Trolltacular "Never Gunna Happen" Combo Deck

Standard -Logician

SCORE: 153 | 89 COMMENTS | 12331 VIEWS | IN 26 FOLDERS

YuyuDono says... #1

Simple idea... Not sure if it has a home, but I feel it could up your chances of a Kiora in your hand first turn. Clone ?

January 30, 2014 4:07 p.m.

-Logician says... #2

Some good suggestions. Thanks guys. I really like Hellkite Tyrant as a win-condition in the manner that you described. When copying an akroan horse with fated infatuation, your opponent gains control if it as a triggered ability. In response to that, you can populate it infinitely, then give them all of the tokens. Finally, you just play Hellkite Tyrant and give him haste with Ogre Battledriver or Fleetfeather Sandals and attack for game. Nice one chrizzilla.

Countering spells infinitely is pretty lulzy too. I'll add a dissolve to the sideboard.

The Clone is pretty slow, and space is kinda tight. I don't know if I'd add that. Thanks for the suggestion though.

January 30, 2014 5:53 p.m.

chrizzilla says... #3

Glad I could help :)

January 30, 2014 6:25 p.m.

DenzelPretzel says... #4

omg +1 for trollz

January 31, 2014 12:43 a.m.

-Logician says... #5

Thank you DenzelPretzel! :)

January 31, 2014 9:22 a.m.

DenzelPretzel says... #6

Do you have this deck now? Does it work well? Lol. I want to make this.

January 31, 2014 10:16 p.m.

Serrarch287 says... #7

The only thing you mentioned that was wrong is you said you can attach aura enchantments like Stab Wound to hexproof creatures like Geist of Saint Traft .

Unfortunately, this is not true for the following reason taken from common rulings:

114.1b Aura spells are always targeted. These are the only permanent spells with targets. An Auras target is specified by its enchant keyword ability (see rule 702.5, Enchant). The target(s) are chosen as the spell is cast; see rule 601.2c. An Aura permanent doesnt target anything; only the spell is targeted. (An activated or triggered ability of an Aura permanent can also be targeted.)

Thus, since it "targets" the creature, and hexproof prevents it from being a target, you cannot Stab Wound hexproofed creatures.

February 1, 2014 9:14 a.m.

Grimwolf79 says... #8

What happen if the aura is not casted, just put on the battlefield? How do you select where it goes?

February 1, 2014 11:01 a.m.

Da_Necromancer says... #9

Omg this is the best deck I have ever seen. You my friend, are a master. +1x1099999999

February 3, 2014 12:18 a.m.

-Logician says... #10

Serrarch287 I believe you're wrong because an enchantment entering the battlefield from your hand from being cast DOES target, but entering the battlefield irregularly enters the battlefield attached to anything legal without targeting. It's been a known ruling.

DenzelPretzel This deck only gets the combo off about 3% of the time.

Grimwolf79, I hope that responding to Serrarch287 has answered your question.

February 3, 2014 12:05 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #11


February 3, 2014 8:50 p.m.

DenzelPretzel says... #12

WicKid52, Kiora's Follower doesn't enter standard until Feb. 7.

February 3, 2014 9:03 p.m.

-Logician says... #13

DenzelPretzel is correct, WicKid52. I'm not so certain that your claim is possible. If the deck was at all similar, then I'm flattered to hear about it! :D

February 3, 2014 10:54 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #14

It was close, very close to this.

February 4, 2014 12:07 a.m.

Serrarch287 says... #15

-Logician In order to enter the battlefield, the aura will be targeting whatever it is being attached to. Entering the battlefield irregularly does not remove the step of targeting the spell when it enters the battlefield, much in the same way copying a spell (using Meletis Charlatan as an "in-standard" example) still chooses new targets, but targets nonetheless, despite the spell having been created in the game irregularly. The ruling I posted (114.1b I believe) was taken from Wizards of the Coast, and though your ruling may be "well known" as you put, you don't seem to have any actual ruling to back it up, and thus this could cause judge confusion and your ruling to be overturned by rule 114.1b in tournament or even sanctioned fnm situations.

You could convince someone it works that way, but convincing someone and convincing an opponent with a judge behind them is something completely different. As an L1 Judge myself, I would rule that an Aura Enchantment, entering the battlefield in any way, however irregular, targets its intended legal target. If that target contains the Hexproof or Shroud keywords, then the spell will "fizzle" with no legal targets as it resolves. Entering the battlefield irregularly does not prevent targeting, in the same it way it does not prevent resolving entirely. The spell is being cast, though not technically by you, but rather a different ability present in the board state, and can even be countered by instants such as Cancel and Dissolve , and MUST have a legal target before resolving. A.K.A. Geist of Saint Traft would be no such legal target, however irregularly your enchantment enters the battlefield. If it is an AURA enchantment, either due to card text or the way it was cast, then it is a TARGETED spell. No board state or ability that brings it into the battlefield in any way can change that.

Using your ruling (which I still don't see where exactly it came from) cards like Silent Sentinel would have the ability to Stab Wound hexproof creatures such as Geist of Saint Traft or a monstroused Fleecemane Lion simply because the enchantment is entering the battlefield irregularly. This is not the case, as the aura enchantment still needs a legal target before fully resolving and entering the battlefield entirely, or it would fizzle and be right back in the graveyard where it started.

I hope this example and further explanation aids you in future use of your deck, which by the way, I highly enjoy. It made me realize that simply having two of Kiora's Follower on board can cause an infinite untapping loop which you can use to force-concede your opponent. As much of a dick move as that is :P

I'm giving you the +1 for concept and creativity, and may even use this deck in my local meta, but please try and be careful with rulings such as this, as they cause confusion to everyone on this site. Even if you think you're sure, check around and make sure you aren't giving out false information.

