Standard* TheSimikBOat


sdh101 says... #1

Cool deck! I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was a tier 1 deck next standard meta. I would play more wildgrove walkers though. With 4xJadelight Rangers and 4xMerfolk Branchwalkers I think the other 2 wildgrove walkers are worth it. That cards is just such a hose against aggro. I would probably cut the Ravenous Chupacabras, because 4 mana is just not efficient enough and you already have plenty of removal.

I also might cut the 1xCast Down for another Assassin's Trophy. Assassin's Trophy just kills so many more things.

December 29, 2018 11:29 a.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions sdh101.

I cut the Ravenous Chupacabras and I add other 2 copies of Wildgrowth Walker.

Besides, I also thought about removing the Cast Down to add another Assassin's Trophy, but I was not sure if it would be very effective. Your comment has finally decided me to cut the Cast Down and add the Assassin's Trophy.

December 29, 2018 11:59 a.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #3

If someone known any recently spoiler that think that is great to JUND, tell me plz.

December 29, 2018 12:02 p.m.

sdh101 says... #4

I don't think it's official spoiler season yet. No spoilers for a while. I think like a week.

December 29, 2018 1:36 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #5

That's why I was asking, because we've been bored for a week without any new spoilers.

And thanks for the upvote sdh101!

December 29, 2018 7:40 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #6

To all the people who likes this deck I have this other deck, which is also based on the FUTURE standard....

January 3, 2019 8:07 p.m.

iRidetheTvan says... #7

This deck is fire

January 8, 2019 9:37 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #8

Thanks iRidetheTvan!

January 9, 2019 11:57 a.m.

ironballsmcgee says... #9

TheSimikBOat Hi, I like the deck! Have you thought about any Goblin Chainwhirler + Status / Statue Combo? It's a four cmc Plague Wind, which was one of my big draws to play Jund in the new meta. I understand if it's not viable though because of the whirly boi's RRR cost.

January 10, 2019 10 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #10

Hey ironballsmcgee,

the combo is great and is very interesting, but I can't play it because (as you said before) the cost of the Goblin Chainwhirler make it difficult to play. But I can try to do another deck that plays this combo!

January 11, 2019 10:16 a.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #11

+1ed for the sneaky Biogenic Ooze in there. People seem to be underrating it. Also, have you tried Rhythm of the Wild in the sideboard?

Good Luck,


January 11, 2019 8:51 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #12

Hey Hexaflexagon,

Thanks for your comment. Rhythm of the Wild seems like a good card to the sideboard, but with the cost becomes quite slow, and aganst control decks I prefer Duress because it only costs and it leaves me the 3th turn to cast Gruul Spellbreaker , Jadelight Ranger or Legion Warboss .

Although, I will have your recommendation in mind.

Thanks again,

TheSimikBOat :)

January 12, 2019 11 a.m.

TheBooman says... #13

How about Skewer the Critics ? Seems like it'll always be a bolt for this deck, and definitely seems worth a try.

As for Rhythym, I'd at least put one in side, because that uncounterable ability will help us in control, PLUS the Riot ability will help us be a bit faster and/or bigger.

Just my Two cents since I am now +1ed and probably gonna try building this

January 12, 2019 3:45 p.m.

TheBooman says... #14

How about Skewer the Critics ? Seems like it'll always be a bolt for this deck, and definitely seems worth a try.

As for Rhythym, I'd at least put one in side, because that uncounterable ability will help us in control, PLUS the Riot ability will help us be a bit faster and/or bigger.

Just my Two cents since I am now +1ed and probably gonna try building this

January 12, 2019 3:45 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #15

Hey TheBooman,

Thanks for your upvote and your suggestion!

About Rhythm of the Wild : Other people have made the same suggestion before, but the only problem that it has is that its cost is , and at least I can cast it on the turn-3. That delays me a little bit the game, since in that turn I can cast Legion Warboss , Jadelight Ranger and Gruul Spellbreaker . Although, I will add it because is great if I go to cast some BIG-creature like Biogenic Ooze or Doom Whisperer .

About Skewer the Critics : I had never thought of adding it to the maindeck, because, normally, the Smepectacle is activated on the late-game (when I have some creatures to deal damage to the opponent), and that obliges me to pay if I need to cast it on the firsts turns. Althought, I will add them because it's a good removal, and I think you'll see it a lot on the tables.

