Tricky Beats

Standard jubale


jubale says... #1

Help! I think the deck can really work, but I need the best 1,2, and 3 costed cards. Make suggestions and I will add to the MaybeBoard and eventually figure a solid deck from them.

September 28, 2014 7:39 p.m.

jubale says... #2

3 more matches in, and the results were as I expected: loss to UWB control, loss to GW devotion, win over Temur midrange. I've decided I don't like Ensoul Artifact in the build. The way to make it work is more Ornithopters or more Darksteel Citadel and either way makes the deck too sketchy. Sinking 2 cards into 1 creature is also not the way to make Disciple happy as you run out of things to cast.

So I'm going more ordinary creatures and more answers instead of these 2-part creature-builders. All artifacts out except Springleaf Drum.

March 29, 2015 9:47 p.m.

jubale says... #3

and Bow of Nylea. That card is awesome x 5 for an aggro list. Except when I pumped Disciple and it got trashed by Valorous Stance.

March 29, 2015 9:49 p.m.

raverswivel says... #4

this is exactly what I was talking about in the last deck =D with the number of inspiration creatures you have now, have you considered Phenax, God of Deception??? it gives you an easy way to tap your creatures (for no good reason) while messing up your opponents deck in the process. could be worth looking at.

May 6, 2015 8:29 p.m.

jubale says... #5

I never thought of Phenax before. One key to this deck's plan is it uses Disciple to fetch cards with certain mana costs. To make it flexible I debated between 4-drops and 5-drops and went with 4's. What I mean is if I want a King Macar, I can trade in a Horizon Chimera to get it. Phenax would be hard to find. If I went 5's instead I could run Prophet of Kruphix (now there's a combo!), Prognostic Sphinx, Sidisi, Undead Vizier, and different spells. Not sure it's a better option, but it is an option.

May 6, 2015 10:33 p.m.

raverswivel says... #6

totally understandable on that one. I actually didn't even realize you weren't running prophet in this deck (and not to hijack the deck, but... I mean... Why are you not running Prophet???). the one thing I have noticed (I played an inspired based deck a while back) is that I commonly found myself unable to swing for fear of losing my creatures, and sometimes, springleaf drum is just burried so damn deep in the deck that I would stall out. still a great looking deck though =)

May 7, 2015 12:17 a.m.

jubale says... #7

I'm not running the deck now. I didn't like the Ensoul for being too weak here (a 5/5 destructible walking enchantment artifact creature from a 2 card combo is lame). And so I'm looking for a new power play to tutor up and wreck house. Once I find that, maybe I can also find room for Prophet.

May 7, 2015 9:50 a.m.

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