If you can, I'd like to know where you found information backing up your quote of "...entering the battlefield irregularly enters the battlefield attached to anything legal without targeting." This is a ruling I'm unfamiliar with, and makes no sense in the case of Silent Sentinel , for example, as stated above, and completely disregards rule 114.1b as I stated in my previous comment.

Here is a reposting of the rule for reference in case it was lost in a cleanup while I was writing this response, or if you simply don't feel like looking it up yourself.

114.1b Aura spells are always targeted. These are the only permanent spells with targets. An Auras target is specified by its enchant keyword ability (see rule 702.5, Enchant). The target(s) are chosen as the spell is cast; see rule 601.2c. An Aura permanent doesn't target anything; only the spell is targeted. (An activated or triggered ability of an Aura permanent can also be targeted.)

Though the rule does state an Aura permanent doesn't target anything itself, the spell itself goes hand in hand with the Aura due the "enchant" keyword, and thus no matter how it is brought into the battlefield, the fact that the card's text will read the keyword "enchant" as it is entering the battlefield (from your hand or not) will trigger it's spell-half, per se, and become a targeted spell upon being copied, returned from the graveyard, returned from exile, or entering the battlefield in any other irregular way.

February 4, 2014 12:31 p.m.

-Logician says... #16


Proof from a level 2 judge (I believe that outranks you). Skip to 4 minutes in for the relevant quote, "...Auras only target when they are cast and put on the stack."


Official rule on the comprehensive rules (source:

  • 303.4f If an Aura is entering the battlefield under a players control by any means other than by resolving as an Aura spell, and the effect putting it onto the battlefield doesnt specify the object or player the Aura will enchant, that player chooses what it will enchant as the Aura enters the battlefield. The player must choose a legal object or player according to the Auras enchant ability and any other applicable effects.

Notice how it uses the word "choose" instead of target.

Official "Hexproof" ruling (source:

  • 702.11b "Hexproof" on a permanent means "This permanent can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control."

Same case with Clone . He comes into play as a copy of any creature in play, without targeting, and therefore a Clone can come into play and you "CHOOSE" a permanent to copy instead of target a permanent to copy. Look here for proof of this distinction between choosing and targeting.

  • (last ruling at the bottom).

Is this enough to convince you...?

February 4, 2014 6:46 p.m.

DenzelPretzel says... #17

Perhaps this deck can never have too much troll:

How about an Enter the Infinite and draw your whole deck. Put down the important ones and have Elixir of Immortality to reshuffle the deck afterwards. Don't put the win-cons yet for more troll. Use Ring of Three Wishes to tutor the win-cons one by one and win.

Win trolltacularly.

February 5, 2014 6:15 a.m.

Hider1120 says... #18

Demolish to destroy all their lands, not just non-basic ones?

February 5, 2014 6:47 a.m.

DenzelPretzel says... #19

-Logician, if you came up with the combo, do you mind if I brew up a deck using it? This seems fun.

February 5, 2014 7:38 a.m.

-Logician says... #20

Hider1120 Hydroform combo gets'em all. If they start playing basics after that, don't worry about it. You've won. Demolish isn't necessary and the deck is tight.

DenzelPretzel. Well this combo starts with the basic Kiora+Illusionist's bracers. Once Kiora's Follower was spoiled, it only took the community all of 10 minutes to realize the infinite combo. I didn't invent it, because it was just so obvious that there could be 1000 people who claim they invented it. It's just that easy to see. Using Ring of Three Wishes and all of the combos I showed you are 100% legit. I spent all day not paying attention in my college classes and instead came up with the idea to destroy all of your opponent's lands and creatures at instant speed. Later that night, I figured out about infinite encroaching wastes tokens and felt the deck was a solid concept at that point.

Of course you may brew it! I have no problem with that. If you want to find yourself more successful, you might make a few changes to the deck. Maybe consider some removal. If you take this deck as-is to FNM, you'll go 0-5. This is because the combo requires 5 pieces. Two piece combos like the ones in the modern Splinter Twin deck are viable because it's only two pieces... The "Elite Tactics" combo is three pieces, which tends to maybe happen late game around turn 7 or 8 as a random coincidence. Four piece combos are looked down upon because they require you use tutors to make them actually happen every game. This is a five piece combo. It just doesn't happen.

Your best bet is to keep a hand with Ring of Three Wishes , and hope you can manage having enough luck to get it out and tutor the combo pieces you need, which will include having to tutor another Ring of Three Wishes ...

Good luck though! And may the trollage be with you!

February 5, 2014 11:47 a.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #21

you could throw in a hydra of any sort for another way to abuse infinite ramp abilities.

February 5, 2014 5:38 p.m.

DenzelPretzel says... #22

-Logician I just thought about it and I feel like this is gonna be hard. Anyway, considered Enter the Infinite and Elixir of Immortality ?

February 6, 2014 5:59 a.m.

Ayemeesk says... #23

You, Sir or Madam, nearly made me cry because of the ingeniousness of your deck. This is just... WTF! +1*infinity

February 6, 2014 6:14 a.m.

thuzra says... #24

I just

March 23, 2014 6:41 p.m.

flyguy says... #25

Why not Gruul Charm instead of having to attack with Hellkite Tyrant . Boros Charm or Gift of Immortality can be taken out.

My views on the deck still haven't changed. This is one of my favorite decks on this site. Kudos! My friend cmg635 is going to build this and play it against certain people (including noobs who will let him rig). I'll be sure to tell you their reactions!

March 23, 2014 7:10 p.m.

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