MrHighscore says... #2
@ComradeJim270 I see your point about Green Sun's Zenith - when I'm not running Craterhoof Behemoth it makes sence to take it out for a Courser of Kruphix (done).
In regards to Craterhoof Behemoth I'll keep him on the maybe list for now. Originally I had him in the list, but I replaced with him wiht Odric, Master Tactician, as he was in white binder. If the deck underperforms significantly, I'll try Craterhoof Behemoth + Green Sun's Zenith .
June 30, 2015 3:34 p.m.
I like Trostani EDH, having lots of life is just fun! Couple suggestions though. 1- Spear of Heliod over Glorious Anthem as you can destroy pesky aggro Commanders. 2- Well of Lost Dreams is excellent with lifegain for card advantage. 3- Angelic Accord is not that hard to get online and then it can feed itself by populating with Trostani on your opponents turn. 4- Hornet Nest is a pretty decent card as well, helps deter attacks and gets you a bunch of tokens as well.
I'll have to take some pointers from this deck for mine, I like to load up on creatures because they could be fun to play and are not automatically best for smooth gameplay. I like the cards you have in for Draw Power.
July 1, 2015 10:23 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #4
@Zicca21 thank you for the suggestions.
I'll repace Glorious Anthem with Spear of Heliod. I think the destroy ability is worth the extra vulnerability.
I disregarded Well of Lost Dreams in the first go, as it's usually very mana extensive. In this deck, there are plenty of ways to add creatures without spending mana (populate, planeswalkers) so I think it makes sense. I'll put it in instead of Soul's Majesty.
Angelic Accord and Hornet Nest both seems like good token cards, but I'm unsure if anything are worth taking out for them. My best suggestion is Hornet Queen -> Angelic Accord. What do you think?
July 2, 2015 2:15 a.m.
libraryjoy says... #5
Devout Invocation could be pretty awesome in this deck - tap all your saplings and hornets for an army of angels. Sick with Doubling Season et al.............
July 2, 2015 12:07 p.m.
Depending on if you usually play multiplayer or one on one. I like Angelic Accord over Luminarch Ascension in 1 on 1 but the other way around in multiplayer. It's up to you, pay around a bit with both.
July 2, 2015 7:40 p.m.
Growing Ranks, I run it in my trostani deck. It works well with parallel lives and doubling season when you populate every upkeep. Keeps you from having to tap trostani to populate.
July 2, 2015 11:31 p.m.
BiggestJohn says... #8
where is Avenger of Zendikar and Craterhoof Behemoth??????
July 3, 2015 12:28 a.m.
BiggestJohn says... #9
woah woah woah, you left home without Eldrazi Monument and Devout Invocation
July 3, 2015 12:40 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #10
I think Devout Invocation is too expensive and situational to be included.
@Zicca21 The deck is designed to be multiplayer, so for now I'll keep Angelic Accord on the bench.
@ThaRizza I did have Growing Ranks in my initial draft, but it did not make the cut. What would you replace for it?
@BiggestJohn For the time beeing I'm keeping Odric, Master Tactician over Craterhoof Behemoth.
Avenger of Zendikar seems awfully expensive for what it does (I would not expect to play a land on the same turn I can play it).
Eldrazi Monument was in my initial draft, but was cut for more stable cards. If I were to bring it back, what whould you replace for it?
July 3, 2015 4:51 a.m.
pokepower116 says... #12
Woo! Love seeing other people represent Trostani =) She's my favorite commander at the moment so I love seeing her get played.
Some suggestions I would have would be a lot of the same ones that have been mentioned above; so I won't mention them again. Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth + Tooth and Nail have won me the majority of the games I've played with her :P. Here are a couple ones I haven't seen mentioned:
Phyrexian Processor This guy is an absolute powerhouse with Trostani with virtually no risk. If the spell gets countered, you lose no life; so there's less risk against blue players. So the only time you should be vulnerable (think of this as a turn 8 play) should be the moment between playing it and the moment when you tap it. If you go against players who use direct damage to win, I'd probably stay away because it might be too risky. Otherwise with Trostani on the board you can pretty much effectively double your life total every turn while getting MASSIVE tokens on the board (don't even get me started with doubling season).
