

A casual, themed deck originally based around triskaidekaphobia and plants, namely Tree of Perdition, with a deeper theme of time eventually taking everything

A deck with a lot of defense and a fun alternate win condition.

The “combo” play being that you pump Tree of Perdition using the counter from sacrificing Shambling Shell, giving Tree of Perdition 14 toughness, and then using Tragic Slip on your own tree to put it at 1 toughness. At which point you swap life totals with your opponent leaving them at 1 life. I wish there were more room to put something in to ping for one life, but otherwise you need to sneak one of the creatures past to deal the remaining damage, or use Triskaidekaphobia from the sideboard to deal the remaining damage.

Unfortunate Triskaidekaaphobia isn’t at all reliable in modern environments due to the numerous ways in which opponents are able to deal damage to themselves and take them off the needed 13 life for the game loss trigger, so it’s consolidated to the side for when you know the opponent is lacking cards to manipulate their life totals.

Assault formation is also able to pump tree of perdition to 14 toughness, as well as let our creatures in for damage.

If only there were more room in the list, we could up the removal and ability to ping for 1 life. Keep an eye out for cards to add and make combos more consistent.

Wrenn & Seven is a personal choice I put in, though any sort of deck manipulation helps with Descendants' Path‘s consistency.

If you didn’t want to play the deck as a full on plant tribal, there would be much more room for activities! Something to consider for yourselves.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 9 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 6 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

15 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.81
Tokens Plant 0/1 G
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