Thanks again,

TheSimikBOat :)

January 12, 2019 6:14 p.m.

Sweet deck. Have you considered Regisaur Alpha over Biogenic Ooze . While the latter is clearly better for the late game you already have a decent amount of grind slots and if you're going beat downs the ooze is basically a glorified Crested Herdcaller . GRA standard was a grind fest however RNA looks like it's going to enable some more gold-fishy strategies thanks to Wilderness Reclamation and the half-dozen probably modern playable burn options. Being fast or reactive seems better than card advantage (or at least moreso than in the past).

Speaking of which you could probably benefit from finding a way to work Llanowar Elves into this. Obviously in the current configuration that would be unwise (looking at you Bedevil ) but assuming you tweaked the mana and cut down on the and costs it could enable some real explosiveness.

Nitpicking aside, it's a strong concept and well executed. You clearly know your stuff.

January 14, 2019 11:28 p.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #17


Instead of Llanowar Elves , why not Drover of the Mighty ? It helps color fix and gets pumped up when the Carnage Tyrant is sided in and played. Only for only one more mana.

January 15, 2019 12:08 a.m.


Yeah I guess there are other options including drover but also Incubation Druid or Saruli Caretaker . Llanowar pobably doesn't belong in a jund deck with both Doom Whisperer and Rekindling Phoenix but I don't think playing your 4 and 5 drops a turn early beats just playing threats on curve either. TL;DR: Both belong in a slightly different deck. Drover would require less cards to be changed but llanowar fits the game plan a little better (in my opinion anyway).

January 15, 2019 12:35 a.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #19

Hey stensiagamekeeper,

Thanks for your suggestions! As you mentioned above Llanowar Elves can be unwise, but Drover of the Mighty and Regisaur Alpha seems like good options. I like Biogenic Ooze because if I can lengthen the game it becomes very poderous. Also, the problem that I have with Drover of the Mighty is that I do not know what I can cut to add it.

I will do some playtests to finish deciding what to do.

Thanks again,


January 15, 2019 12:52 p.m.

TheBooman says... #20

If I am being honest, Ooze is better in my playtests due to the ability to make more oozes. Regisaur is great, but for the current build of it, Ooze seems to make a fit better. I will say that if we do switch to Regi, the switch to drover will become 200% more valuable.

January 15, 2019 11:06 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #21

Hey guys,

Like TheBooman, on my playtests Biogenic Ooze is better than Regisaur Alpha because I can create more oozes and make them grow, in such a way that the Biogenic Ooze is protected against the "wear" of the game, unlike Regisaur Alpha , which at the beginning is very aggressive but then loses faculties. Also, if I need to play more aggressive I can always turn to other creatures like Doom Whisperer , Gruul Spellbreaker , etc...

Appart of this, the problem I have with Drover of the Mighty is that is that I still have not decided what to cut. I would be very grateful if all of you could send me some suggestions on possible solutions to this problem. (Although I'm starting to think about not adding it, since I do not think it's that decisive.)

Thanks to everyone,

TheSimikBOat :)

January 16, 2019 11:54 a.m.

Skyler1776 says... #22

I suggest Vraska, Relic Seeker And Vraska's Contempt for some great removal/ creature generation.

January 23, 2019 6:13 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #23

Thanks Skyler1776,

I not add the Vraska's Contempt because I have them in the sideboard. Vraska, Relic Seeker is great, and I could add them to the maindeck and put the Vivien Reid in the sideboard.

Thanks Again,


January 24, 2019 11:52 a.m.

zerokku says... #24

I really like the deck and am strongly considering building something just like it. But looking at the list I'm not sure I'm feeling. Legion Warboss . But I feel like Judith, the Scourge Diva Could fill that same slot quite nicely. Just a thought to fiddle with in your playtesting?

January 29, 2019 12:51 a.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #25

Hey zerokku, Judith, the Scourge Diva is a good option to this deck, but I prefer Legion Warboss because the first ability of Judith, the Scourge Diva is great, but with this deck I can not use the full potential of the second ability because the creatures that I use are not designed to die.

In spite of that, I think that Judith, the Scourge Diva can be useful for this deck, but in my decklist I will leave the 2 Legion Warboss .



January 29, 2019 4:28 p.m.

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