is our only way to duplicate our Planeswalker loyalty abilities and wow is it great when we have the extra two mana to do so. Now, for the same -3 cost (+ the additional 2 mana to activate Brighthearth), we are looking at 8 total cards off the top of our library and can create up to 8 treasures with a full discard if so desired. Any time we can afford to hold off one more turn to cast Dihada to ensure we can use Rings ability (same turn as her cast) is well worth it.

Virtue of Persistence One of the most powerful reanimation pieces in recent Magic memory. Every one of our upkeeps put ANY creature from ANY graveyard onto the battlefield with no additional costs or stipulations. Well worth the high 7 mana cost. Don't snooze on the low 2 mana cost adventure sorcery to give a creature -3/-3 and gain 2 life either.

Treasure Bonuses

Our deck is named “Treasure Hoard of Dihada” for a reason. That reason being that we want to be creating a wealth of treasure tokens each turn for our cloaked, Planeswalker Queen Dihada to hoard. Besides treasure creation spells, we also run a number of cards which boost our treasure token production and value.

Alchemist's Talent THANK YOU clever garbage tinkering raccoons of Bloomburrow. We finally have another card like Goldspan Dragon that can make all of our treasures sac for 2 instead of 1 mana with Alchemist's Level 2 ability. This new card is also spectacular because we get two treasure tokens on its cast and can level up Talent immediately with them when needed. Alchemist's Level 3 ability is also a powerful re-occuring direct damage effect that hits ALL of our opponents for each spell we cast with our treasures. This is definitely a powerful new enchantment that should not be trifled with.

Anointed Procession and Mondrak, Glory Dominusfoil Whenever we create a treasure token on any trigger or ability, we now create double that amount with Procession or Mondrak on the battlefield. Don’t forget we can also sac two of our treasures along with paying the cost of one mana and 4 life to grant Mondrak indestructible in a pinch.

Goldspan Dragon One of our few non-legendary creatures, but more than worth it for Goldspan’s ability to make all our treasure tokens sac for 2 instead of 1 mana of any color. This is incredibly potent in our deck for obvious reasons enabling us to drop our powerful finisher legendary creatures and spells with ease. Our speedy flying friend also has haste and creates a treasure token not only on attack, but also when targeted by any other spells.

Inspiring Statuary Man, treasures are great. They not only are shiny, but also contain the most precious and holy Magic resource of all inside, mana. Treasures do have one major downside though, the fact they are disposable and must be sacrificed for their use. Enter Inspiring Statuary, one of my proudest additions to the deck. Now, all of our treasures can be tapped instead of sacrificed for all of our spell’s colorless mana needs. This is a great way to get use out of all our treasures even if we are working towards a Revel in Riches wincon or just to continue to stockpile our mountainous pile of treasures each turn until we hit the powerhouse legendary that we are looking for. Don’t forget to tap Statuary (or any other usual non-tapping artifacts we have on the field) first for our first colorless improvise costs each turn before turning to our treasures.

Xorn Whenever we create any amount of treasure tokens, we now create that many +1. Xorn is great as his ability can trigger multiple times each turn on different treasure creation triggers. This snazzy bonus justifies Xorn’s place in our deck as one of the few non-legendary creatures.

Treasure Hoard of Dihada

The following spells all help us to create our precious, gleaming treasure tokens, mostly on legendary bodies or harder to remove enchantments.

Ancient Copper Dragon Our last non-legendary creature in the deck. We hope with a bit of luck to draw our copper plated pal with Urabrask the Hidden and his haste enabling ability on the battlefield, but even without, anytime our ancient beast sticks around to swing for some combat damage the bountiful rewards are worth it.

Dockside Extortionist Holdout until our enemies have flooded the field with artifacts and enchantments and drop in our racketeering goblin for just two mana to heap up a massive pile of treasures. A great reanimation target as well when the situation calls for it.

Gloin, Dwarf Emissary, Kellogg, Dangerous Mind, Lotho, Corrupt Shirrifffoil and Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer All legendary creatures that net us treasure tokens in one way or another. Gloin, Dwarf Emissary’s sac a treasure to goad target creature should not be slept on and Kellogg, Dangerous Mind gets the three mana cost drop edge over others like Captain Lannery Storm for his treacherous, treasure enabled steal a creature ability.

Monologue Tax and Smothering Tithe Net us treasure tokens each time our opponents draw a card (who EVER pays Tithe’s two?) or cast their second spell each turn. Must includes.

Revel in Riches Our only true wincon card in the deck and who doesn’t love alternate wincons. When I first slotted Revels in, it was solely with the bonus of creating treasures whenever our opponents creatures die in mind. However, since slotting in Revels, this card has won over 25 games for me with the insane amount of treasures we are often able to produce. A great backup plan in tight, stax heavy games.

RMS Titanic “Paint me like one of your alien space girls Jack…” Despite having never seen a Dr.Who episode in my life, I may have just slotted this card in due to my obsession since childhood with the Titanic shipwreck. Personal feelings aside, this newest addition to the deck I am excited for. We can pay the crew 3 ability with almost any of our creatures to hit an opponent for 7 flying trample damage and create as many treasure tokens as damage points taken. Yes, our ship has to go down for our newfound treasures, but you just can’t fight history.


We run a measly, well below average total of 32 lands in our deck. We get away with this due to all the treasures we create and our ability to fill our hand with legendary lands from Dihada’s -3 loyalty ability.


Luxury Suite, Spectator Seating and Vault of Champions Any real EDH game we have three opponents, so these lands come in untapped unless there is only one man left standing. They also tap for two color options. Nuff’ said.


