
Creature (3)

Artifact (4)

Enchantment (1)


Welcome to Tribal Snapcaster. With blue Snapcaster Mage , white Path to Exile , and rakdos Kolaghan's Command I'm ready for anything. Except Tron. Screw Tron.

This deck represents all that I stand for in magic: efficient removal, multiple angles of attack, seamless synergy, grindy value engines, and the ability to crush whatever stupid degenerate aggro deck is currently crowning modern.

Modern is in a bad place right now. Fair decks are pathetically outmatched by linear aggressive strategies. The interaction in modern, frankly, sucks. There are a few diamonds in the rough, but they are spread very thin across the colors. Looking at the top decks we see Izzet Phoenix, Tron, Humans, and Dredge. These may not be the poster children of miserable times in magic (that title goes to Lantern Control, or maybe Tron), but Phoenix, Humans, and Dredge are all minimally-interactive linear aggro, while Tron is one of the most frustrating decks to exist ever, especially in the world of modern where playable counterspells are basically nonexistent.

In short, modern is currently Wizard's vision of the perfect standard: goldfishing to see who can count to 20 first. Misery at its finest.

Grixis has a lot of merit. It beats other midrange and control decks all day long. Rock, Jund, UW Control, Jeskai Control, all of them. Only Abzan has a chance, but it hasn't been a deck in modern since the days of Splinter Twin (ah, those were the days). Grixis has access to a lot of solid cards: Snapcaster Mage , Tasigur, the Golden Fang , Lightning Bolt , Kolaghan's Command , Anger of the Gods , Fatal Push .

Unfortunately, Lightning Bolt and Anger of the Gods , the 2 best cards in red, are terrible right now thanks to Phoenix. Neither kills Thing in the Ice   or Crackling Drake and killing a Phoenix with Lightning Bolt doesn't really matter because they'll get it back. In addition, Terminate is nowhere near as good as it used to be.

The graveyard hate in Grixis is sub-par as well. Nihil Spellbomb and Rakdos Charm aren't enough to beat Dredge. Leyline of the Void is too much of a gamble. Surgical Extraction is not enough half of the time. In this dire time sub-par graveyard hate doesn't cut it.

Path to Exile and Rest in Peace are, in my opinion, the 2 best fair cards in modern. Beautiful cards. They also happen to address the major issues with Grixis.

Headaches like Wurmcoil Engine and Arclight Phoenix are pitiful in the face of Path to Exile . The only time Path to Exile is worse than Terminate is vs burn, and even then it's a toss-up.

Rest in Peace slaughters graveyard strategies. I oftentimes think of it as a sledgehammer. Since graveyard strategies are a significant portion of modern and always will be, Rest in Peace will oftentimes be the card I want to draw most. Even in this deck with Tasigur and Snap and K-Command relying on the graveyard, Rest in Peace is such a blowout that it's still worth playing. Cuter cards like Surgical Extraction are nice and all, but I'd rather take a sledgehammer to the opponent's face any day.

You may be thinking "Why are you playing 4 colors? Surely 3 of these still capture all the benefits. And only 3 colors is much more consistent". The consistency point is a good one. Consistency is important. But sadly, none of the 3-color combinations offer everything I want. I can't bring myself to play a deck without Snapcaster Mage , and I've already said why Grixis isn't good enough, which leaves Jeskai and Esper. Jeskai is too soft. It doesn't have very good threats, the removal is much worse (only 4 copies of Path isn't enough!), and it's not good at grinding vs BGx decks. Esper is solid and I almost switched over to it, but I found that I couldn't beat UW Control or BG Rock. Grixis routinely crushes those decks, and a large reason why is Kolaghan's Command . Sacrificing the other fair matchups to have decent but not overwhelming aggro matchups is not worth it in my opinion. Thus, here we are with 4-color midrange.

Snapcaster Mage is the best card in this deck. In many ways, this deck is built to take advantage of the power of Snapcaster Mage . Snap + Kolaghan's Command is some of the best grindy card advantage around. The iconic Bolt-Snap-Bolt is the best way to close a game. If the opponent gets that double Arclight Phoenix draw, Snap turns our one Path to Exile into 2 and puts us well on our way to winning. The card value of Snapcaster Mage is the reason to play blue in modern.
Not much to say here, but it needs to be said. When looking at this decklist, Mana Leak probably looks like the worst card. Yet when testing the deck it fits right in and wins games. Without it we lose as soon as Tron is online, right when they cast Primeval Titan , or a few turns after they stick Teferi, Hero of Dominaria . It's also amazing vs Burn, Phoenix, Grixis Death's Shadow, Rock, Affinity, Storm, and many other matchups.
Field of Ruin -> Flooded Strand A colorless land in a four-color deck feels bad. But it kills manlands, Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin , and Urza's Mine .

Any land -> Plains Right now I only have 2 white sources, and between my own Thought Scour and opposing Field of Ruin it's not hard to imagine losing access to white mana. Basic plains would help fix this, but with only 6 white cards in the main deck I feel like a basic plains will be less useful than a Field of Ruin more often than not.

Countersquall or Izzet Staticaster -> Fulminator Mage Tron is a very poor matchup in game 1 and Fulminator Mage is one of the best ways to beat them post-board.

Rise / Fall -> Collective Brutality This one is tricky. Brutality is better vs Burn, but I think Fall is better against almost everything else. And Fall is plenty good vs burn (in fact I'd say it's our best card in the matchup).

Let me know if you have other changes that you recommend!

This deck is sweet. I'd like to UPVOTE!


Updates Add

It's summer so I'm playing magic again! I've taken this to 2 events now, and gone 2-1 and 1-2-1. Not super exciting, but I am still up on store credit across the events.

I lost to Burn twice and Amulet Titan once. I went to time vs Mill (I was going to win if we hadn't run out of time). I beat WUBG control, Elves, and Jund. I'm not super impressed with this deck, but I need more matches before I can draw too many conclusions.

Modern Horizons is coming! I'm most excited for Force of Negation and Giver of Runesfoil. And I'm trying to find out if Hexdrinker, Fact or Fiction, Ice-Fang Coatl, Kess, Dissident Mage, Goblin Engineer, or Eladamri's Call can be used in something I want to play. Regardless of how it goes down, I'm probably not going to play this afterwards. I have no idea what's next. I'm probably going to play Esper or something green next -- I have Goyfs and nowhere to play them!


Revision 15 See all

(5 years ago)

-3 Anger of the Gods side
-1 Countersquall side
-1 Fatal Push main
-1 Field of Ruin main
+1 Force of Negation main
+1 Gurmag Angler main
+4 Inquisition of Kozilek main
+1 Island main
+1 Kolaghan's Command main
-2 Lightning Bolt main
-4 Mana Leak main
+4 Nihil Spellbomb side
+1 Sacred Foundryfoil main
+3 Settle the Wreckage side
-2 Spell Snare main
-1 Spirebluff Canal main
-1 Stony Silence side
+1 Terminate side
Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

34 - 7 Rares

10 - 1 Uncommons

11 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Folders "Stolen" gems
Ignored suggestions
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