pianist1119 says... #3
Also oboro you can tap for one blue return it and play and tap for another blue if u dont have enoguh islands
January 6, 2015 10:34 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #4
@pianist1119 dat necro, i'd completely forgotten that at one point i played blue tron and not green red tron features your creatures and non lands all dying horribly to either an eldrazi fart or a stone
January 8, 2015 11:23 a.m.
That seems to be a crazy high amount of creatures for U-Tron. You really only need 1 copy of each win-con because Academy Ruins can bring them all back from the graveyard. -1 Wurmcoil Engine, -1 Steel Hellkite (this is a side-board card), -1 Blightsteel Colossus (this is just unnecessary, and a less efficient way to win due to its high mana cost)
It also seems like you might run into consistency problems. 22 lands + 2 Talisman of Dominance is below what most U-Tron decks run to keep a consistent mana base. I'd add either 1 Talisman or 1 land as the most efficient balance is 22/4 or 23/3. Also, 2x Tolaria West might be over-kill as having what may be your only blue source quite often come in tapped is usually bad for business. It is worth a one-of though due to the fetching ability. Bear in mind that it can also fetch Pact of Negation, so a single Pact would work well in here too and would give it more viability.
One thing you seem to be missing is any type of board-wipe. A board wipe is pretty necessary for U-Tron to be competitive. 1x Oblivion Stone is fetchable by Fabricate and can be repeatedly used by Academy Ruins. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is also a very viable board wipe for U-Tron, though it is not fetchable.
1x Tectonic Edge would fit nicely and can help with problem lands like Gavony Township and Kessig Wolf Run. I like to run 1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in the mainboard so I can run 2x Dismember in the mainboard as well. The Urborg makes casting Dismember much less life intensive and Urborg is fetchable by Expedition Map and by Tolaria West.
Anyways, its always nice to see a fellow U-Tron player! I'll post my deck in case you feel like checking it out: The Age of U|Tron
March 19, 2015 11:48 a.m.
tyforthevenom says... #6
i refuse to use dismember due to it being on average "pay 4 life reduce target creatures power by 1 maybe kill the creature" 2 tolaria west is better than 1 for consistency and 2 wurmcoils definitely better than 1 wurmcoil vs a playset of path to exile and steel hellkite is the only mainboard way to deal with mainboard blood moon on a more permanent basis and colossus is Emrakul, the Aeons Torn for blue tron if they can't path it they can't really get rid of it
used to run urborg but tbh as i said i don't like dismember so for me it was Eye of Ugin taps for mana and an extra target for Sundering Titan
March 19, 2015 4:38 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #7
Interesting take on the list. I had never considered Steel Hellkite as a card at all. Based on my experience with blue tron, I have a couple of recommendations for you to consider.
I would like to go back to what someone above said about two Tolaria Wests. Does seem a bit much, especially when it is sorcery speed and you play 4 Expedition Maps. Not to mention the two blue can be much sometimes (in my experience). I would replace one Tolaria West with Minamo, School at Water's Edge since you play Sundering Titan. Another blue source that can't be destroyed by his ETB trigger. Personally I play one Ghost Quarter for mirror matches, and I don't like Tectonic Edge as it has the restriction of 4 lands.
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon seems like a lot. When he comes into play he should be able to wipe EVERYTHING they have on their side of the board. Meaning you don't need to worry about them attacking again before you can uptick him. Even if it takes him being minused 6 and your opponent Lightning Bolts in response, you probably needed him to even have a chance at winning the game. Two just seems like extreme overkill, not to mention almost a dead card if both are drawn. I would recommend playing a big beater. I personally chose Kozilek, the Great Distortion for his cast trigger. Others like Newlamog. Personally I am debating on putting in one Karn Liberated and one Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger to add in the exiling as part of my mainboard. I don't know if I want to do that since the meta has shifted to being aggressive and they're expensive. Something to consider for your deck though. You could also replace one Ugin with karn.
Solemn Simulacrum is definitely a good card in blue-tron. But another to consider is Thought-Knot Seer. It took me awhile to make the switch, but in the end I was glad too. Thought-Knot Seer interacts with your opponent, possibly foiling their plans. Yes they may get to draw a card, but probably 8 times out of ten the card you took will be better than the one they draw because of him. Also he is a 4/4 which is out of Lightning Bolt Range.
2 Snapcaster Mage seems like a lot. I don't even play one personally. Didn't think there was a strong need for it. I might go to one at some point, but possibly taking out one for something else could be beneficial.
Here's my deck if you want to take a look. I've updated it to be competitive in the aggressive and fast meta that modern is now. Let me know if you have anything to say about it.
tyforthevenom says... #1
Urborg allows Eye of Ugin to tap for mana guves Sundering Titan an extra target and for those who choose to run it gives black mana for Dismember
September 11, 2014 5:14 a.m.