True Heroes are Enchanting

Standard* Darth_Versity


Rocknj06 says... #1

Have you thought of a couple of Fiendslayer Paladin in here?

I don't like path of bravery in here. With the amount of heroic creatures you have in here, I'd consider replacing them with Ordeal of Heliod .

I'm also not sold in dauntless onslaught. It just seems too slow. Personally I'd replace it with something.

If possible, I'd like to see a third ajani in here.

Other than that, looks good and plus one from me.

December 6, 2013 7:56 a.m.

Darth_Versity says... #2

Thanks Rocknj06. I completely agree with you on Dauntless Onslaught , it's to slow, but currently I don't know of a cheaper alternative, if you come up with anything I'm more than willing to remove them.

Fiendslayer Paladin is actually supposed to be in the sideboard instead of Renounce the Guilds , but I must of missed it while updating. I'll be changing that now.

As for Path of Bravery , I'm not entirely sure about swapping it out. Both cards provide Lifegain and boost creature power. It's slightly weaker than Ordeal of Heliod in terms of power for an individual creature, but is better for multiples, and isn't removed after 3 rounds (or less sometimes) to continue boosting Ethereal Armor . It also isn't removed if the creature is. I'm currently on the fence and will have to think carefully about which one to have.

December 6, 2013 8:36 a.m.

Rocknj06 says... #3

The way I see it, you are swamped on three drops. In which case, the ordeal could be an alternative for the onslaught.

December 6, 2013 10:17 a.m.

Dalektable says... #4

Really nice deck, i only a couple suggestions. If you're splashing that red just for Boros Charm , which is a really interesting and smart addition i might add, i would run it as at least a 3 of. It can trigger heroic with the double strike effect, make Supreme Verdict null and void, and give you that last few damage you need. Also i would definitely run Banisher Priest in your sideboard it's an amazing card. It can stop Master of Waves , put away that pesky Desecration Demon standing in front of you along with any other creature removal needs you ma have. So, my suggestion would be to run maybe one or two Temple of Triumph , pick Boros Charm up to four and drop the Dauntless Onslaught for them. Also, like i said, i believe Banisher Priest is a must for the sideboard.

December 6, 2013 5:11 p.m.

Dalektable says... #5

Oh god, and i don't know i missed this. Soldier of the Pantheon is almost required. I originally ran Favored Hoplite too, but trust me in the long run Soldier of the Pantheon is better. Almost everytime that hits the board it ushers a small groan from a lot of players, especially against control or heavy multi colored decks like r/g devotion, plus it will gain you small amounts of life too. And dat synergy with Archangel of Thune so yeah i'd consider playing him over the hoplite.

December 6, 2013 5:23 p.m.

Dalektable says... #6

OH OH OH (last thing i swear) Maybe run Wear / Tear in your sideboard over Sundering Growth ? It's slightly cheaper, and does the same thing except for the populate but that will hardly ever be relevant. Also, going along with the protecting from Supreme Verdict situation, Legion's Initiative could work in this. It's cheap, will give some defense plus support Ethereal Armor and act as a way around board wipes, however idk where you could fit that in. Also, the card that i absolutely HATE to play against... Assemble the Legion is an absolute bomb. It ends games, though it is probably a little high on the casting cost for this deck probably since you would want them to be about dead at that point. Okay, i think i'm done now. I just thought after i looked at this that as long as you were splashing red, why not take advantage of it?

December 6, 2013 5:42 p.m.

Darth_Versity says... #7

@Rocknj06 You are absolutely right. I have to many 3 drops and have changed the Dauntless Onslaught s to Battlewise Valor . After last nights FNM though I had more than enough lifegain so Ordeal of Heliod is probably not the best option.

@Dalektable Ok, a lot to sort out here so lets get started. I don't like the idea of Temple of Triumph simply because when I need mana, I need it now, not next turn. Wear / Tear though is a fantastic idea. Sundering Growth was mostly to deal with enchantments like Pacifism which Wear / Tear does for cheaper and also offers an option to deal with a second card such as a gods weapon.