Badlands, Plateau and Scrubland We want our lands coming in untapped and giving us multiple mana color options, nothing does it better than the OG duals. Slot in other tapped lands here if you can’t afford them, but they might just be worth taking that second mortgage out on the house for.


Arid Mesa, Bloodstained Mire and Marsh Flatsfoil We are always going to make fetch happen, especially with Crucible of Worldsfoil in our deck. Enjoy their lowest price since existence after the latest MH3 release.


We run a number of legendary lands in the deck, some better than others. This is to ensure we can not only grab our legendary creatures and sorceries with our Dihada -3 ability, but also ramp by grabbing legendary lands when needed.

Eiganjo Castle I don’t think I have ever used our Castle’s second ability, but its good to know we have the option. This is one of our weaker ability lands we include other more powerful effects solely for the ability to put it into our hand with Dihada’s -3.

Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire and Takenuma, Abandoned Mire Our two legendary channel ability lands. Always try and hold these for their channel abilities whenever able, but their effects aren’t so good that we mind casting these as normal lands when we need them early game.

Minas Tirith Comes into play untapped as long as we have a legendary on the battlefield and we do indeed have a few of those cards in our deck. It’s always nice to have some land enabled card draw options in a pinch.

Mines of Moria Did someone say more treasure tokens? Like Minas Tirith above, Mines comes in untapped as long as we have a legendary in play and can create us two treasure tokens at the cost of 4 mana and exiling 3 cards from our graveyard.

Shizo, Death's Storehouse and Urborg Two of our other weaker ability legendary lands we run in mind of Dihada’s -3 ability. That being stated, don’t forget that Shizo can enable lethal game ending combat damage in the right scenario with fear for just one additional black mana and a tap.


Blood Crypt, Godless Shrine and Sacred Foundry Before casting our shocks, take into account what spells we need to cast that turn and only pay the 2 life if we need the mana. It shocks me (see what I did there) how many players needlessly waste 2 life on mana they leave untapped for the turn with no responses in hand.

Special Abilities / Staples

Command Tower This card seems to be in every single multiple color identity EDH deck for a reason. We will not argue with it.

Plaza of Heroes A great fit for our legendary spell casting deck as we can create one mana of any color to cast legendary cards. I have never had to (or tried to) use Plaza’s final “grant a creature hexproof and indestructible until end of turn” ability, but it’s a good one to have in the back pocket anyhow.

Savai Triome Although I cry that our Triome comes in tapped, it’s well worth it to have the option of all of our commander’s color identity mana to choose from. Always play turn 1 if you have in an opening hand and no 1 cost mana spells to cast. Also, our first early game fetch target anytime we can spare the single mana loss on its tapped entrance for the turn.

Strip Minefoil and Wastelandfoil Land destruction is an absolute must in any EDH deck. If you are not at least playing Strip Minefoil in every deck you ever make, you're a mad man, there's freaking Gaea's Cradles and The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vales out there people. We'll run Wastelandfoil as well in case they have a Maze of Ith or shudder Glacial Chasmfoil in there either.

Temple of the False God Went back and forth taking Temple in and out of the deck, as with only 32 lands it hurts to get stuck with in an opening hand. With that in mind, I found over time the extra injection of mana (albeit it colorless) anytime we have 5 lands or more to be well merited, despite its early game drawbacks.


x2 Snow-Covered Mountain x2 Snow-Covered Plains and x3 Snow-Covered Swamp These are all snow lands because I believe long ago I ran the likes of Blood on the Snow or some other snow synergy effect. We will keep our lands cold and enjoy these stunning Secret Lair arts.

Wealth Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

Congrats, you’ve made it to the end of our Dihada primer main deck description. Hopefully you can enjoy this deck as much as I have and live out all your childhood Scrooge McDuck fantasies at the same time. Although Dihada was a precon Commander deck, it baffles me with her power why she seemed to be forgotten about so quickly. My aim with this deck is to bring our deserving, demonic Planeswalker Queen back into the limelight she deserves by sharing her wealth and power with all. Please throw me an upvote if you enjoyed the ride! All comments and suggestions are more than welcome. Thanks!

Check Out My Other Decks!

The Black Death (Maha Massacre Primer)

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Embers of Queen Disa (Best Win Pyro EDH Primer)

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Flour N' Oats (Mill Primer)

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Revision 1 See all

(1 month ago)

+2 Alchemist's Talent main
+1 Arvad the Cursed maybe
+1 Atsushi, the Blazing Sky maybe
+1 Aurelia, the Warleader maybe
+1 Austere Command maybe
+1 Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainerfoil maybe
+1 Bennie Bracks, Zoologist maybe
+1 Big Score maybe
+1 Blood Money maybe
+1 Boros Charm main
+1 Bottle-Cap Blast maybe
+1 Burakos, Party Leaderfoil maybe
+1 Captain Lannery Storm maybe
+1 Descent into Avernus maybe
+1 Drana, Liberator of Malakir maybe
+1 Eomer, Marshal of Rohan maybe
+1 Etali, Primal Storm maybe
+1 Farewell maybe
+1 Final Act maybe
+1 Flare of Fortitude maybe
and 61 other change(s)
Top Ranked
Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 month

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

27 - 0 Mythic Rares

62 - 0 Rares

3 - 0 Uncommons

1 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.85
Tokens Copy Clone, Fish 1/1 U, Food, On an Adventure, Orc Army, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, Spirit 1/1 WB, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Decks To Annoy My Friends With, Decks I want to make
Ignored suggestions
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