Legacy hamiam

SCORE: 239 | 216 COMMENTS | 34448 VIEWS | IN 118 FOLDERS

Cdawg44 says... #1

The only advice I can offer is to bump the land count up a tiny bit. Maybe to 22? I try not to dip below 22. Honestly man this deck is pretty solid.

March 30, 2013 3:38 a.m.

WarlordNeal says... #2

As a mono red EDH player, this makes me happy. +1 and thanks for boosting my mood

March 30, 2013 7:55 a.m.

nashbridges52 says... #7

I think it'd be smart to add a few more Bonfire of the Damned . You'll want to be able to wipe the board in case your opponent gets something going.

Love the idea though, great deck. +1

March 30, 2013 10:57 p.m.

verensurma says... #8

copy made with Dual Casting do not trigger Blistercoil Weird Guttersnipe abilities just wanted to point that out i was not sure if you noticed that but it still looks like fun deck +1

March 31, 2013 4:06 a.m.

Jdun says... #9

Pyromancer Ascension for shits and giggles...

March 31, 2013 12:30 p.m.

KrosanTusker says... #11

Maybe Reverberate ? If you use, say, Lava Spike , tap your Wierd with Dual Casting on it to copy the spell, then cast Reverberate , Reverberate will untap the wierd to tap and copy the Lava Spike again, giving you four copies of Lava Spike in all!
+1 for the deck by the way!

March 31, 2013 3:13 p.m.

xzzane says... #12

Very nice deck! Why not make it legacy instead of casual?

March 31, 2013 4:06 p.m.

jokersam9806 says... #14

This deck actually seems to be Modern legal but I don't care. That is my favorite Avacyn jank rare! +1! Please offer what advice you can on my new standard idea Don't F*** With America

April 1, 2013 12:08 a.m.

ExpectDragons says... #23

charmbreaker devils, returns an instant or sorcery card at random from your graveyard to your hand at the beginning of your upkeep and get's +4/+0 whenever you cast an instant or sorcery, would work good in here

April 2, 2013 2:21 a.m.

ambeault says... #24

Very nice deck +1

April 2, 2013 2:54 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #25

Have you ever considered Manamorphose ? It will replace itself and either ramp you or allow you to chain spells together for better use of Guttersnipe . Also, it has the added side effect of thinning your deck.

April 2, 2013 3:13 p.m.

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