Tremble mortals, and despair! (Rakdos Control)

Modern Kiwivoador


Kiwivoador says... #1

Thanks! What do you think about Master of the Feast on this deck?

May 22, 2014 11 a.m.

EagleO1 says... #2

i have a similar deck and Master of Cruelties is my favorite way to win so i would suggest some Rogue's Passage especially since its pretty hard to get color screwed with only 2 colors.

May 22, 2014 2:44 p.m.

Anublet90 says... #3

"DOOM has come to this world!"

Archimonde, is that you?

Nice deck, man. No contributions, but I do have a question. How is Flame-Wreathed Phoenix ? I'm planning a RBW deck right now, and I just can't figure out if that card is good or not by looking at it.

May 22, 2014 2:50 p.m.

scare983 says... #4

I personally haven't ad much play with Master of the Feast , however it or Herald of Torment will be the replacement Desecration Demon . So choose wisely and get em before the price rises.

May 22, 2014 4:58 p.m.

TheGamer says... #5

+1 because I understood the reference in the title.

Overall, love this deck a lot and think its very solid.

May 25, 2014 6:13 p.m.

OtepOtep says... #6

Awesome deck! Just wondering though what if the opponent drops a Blood Baron of Vizkopa on you?

June 2, 2014 2:36 p.m.

Brawdi says... #7

I think this deck is very strong and it is simply awesome! I have been playing with this deck for a while and i have made a couple of changes

Removed 3x Read the Bones and added 3x Sign in Blood

Sign in Blood is very powerful in this deck since it is two mana and you can target your opponent to finish off your opponent

Removed 3x Doom Blade and added 3x Devour Flesh

Devour Flesh can be helpful in many cases unlike Doom Blade , Devour Flesh can kill any creatures your opponent has (including black) and it can save you if you targeted yourself.

This is the part where i am not sure if the replacements are correct

Removed 3x Flame-Wreathed Phoenix and 1x Young Pyromancer and added 4x Pack Rat

Pack rat is always good and can win you games easily

Removed 2x Young Pyromancer and added 2x Whip of Erebos

Most of the time i hurt myself from Thoughtseize and Sign in Blood so i need to gain life later

Removed 1x Swamp and 1x Mountain added 2x Mutavault

Cuz pack rat ;)

Thanks for reading and i will be waiting for anyone's feedback!

July 30, 2014 3:12 p.m.

frogkill45 says... #16

Where's the Lightning Bolt? or Fatal Push?

February 21, 2017 10:58 a.m.

Logics says... #17

This is basically a standard deck I played back in the day. Modern is a very different format, running that much removal is going to leave a lot of dead cards in certain matchups. If I were you, I would do this:

+4 Inquisition of Kozilek, +4 Lightning Bolt, +2 Fatal Push, +1 Kolaghan's Command, +1 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, +1 Stormbreath Dragon, +1 Young Pyromancer, +3 Read the Bones, +3 Night's Whisper, +4 Bloodstained Mire, +2 Polluted Delta, +1 Wooded Foothills

-4 Hero's Downfall, -3 Bile Blight, -1 Anger of the Gods, -3 Sign in Blood, -1 Terminate, -2 Desecration Demon, -2 Master of Cruelties, -3 Magma Jet, -5 Mountain, -3 Swamp

These changes upgrade your removal and early interaction, especially against control strategies. It also gives you much fewer dead cards, seeing as Lightning Bolt and Kolaghan's Command can go for the dome. I cut all of the weaker creatures in the deck, to streamline the early game's combination of disruption, removal, and draw power.

As for the sideboard, I think it needs a lot of work. You're already playing too much removal in the main board, and your sideboard is more of the same. The deck really doesn't need to be siding into removal that is worse than waht's already in the main deck. (Looking at Doom Blade < Terminate, Dark Betrayal < Fatal Push/Lightning Bolt , Mizzium Mortars and Drown in Sorrow < Anger of the Gods.) If you really want a sweeper, I would easily put in Languish or Damnation over Mizzium Mortars. I understand Mizzium Mortars only hits their things, but in the match-ups where that's relevant, you're dead way before you get to 6 mana.

My sideboard for the deck would look something like:

3 Duress, 1 Anger of the Gods, 2 Slaughter Games, 4 Gifted Aetherborn, 2 Leyline of the Void, 1 Fatal Push, 1 Ob Nixilis Reignited, 1 Languish

Obviously, this is your deck, so feel free to do whatever you want with it, this is just what my take on the deck would be to gear it more towards modern, so it doesn't feel like you have dead draws all of the time. Hope this at least inspires some changes, and happy deckbuilding.

February 22, 2017 5:52 p.m.

Kiwivoador says... #18

Thanks A LOT for all these great suggestions!!! I will certainly make some changes, and you nailed my exact intention with this deck: "streamline the early game's combination of disruption, removal, and draw power."

You kind sir, you rock!

February 23, 2017 8:29 a.m.

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