Im playing that they can only get board cards because thats the rules (excluding tabletop)
July 3, 2013 12:23 p.m.
JoosetheMuice says... #3
Yea I see that my above comment got separated by yours, it was supposed to go directly after mine. I realized after looking at your sideboard that you must be playing that the wishes can only get from sideboards, which yea is the real rules but some people play that its any card from your collection
July 3, 2013 12:25 p.m.
on my page in the description I have the entire list of 46 cards every jhoira player should play (given infinite resources) you should take a look: truble
July 3, 2013 12:29 p.m.
Was board today and decided to Goldfish the deck some.... been thinking about Scroll Rack , Blood Moon , Crucible of Worlds , Simian Spirit Guide , Lotus Petal , Magus of the Moon , Fact or Fiction , Trinket Mage , Expedition Map , Ghitu Encampment and Dust Bowl
I think those are the weakest cards in the list. But I dont know if I should replace them or not?
Any thoughts?
July 5, 2013 10:19 a.m.
Here are my thoughts right now:
- Ghitu Encampment + Arid Mesa
- Dust Bowl + Mountain
- something + Intuition
what do you think ?
July 5, 2013 2:42 p.m.
JoosetheMuice says... #8
When I looked at your deck Blood Moon and Lotus Petal definitely stuck out as the weakest and I think you could definitely do better. I've always wanted a Scroll Rack for my deck, and since you have so any fetch lands it seems like it would be real strong to me. Helps get to those Obliterates more quickly. Not a huge fan of Crucible of Worlds at all really. When do you use it? It doesn't really do you any good after a wrath does it? Is it really just for stuff like Wasteland and the fetches?
July 6, 2013 2:12 a.m.
Just made some changes. No more Crucible of Worlds , Scroll Rack , Dust Bowl , or Ghitu Encampment . Added Arid Mesa , Mountain , Intuition , and Rhystic Study
July 7, 2013 12:23 p.m.
Wash Out is better than innundate. It's less mana intensive making it splash friendly, and it can hit planeswalkers and enchantments.
Izzet Keyrune is a good substitute for ghitu encampment and lotus petal. It provides a mana rock, can hit planeswalkers, block for your planeswalkers, and draws a card for you, all around good card.
Maybe, Desolate Lighthouse might be good to dig deeper, it also lets you pitch an Eldrzai to shuffle your graveyard back at instant speed, just in case.
I like Ulamog's Crusher , he can come out on his own without being suspended and do damage. A solid threat until you can put your pieces together.
What can Intuition do that Merchant Scroll , Mystical Tutor , or Personal Tutor can't ? Long-Term Plans might be better. With Brainstorm . Scroll Rack , or Sensei's Divining Top , or even Ponder you can get what you want WITHOUT showing your opponent, and telegraphing your play. I dunno though
July 8, 2013 7:54 a.m.
Intuition is good because it is ANOTHER Merchant Scroll , Mystical Tutor , or Personal Tutor and I cant get enough of that effect. I would honestly play 4 more Mystical Tutor s
I decided Inundate costs too much, but I had not thought about Wash Out . Ill have to think about it more.
I already cut Ghitu Encampment and Dust Bowl for some more consistency. The problem with Izzet Keyrune is that it wants to be cast the same turn as the general, so the mana accel it offers is not super important.
I used to play Long-Term Plans and it was just soooooooo slow. I often had to sit there with uncracked fetches until I drew the card third from top.
Ill have to think more about Desolate Lighthouse , Im not sure if the effect is worth a colorless land.
Ponder and Brainstorm have always been contenders for the deck, and ive played both of them at one time or another. im just not sure about them. I might try them again some time.
July 8, 2013 9:04 a.m.
Keyrune does compete with Jhoira at 3 CC, but it also gets you to turn 5 on turn 4, which is Ideal for Jhoira. 5 mana is what you wanna have so you can suspend when she hits the table at the end of opponents turn.
Hmmm Intuition seems good, I just always use it in graveyard decks, maybe it is good to find a sweeper, but at the cost of ditching 2 other sweepers..... I dunno. It can find a counter or bomb i guess. It's one of those cards that's good in theory, but different in practice.
You could try Lonely Sandbar and Forgotten Cave for more draw power, and early game (turns 1-4) they won't hamper your production. I'm trying them out
Brainstorm and Ponder with fetches is house. Miscalculation might be something to look into.
How is Omniscience working for you? I always need a hand full of bombs for it to be worth it, so I ended up cutting it. You also can't search for it.
July 8, 2013 10:11 a.m.
I have liked Omniscience well so far, despite doubting it at first. It usually puts me way ahead on board, and the wraths dont hit it that often, so you can go Land wrath into fatty and be the only one at the table with a creature or the ability to cast things.
I really hate lands that come into play tapped. So I try to avoid them if at all possible. I think right now I am playing 3 out of 35 lands.
Miscalculation is good, but I rather have a less conditional counter. Like Deprive or something.
Ponder and Brainstorm and Preordain are really good. I used to play RUG delver in legacy and I know what they can do. but I just dont know what I want to cut.
Blood Moon and Magus of the Moon are cards Im thinking about cutting, but I just dont know. they really hose some of the best decks in the format. Sharuum the Hegemon , Hermit Druid and some others.
