Tribal Minotaurs (it's a thing apparently ;)
SCORE: 79 | 102 COMMENTS | 43297 VIEWS | IN 20 FOLDERS
Jsouth1217 says... #3
Thanks dragonstro for the +1.
Can anyone think of any good White additions to splash in since Boros Charm is now in the deck? I feel like I can run all three colors with some other good white cards as well. I have a few in mind but idk how good they will fit.
October 13, 2013 1:53 a.m.
+1 for the good ideas I'm going to borrow later for my deck Minotaurs, 'nuff said.
I was looking all over for a standard legal Parapet effect for my deck, so that I could survive an Anger of the Gods . Best I could come up with was Hold the Gates .
Yoked Ox is also overpowered for a Minotaur deck if you're looking to splash white. :P
I reckon for the deck you're better to drop the Boros Charm , and stick with red / black, as it is a pretty slick set up anyway and Boros just decreases your efficiency. Probably that's advice I should take also.
October 13, 2013 10:55 a.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #5
Thanks sladkosan i +1'd your deck since Minotaurs kick ass lol but I'll definitely take your advice into consideration man thank you :)
October 13, 2013 11:17 a.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #8
I had it in here originally but it ended up being too slow unfortunately. I found better things to use in its place surprisingly lol.
October 15, 2013 1:24 a.m.
I would play 2x [cards]Underworld Cerberus[/cards] in the sideboard against control. If they manage to wipe your board with a supreme verdict, then you just drop him and they lose because if they kill him then you get all your minotaurs back.
Also, please don't play cards like madcap skills or ordeal of purphoros in competitive tournaments... they're bad because your opponent can kill two of your cards with just a removal... and seriously everyone plays removal spells. All you need is simply creatures and removals, your minotaurs are big enough also without pump spells.
October 15, 2013 10:36 p.m.
Bromjunaar says... #11
with 11 different mountains you can use, Chained to the Rocks is perfectly viable in this deck imo. It gives you a use for your white when its not going to the Reckoners nor to the charms as well as handling a god or any other ugly creature you don't want to deal with.
October 15, 2013 11:49 p.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #12
@LeoCop90 definitely taking those out for some removal for sure and putting in more removal such as more Dreadbore 's and Hero's Downfall 's after seeing the pro tour and everyone playing creature/removal based decks.
@WovenNebula thanks for the upvote dude!! Wanted to play something different in the meta and make this deck a tough match somehow against everyone!
@Bromjunaar thanks for the suggestion man. I'll definitely add and playtest with Chained to the Rocks after I take out the Ordeal of Purphoros and the Madcap Skills
@everyone who upvoted me from 30-34 thank you so much and sorry I lost track!
October 16, 2013 12:27 a.m.
dreamaddict says... #13
I looked at it, and I can't help but think that black just doesn't work for the second color...YET. Next expansion, I bet you they are going to bring some good red/black things. I say having the Boros Charm
and Chained to the Rocks
, etc., is totally worth going white. But this is the red/black version. Now if you ask me, the Whip of Erebos
is one of the biggest benefits of going black. Murders and Dreadbore
and so on are nice, but the Whip is real sweet.
Madcap Skills is good, but the minotaurs are ' the time you drop Madcap, they'll probably be able to gang up. Now if those minotaurs have first you add Coordinated Assault . That way you can bait 2 blockers, and then assassinate them. The extra 4 points from Madcap Skills and Coordinated Assault on a minotaur will probably be 7 points total of first strike damage, between two blockers at least. It's almost certain that you'll be able to cast them both, if you could spend 4 on the minotaur, you can spend 3 next turn to ruin their plans.
I keep trying to upvote and the score doesn't change...didn't I upvote already? I really thought I did. I keep clicking the button. Anyways, have a +1 sir.
October 16, 2013 1:45 a.m.
I really love this deck. +1 Great name too. :) Pretty Solid now, everyone has made great suggestions.
October 16, 2013 1:49 a.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #15
Glad you all take time to look at the suggestions and notice other peoples advice :) I knew keeping them up was a good idea. Thank you both for the +1's Cleric and dreamaddict. With all the removal/creature based decks going around I need as much removal as possible and black has that answer. Red does to but black has more certain removals knowing that the creature will definitely die before I declare combat. I'm definitely hoping the next set has some good additions for this type of tribal!!
October 16, 2013 2:06 a.m.
Magiclover318 says... #16
I love this!! I have been trying hard to find a minotaur deck, I totally forgot Boros Reckoner is a minotaur haha you really got this built well :D
October 16, 2013 11:52 a.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #17
Thanks Magiclover318 I couldn't do this without everyone's suggestions. It started off as a decent/bad build with pointless buffs and not a lot of removal. Now it's turned into the creature/removal based deck I wanted. Couldn't do it without everyone :)
October 16, 2013 12:52 p.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #19
Well I could always throw in some Firedrinker Satyr 's and some Rakdos Cackler 's lol but that will make it not a tribal deck. It could make it competitive and help with the curve lol.
October 16, 2013 2:29 p.m.
Wow, the only thing I can see that's standard and hasn't been mentioned yet is Ordruun Veteran . I'm running him in my (casual) minotaur tribal, and his battalion ability combined with buffs from the lords is nothing to laugh at. Only real downside is that he's a 4-drop...
Anyway, it's a +1 from me - I'm loving the fact that minotaurs are finally getting some spotlight time, haha!
October 17, 2013 8:03 p.m.
How about Blaze Commando ? Not a great card, but a lot of folks making these tribal cow decks don't realize it is in fact a Minotaur. A few more instant and sorcery cards in here might make it playable finisher.
October 17, 2013 8:07 p.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #22
Thanks guys appreciate the advice I don't really like Ordruun Veteran or Blaze Commando I feel that the R/B Minotaurs are a better threat then the R/W ones. They just seem too slow. I'm just as glad that Minotaurs are now the new elves haha. Just not quite that great yet but hopefully in the next two sets they get better!!
October 17, 2013 9:36 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #23
Yeah stay Rakdos with the Minotaurs, they are a lot better.
October 17, 2013 9:47 p.m.
Jsouth1217 says... #25
Red/Black certainly got some good cards this set kinda like green/white did in ravnica. Hopefully it gets better!!
Fal1entrixt3r says... #1
You stole my line Jsouth1217!!
October 12, 2013 12:37 a.m.