What do you think my 1st Legacy Tribal Wars deck needs?
Costing me less than a full ticket, how good is my (Human) Warrior tribe? Practice for an upcoming Tribal Wars event or just have fun: PLAY ME (AKA: ComixWriter on MTGO)this THURSDAY, September 17th at 12pm EST (MTGO/Just for Fun/Legacy Tribal Wars).
In the meanwhile, I welcome feedback. Please keep these things in mind:
1) Yup, I know a full playset of any other lands could help. For its current value, merely running Plains and Swamps allows me to quickly cast cards and buy groceries this week.
2) Warriors are important. The most recent block has more Black-and-White Warrior-specific interactions than any other sets combined.
3) I'd like to add Herald of Dromoka to give my tribe a legitimate defense if needed, while still attacking regularly. What gets cut, though?
4) Is Graveblade Marauder worth it? I anticipate my warriors dying quickly or being exchanged in combat, so using the graveyard as a resource is a familiar thing for black decks to do.
5) Is Foul-Tongue Shriek worth it, for the damage given without ever really having to connect? With Harsh Sustenance already targeting spot removal or opponents' life totals, do I need a third life-gain/damage swing (The 2nd life-gain is the intended finisher: Rush of Battle.)? If pressed, this is where I'd swap Foul-Tongue Shriek for Herald of Dromoka. Yeah, or nay?
There are no impressive must-haves for this deck to work. With a relatively low mana curve (no spell costs more than 4 mana, and only single kinds of specific mana in a spell), I just want any two or three creatures on the field at a time. Creature A should interact with Creature B, and maybe, Creature B can reciprocate with Creature A.
Here are some fun examples:
Hand of Silumgar + Blood-Chin Rager
Battle Brawler + Chief of the Edge
Mardu Hordechief + Harsh Sustenance (because it implies a likelihood of at least three creatures)
Where do I stall? I need to start or mulligan into 2 land cards to start the game, but can do almost everything with merely three lands in play (also reducing my need for a lot of dual lands). What would you do differently? Where is my glaring weakness in understanding Tribal Wars, and where was my best build idea in this deck? Thanks in advance!
--> See you THURSDAY, Sept 17th at 12pm EST on MTGO as "ComixWriter"