Courser of Kruphix -> Oracle of Mul Daya - This is pretty much just personal preference. 1 Life when you get a land, 1 mana cost less, and slightly better stats while being more vulnerable to removal (unless you have Sterling Grove out) or being able to play an extra land a turn. Both have pros and cons, but thought I'd throw it out there for consideration :).
Privileged Position - I don't know how you feel about this card, but this plus Sterling Grove makes you quite a force to be reckoned with.
Beast Within -> Oblivion Ring - I would say that this is better for dealing with most problems except for the indestructible case. I'd say Oblivion Ring is great for versatility but terrible against removal. Also you can Beast Within yourself for some desperation tokens!
Rampaging Baloths - You might feel the same way as with Avenger of Zendikar and I would understand, but I thought I would at least bring it up because of how good it's been to me.
Primeval Bounty - Another good enchantment that synergizes perfectly with Trostani. It is higher on the mana cost but if it stays around for even one turn then you get your value out of it.
Glare of Subdual - Since you're running tons of Tokens with Trostani, this is a cheap way to help lock down the board against scary threats.
Return to Dust -> Sundering Growth - Another matter of personal preference. I prefer the flexibility of being able to deal with two enchantments/artifacts for the two extra mana cost. Also helps deal with indestructible and decks with recursion. Most of the time populate wasn't relevant for me because I would either populate nothing or a 1/1.
Austere Command - An absolute beauty of a boardwipe.
Finishers? - I don't know how your deck's faring, but my deck had a lot of problems dealing that final bit of damage. If that's not the case, ignore this! A few favorite suggestions are Craterhoof Behemoth, Garruk Wildspeaker, Overrun, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa, Strength in Numbers, Overwhelming Stampede, and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.
Sorry for the super long post, just love Trostani and thought I'd try and help a fellow player out! Best of luck and let me know how the deck does!
July 4, 2015 12:56 p.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #13
Got to second pokepower116 on the Phyrexian Processor, it's downright broken in Trostani EDH. Elesh Norn is also great and serves double duty in a deck like this; pick her up while she's still cheap from the recent reprint!
July 4, 2015 2:15 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #15
First off, thank you for the input! Especially @pokepower116 - thank you for taking the time!
@jecder I think Coat of Arms is too situational for this deck, given that there are 20 different tokens in the mix, and they don't nessecarily come in groups (except for soldiers).
I agree that Oracle of Mul Daya is better than Courser of Kruphix due to the card advantage. Unfortunately my only verison is tied op in another deck, so for now I'll keep Courser of Kruphix, but it will be upgraded at some point.
Privileged Position is very good, but I've kept it out of the deck to keep ACMC down. If you were to make room for it, what would you take out? Is it really better than Asceticism in this deck?
Regarding Beast Within vs Oblivion Ring I had the exact same considerations. I opted for Oblivion Ring as my meta is thick with Avacyn, Angel of Hope. I would like to run both, but I don't think I can justify more control in the deck.
I like Rampaging Baloths better than Avenger of Zendikar, but it did not make the cut over the other CMC 6+ cards. Also, if I add this I should also add a bunch of fetches, and though add more landfall cards. It is very likely that I'll do that in the future. Primeval Bounty goes to the same category
I started out with Glare of Subdual in my initial list, but dumped it for a token friendly board wipe. I think I disregarded that it could be used continuously, so now I'll have to reconsider.
I have both Return to Dust and Sundering Growth in the deck at the moment. I'll take out the Sundering Growth for a Phyrexian Processor. I see your points on low risk, high reward. Virtual high five.
Austere Command was also cut in favor of a token friendly wipe. Would you pick it over Hour of Reckoning, Martial Coup, Phyrexian Rebirth or Wrath of God? I can see an argument for choosing it over Wrath of God, but it is also +2 CMC.
I haven't tried the deck yet, as I'm still assembling it, so not sure if I need extra finishers. I do own a couple of Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite but she also did not make the cut. What would you take out for her?
Garruk Wildspeaker makes a lot of sense in the deck. I will take out a Plains for him!
On a side note; The ACMC for the cards you suggested is 5.5. I want to keep the CMC < 4, preferably around 3. So I'm trying to be conservative about adding cards with high CMC.