Let me see if I can convince you that Intuition is an all star.
1.) it is a 5 mana Counterspell
2.) it gets a fatty for Jhoira to suspend at instant speed
3.) it gets a wrath for Jhoira to suspend at instant speed
4.) it gets something to take off counters at instant speed
5.) it gets a mana rock early
6.) it can get a land if you need it
7.) it can get a cheap board wipe if needed
The cards pitched to the grave yard really isnt a negative effect. It will almost never come up later on that you wished you haddnt put 2/6 land wraths in the grave
Really it is a three mana instant speed Demonic Tutor
July 8, 2013 11:25 a.m.
Jeweled Amulet ? Allows for a nice T2 Jhoira without the card disadvantage of the moxen. I'd also consider Dispel as a counter, for one mana it handles an extraordinary number of threats.
July 8, 2013 3:13 p.m.
Dispel , Deprive and Red Elemental Blast have long been on my list of options. I dont know If I want to be playing them yet though
Jeweled Amulet helps the turn two Jhoira plan, but it does not help the turn one Wheel of Fortune or Timetwister plan. I guess the Jhoira plan comes up more though. You might be right about it being better then Simian Spirit Guide and Lotus Petal
Anyone have any thoughts on other mana rocks that are better then those guys?
July 9, 2013 8:38 a.m.
Maybe Mox Diamond and Jeweled Amulet are better then Lotus Petal and Simian Spirit Guide
July 9, 2013 8:47 a.m.
Here are the ten worse cards in the list currently:
1.) Tectonic Edge
2.) Ulamog's Crusher
4.) Oblivion Stone
6.) Lotus Petal
7.) Blood Moon
9.) Rhystic Study
10.) Fact or Fiction
That doesnt mean they need cut or anything, Just that they are on the bottom
July 9, 2013 9:16 a.m.
Candidates to replace these cards:
any others you can think of?
July 9, 2013 10:50 a.m.
Hey, I finally came up with something in writing: Jhoiar of the Ghitu EDH Primer Check it out if you are interested in providing some feed back to someone getting into EDH
July 9, 2013 1:34 p.m.
I thought of a few more things that could go in:
Winter Orb and Tangle Wire , these could act as pseudo land wraths, with the advantage of being hard castable. This deck is mana hungry, but only in the first few turns. Cast either of these after your done suspending and you'll be in good shape.
Inferno Titan has the advantage of being both a creature and a one-sided wrath at the same. Coming hasted off suspend will nuke basically every utility creature on the board and provide you a powerful body capable of 9+ damage each turn. He compares very favorably as far as card advantage creation and beatstick power to Ulamog's Crusher , except that the titan can be easily hard cast.
Kederekt Leviathan , this is the least noteworthy of my suggestions, but I still think it is pretty good. Devastation Tide + decent 5/5 body + unearth makes for a powerful package, though possibly not enough to merit inclusion.
July 9, 2013 2:39 p.m.
Dispel and Red Elemental Blast, and Deprive Might seem good, But they are not so great, as they are too conditional. Deprive actually sets you back sometimes.
Try Negate , Condescend , Memory Lapse , Arcane Denial , even Delay can stop a counterspell - those counterspells can be used in any situation.and Delay can work with Timecrafting and other time counter cards to hold off opposing genrerals indefinitely. They are splash frinedly as well
Nothing like watching a Tooth and Nail go off, with a red elemental blast in hand
You should maybe cut Cunning Wish to free that slot up. You can still use it, but try testing the deck without that option
July 9, 2013 8:28 p.m.
Tapped out just deleted my really long post I was writing :(
Winter Orb : I used to play it, but it got cut, and I cant remember why. Seems good though
Tangle Wire : It just doesnt tap enough lands
Inferno Titan : It seems good because we all remember it from standard, but it just doesnt wrath the board in EDH. plus after a land wrath it is just a 6/6 and that wont get there
Kederekt Leviathan : I used to play this too. the thing is it doesnt count as a fatty since it is a 5/5, plus the effect is not worth 8 mana hard-casted, or worth waiting 4 turns for.
Deprive has some synergy with the deck. If you use it to protect a land wrath it puts a land back in your hand. I agree that it can set you back if you are forced to use it early, but I think it is better then the other counters you mentioned.
oh and I am already playing Negate
I would consider playing Delay
Cunning Wish is an allstar! I dont know why you think it isnt. It can do about anything you need it to, including being a 3 mana force of will, removing a permanent for 6, killing a creature for 4, bouncing a permanent for 4, bouncing all the lands for 8, among other things. It is like the best charm in the game.
July 10, 2013 9:03 a.m.
Right now here are cards I would consider cutting:
1.) Tectonic Edge
4.) Oblivion Stone
5.) Jeweled Amulet
6.) Blood Moon
8.) Rhystic Study
9.) Fact or Fiction
And here are cards I would consider playing:
1.) Winter Orb
2.) Deprive
3.) Delay
July 10, 2013 9:06 a.m.
How do you feel about Mystic Remora over Rhystic Study ? Just a thought.
+1 though, I love Jhoira.
If you could, please check out my Karador deck, Karador, ETB Chieftain!
JoosetheMuice says... #1
Unless you're playing that the wishes can only grab sideboard cards, then it makes complete sense
July 3, 2013 12:22 p.m.