

main combo: Spellweaver Helix + Strionic Resonator . I feel Spellweaver Helix takes the best advantage of Strionic Resonator's abilities as both of its abilities are triggered (both imprint, and the copy ability). By copying the imprint trigger, we can imprint 4 cards on the helix (or more with multiple resonators), and casting any of those cards will cause all the others that are imprinted on it to be copied, which can in turn be doubled with the resonator.

I call this combo the "strionic helix" combo, and the possibilities for it are almost endless, so it was hard to come up with a deck for it.

anyways, despite its shortcomings, this deck is crazy fun to play, and any of you Johnnies out there looking for a cool combo to mess around with might enjoy this. Like I said, the combo has almost unlimited potential (all you need is sorceries and those two artifacts), so steal it to your heart's content, and post what you come up with! I'm curious to see how other people use Strionic Helix.

For my part, I decided Cycling would be my best friend. Though the deck originally used Cruel Ultimatum and self discard like Faithless Looting, I think things like Stir the Sands, or Slice and Dice that have a useful effect when cycled, and can then be copied later by a helix make the deck much more efficient (and give it some stalling ability against creatures). Because so many good cycling cards have come out since I made this deck originally, this strategy seems really strong, even if I stick to Modern's set list instead of coing full Casual.

I noticed also that some fun Commanders have shown up that would be great with this deck. Though I don't plan to make a Commander version of this deck, I do think Veyran, Voice of Duality in particular would be insane with this combo.


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Since Faithless Looting is now banned in Modern (not that I was playing this deck competitively or anything) I no longer feel the need to restrict myself as much, set-wise. I do still want to stick to the Mirrodin and after borders, but a lot of cards have been reprinted with those borders, so I'm willing to dip into older cards if they'd work well in the deck.

I think Cycling lends itself well to this deck's strategy. Things like Decree of Annihilation, and Stir the Sands, are especially cool because they have useful (and instant speed) effects when cycled, but beyond that it's a great way to just dump a card in my graveyard to be copied later.

I also added in Fae of Wishes because it allows for an interesting strategy: I can sideboard singletons of my cheap sorceries and use her to wish for them! Plus, she's a 1/4 flying wall for 2, which gives this deck some desperately needed defense against creatures. She also has the really nice ability to bounce herself by paying 2 and discarding two cards, which is super nice as a way to not only rescue her from lethal damage or removal spells so I can send her on an adventure instead, but as a way to pitch targets for Spellweaver Helix.


Revision 7 See all

(2 years ago)

+4 Dragon's Rage Channeler maybe
+3 Magmatic Channeler main
-2 Sweltering Suns main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 8 Rares

5 - 3 Uncommons

14 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.14
Tokens On an Adventure, Shark X/X U, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Combo
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