Banisher Priest is a good idea, but like you said, its a sideboard card. Assemble the Legion is, as you already said, to costly, despite how amazing it is. Legion's Initiative though is a tricky one. It does offer protection, but only for your creatures. Any enchantments and counters on those creatures would be lost, which would practically render then obsolete. I think an extra Boros Charm would be better for protection.

Now then. Soldier of the Pantheon . This is the card thats causing me so many problems. I understand the reason everyone is in favor of it. The Ravnica block was filled with nothing but good multi colored cards, but he doesn't take advantage from a lot of the bonuses in this deck. He can't be targeted by Gift of Orzhova or Boros Charm and doesn't benefit nearly as much from enchantments. I know he's good for blocking, but defence isn't the priority of this deck. On the other hand, he can get through to deal that last critical bit of damage on an opponent or planeswalker. I realy can't make up my mind. I may have to put him in though, and replace him as more cards from the current block are released.

December 7, 2013 1:32 p.m.

Rocknj06 says... #8

I'm liking it. Alot more now.

December 7, 2013 2 p.m.

pedrogsena says... #9

Just a suggestion for your Budget section: Rootborn Defenses . Even costing one more mana (although without needing red mana) and without tokens to populate, it's a nice and cheap anti-board-sweep tech.

December 21, 2013 12:24 a.m.

Maybe splash a little more red for Titan's Strength ?

January 6, 2014 11:30 a.m.

FearLegion says... #11

Maybe add one or two Temple of Triumph , helps ensure you have the red mana for the charms but mainly for the scry ability which can help with hitting your lands when you need to or sending them away when you have enough lands

January 8, 2014 6:21 p.m.

Darth_Versity says... #12

@pedrogsena Rootborn Defenses is a great idea and I'll be adding that to the budget section. Thanks.

@pingpongball120 I want to keep this mostly a white deck, splashing red was merely for Boros Charm as it is such an efficient card. As such, Titan's Strength wouldn't fit in despite how good it is.

@fearlegion I've said before that Temple of Triumph isn't a card I'm happy include as it has no option to bring it in untapped. While the scry is nice, there are other cards that can do that. In practice I have no problems getting red mana with just the four Sacred Foundry

I'll be posting the results of my last 2 FNM's tonight as had had to miss updates due to the holidays.

January 11, 2014 3:59 a.m.

awphutt says... #13

Really like the deck, I run one quite similar except it has a bit more black to ti, and no red at all. My only question is, why do you run Nykthos? Your biggest drop is a 3 drop, so it's not really worth putting in. Maybe swap for another fabled hero? There might be better cards to swap in for it, but nothing quite beats swinging for 14 on turn 4.

January 16, 2014 8:15 a.m.

Darth_Versity says... #14

I originally considered black for his deck, but eventually went with mono-white as it felt smoother for an aggro deck. The Rd was later added for protection from Supreme Verdict thanks to Boros Charm .

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is purely for Heliod, God of the Sun . He's the only 4 drop, but his token making ability also costs 4. In a drawn out game am able to create 4-5 tokens a turn thanks to nykthos creating so much mana. They then act as chump blockers and also power up my Ethereal Armor as they are also enchantments.

I've considered adding a second one, but ultimately dismissed it. Drawn out games are very rare with this deck and ending up with 2 nykthos in your hand on the draw could prove to be extremely bad.

January 16, 2014 8:34 a.m.

awphutt says... #15

I see, apologies for the mistake, I didn't read through it well enough it seems. In any case, you get my +1, I play tested it against mine and I found Gift of Orzhova + Fabled Hero to be crazy powerful, I'll have to look out for them.

January 16, 2014 11:52 a.m.

sadern says... #16

wow, really like your deck, seems very solid. nothing to add for now. +1

One question: so spells don't need to resolve in order to trigger the heroic ability?

January 22, 2014 10:59 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #17

wow, i really hate the look of this deck..... I'm gonna build one like it!!! lol

I have a play set of Fabled Hero might start with 3 of them in it and i like the Phalanx Leader x3 of him...