July 5, 2015 5:09 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #16
@pokepower116 Rampaging Baloths, Avenger of Zendikar, Primeval Bounty makes me think, that Landfall would make an excellent subtheme for a Tristani tokens deck.
Without diving into the details, there are some options on gatherer.
July 5, 2015 5:37 a.m.
I would replace the spear with growing ranks, sure its an anthem with an additional ability, but it takes 1ww to activate. That's mana you could use to cast a spell or activate a better ability of another creature that goes more with the theme. Beside you're trying to get wide and overrun. So if your creatures are bigger you'll be killing any blockers they have. Privileged position drg better than asceticism, because it protects all permanents from destruction. It's great when you have avacyn in play.
July 5, 2015 10:13 p.m.
Growing ranks seems to be a must in this type of deck. Emmara Tandris would be nice for some protection, especially since EDH winds up being mostly a political battle. And if your doods might deal more damage or take no damage, you're less likely to be attacked early on. Trostani's Summoner will throw out a bunch of tokens at once, especially since mana is rarely an issue in this mode. The Return to Ravnica block was great for this style.
July 5, 2015 11:40 p.m.
brucebruce says... #19
Shamanic Revelation and Mentor of the Meek would be better advantage than some of your other options.
Like the deck overall!
July 6, 2015 1:49 a.m.
VikingBlood says... #20
Really strong deck from the looks of things, looks like it would be very fun to play. There are two cards I personally suggest you consider. Ajani, Mentor of Heroes if you can use his last ability and then place you other ajani after the first leaves the battlefield and use his last your in token city. The other one I suggest is Emmara Tandris because it is similar to the Frontline Medic in keeping your tokens alive.
July 15, 2015 8:16 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #21
Thank you for the feedback!
@ThaRizza: You are right about the spear! I'll replace it with something else.
@bjd2788/VikingBlood: I'm not too fond of Emmara Tandris as I think she is a bit one sided, and don't protect herself well. I'd rather run Avacyn, Angel of Hope if I could find room for her.
@brucebruce: Mentor of the Meek does look pretty good. I'll se how I can make room for him.
@wahnschatten: Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant could certainly find a spot in the deck. I'll do some thinking. I'm pretty happy with the mana base as it is, but if I run into trouble I'll add a Wooded Bastion
@VikingBlood: I am only running 24 aura/creature/planeswalkers so Ajani, Mentor of Heroes' second +1 ability, is not good enough for his rather high casting cost. Also, the -8 is not important in this deck.
@dragonhunter: Skyshroud Claim is most certainly good, but I could not find room for it. Before adding that, I will prefer to add Oracle of Mul Daya, Exploration and Sylvan Library :)
August 2, 2015 5:11 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #22
I am revisiting my options and realize that I could use some help.
What I want from the deck:
- Token focused
- Preferred ramp: Courser of Kruphix, Oracle of Mul Daya, Exploration, Crucible of Worlds + fetch lands, supported by stones. I'd rather add tutors for the Courser and Oracle rather than Kodama's Reach and the likes
- Draw and recursion (e.g., Sun Titan/Eternal Witness/Reveillark/Karmic Guide)
- ACMC < 4
Please help me cut down to 100 cards!
August 2, 2015 3:38 p.m. Edited.
demonicgrizzly says... #24
Prismatic Omen might be good to add to as a secondary Chromatic Lantern
August 3, 2015 11:52 p.m.
BiggestJohn says... #25
two colors???? you def don't need Chromatic Lantern or Prismatic Omen, there is simply no need. these are wasted card slots and would be better as Skyshroud Claim or Rampant Growth
ComradeJim270 says... #1
I'm usually doubtful about running Odric in token decks like this. He's more suited to white weenie strategies where you might actually care if creatures are blocked. But in a Trostani EDH? You could have so many creatures that blockers are irrelevant, and since you are in green it's not hard to give creatures trample. You could take him out for Craterhoof Behemoth which is a straight up win condition.
As for taking something out Courser, the thing that seems a little superfluous to me is Green Sun's Zenith. It's a good card that should be in any mono-green EDH, but not quite as good in Trostani when you only have 17 actual creature cards. Courser may actually be more useful because it lets you get lands off the top of your library to get all sorts of helpful stuff instead.
June 30, 2015 2:38 p.m.