Today I went to a PTQ with 241 people, 9 round swiss. I finished 3-6, with 2 wins against MBD and one against Esper. One loss to Gruul Monsters, three to MBD, one in the mirror match, and one to MUD. I picked up a playset of Banisher Priests before the tourney.
Round 1: Loss v. Gruul Monsters (0-2)
Game 1 he gets out to a good start, drawing answers to my threats. I get to 41 on lifegain, but he wins with a monstrous stormbreath. Game 2 he plays ScOoze, makes it a 7/7 and beats down, using domri to throw it at my chumps.
Round 2: Loss v. MBD (1-2)
Game 1 he draws answers to all of my threats and overwhelms me with 5 pack rats. Game 2 I mull to 5 and he drops a Desecration Demon and starts wrecking face with it.
Round 3: Loss v. Selesnya Midrange (1-2)
Game 1 I curve brilliantly and just wreck him. I get Banisher Priest onboard early, dropping his threats. Game 2 he uses garruk to get 4 creatures and Arbor Colossus, Armada Wurm, and Nylea, God of the Hunt do me in. Game 3 I get to 37 life, but his swarm of large creatures is my downfall.
Round 4: Win v. Esper Control (2-0)
Game 1 he doom blades a Experiment One but I get him to 0 before t6. Game 2 he has no plays and I just wreck him.
Round 5: Loss v. MBD (1-2)
Game 1 I get out what I need, but Devour Flesh, Devour Flesh, Hero's Downfall and I have no board. Game 2 I curve out really well and outrace him. In game 3 he drops t2 Pack Rat and I can't find removal for it.
Round 6: Win v. MBD (2-0)
This was a homebrew version, with Agent of the Fates and Scourgemark. I managed to tap down his Desecration Demons until I found answers for them. He swung for lethal with an agent, but I flashed in a Selesnya Charm and had lethal next turn.
Round 7: Win v. MBD (2-0)
Game 1 I find Banisher Priests when I need them and get in lethal with an Advent of the Wurm wearing an Unflinching Courage
. Game 2 I outrace his deck and find sac fodder to keep his Desecration Demon tapped down.
Round 8: Loss v. MBD (0-2)
Game 1 I get outraced by Pack Rats and can't find removal. Game 2 he beats down with a Desecration Demon and Gray Merchant of Asphodel's for 8.
Round 9: Loss v. MUD (0-2)
Both games I find Banisher Priests for his Tidebinder Mages but he Master of Waves
for 7 or 8 and destroys me.
Overall, 123rd out of 241, so about middle of the pack. I got good experience and will be running this list at more events. MVP was Banisher Priest. Without these cards I picked up pre-tourney, I would have been 1-8. They're awesome