I have no ideas yet for you, but i am gonna go to tim horton's and grab a coffee and come home and make this deck and play around with it...

oh 1 suggestion... -2 plains and +2 mountains.... if you side board in boros charm and wear/tear.... you gonna need Red mana... I might even do -3/+3.....

message you later on here i'm sure

happy gaming!

January 25, 2014 11:05 a.m.

ginko2580 says... #18

oh wow..... does Hero of Iroas work to "Bestow" Hopeful Eidolon ... I see a future there I think....

nice deck and Born of the gods is lookin not too bad eh?

January 25, 2014 11:09 a.m.

ginko2580 says... #19

ok, so here is some possiblities so far...

oh cool I got one of the promo Phalanx Leaders cards for my deck... lol

Path of Bravery ... you got some nifty lifelink possibilities in here, it might help.

Cavalry Pegasus would be a great possiblity for you.

Banisher Priest might also be a sideboard thought

changes in deck I might use:

Fiendslayer Paladin ... lifelink 1st, strike... not too shabby

Archangel of Thune ... more life link and +1/+1 counters

January 25, 2014 1:04 p.m.

Rocknj06 says... #20

ginko2580 with the suggestions you're saying, you may want to check my deck out. However I passed on the Path of Bravery because it just wasn't that much more helpful. take a look (shameless self promote)

One Nation, Under God Playtest

Standard Rocknj06

SCORE: 12 | 38 COMMENTS | 1733 VIEWS

January 25, 2014 2:45 p.m.

Have you considered Nyxborn Shieldmate over Favored Hoplite ? If you're running the 4 Ethereal Armor and 2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride , then Nyxborn Shieldmate gives you another potential turn 3 win just as Hopeful Eidolon would but minus the lifelink.

January 29, 2014 4:17 a.m.

Darth_Versity says... #22

OK, sorry about the lack of replies, I've been away from home and typing on a phone is just frustrating.

@ TalladegaMagicMan I've been realising that while hitting for large numbers is fun, a smaller number of creatures is more susceptible to removal, especially from Devour Flesh and similar. I'm in the process of adding more red and removing the enchantments for enchantment creatures. That still allows targeting and allows another creature to instantly appear if the enchanted one is removed.

@sadern Thanks for the +1. No the spell doesn't need to resolve, just the act of casting it causes heroic to activate. You declare targets as you cast, the spell then goes on the stack. Even if it is countered, you have still cast it, but it doesn't resolve.

@ginko2580 Thanks, I'd be glad to hear how you do with a similar deck. I'm planning on more red in the deck, so adding mountains will be involved soon, however, I rarely had problems casting Boros Charm with just 4 red mana sources, but maybe I was just lucky.
Hero of Iroas has already been confirmed to work with bestow creatures, so I opens a whole new set of options for this deck and similar as bestow has previously been to expensive.
I had Path of Bravery previously, but removed it at the same time I removed Archangel of Thune . Spear of Heliod already does what the path does, and without its connection to Thunes ability it wasn't a nessasary.
Fiendslayer Paladin , Banisher Priest and Cavalry Pegasus are all things i'm considering in the redesign.

@Rocknj06 Hey, only I get to name drop in other peoples decks! ;P

@SpankiusMonkius It is one of the many changes I'm considering. My plan is to have a series of solid w/r creatures and cheap bestow creatures to enchant them with. Alongside Hero of Iroas it will get more creatures out very fast and provide more sources to keep them alive.

January 29, 2014 4:05 p.m.

Dalektable says... #23

Say hello to Revoke Existence , should soon take the place of Wear / Tear in the sideboard.

January 30, 2014 1:01 p.m.

Dalektable says... #24

Also Celestial Flare would be a good sideboard option, especially for cards like Blood Baron of Vizkopa

January 30, 2014 1:04 p.m.

thuzra says... #25

Maybe room for Martial Glory ? Two Heroic triggers for the price of one AND it pumps.

February 26, 2014 4:13 a.m.

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