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My friend Chris who helped create the ultra-janky first draft
Atsushi Ito creator of Eternal Devote who's deck I used to help tune my own.
This deck focuses on comboing out as fast as possible.
Firstly, although it is a 60 card deck I want the lowest probability of not having my combo pieces as possible. With this in mind the deck is running 4 Mishra's Bauble, 4 Street Wraith, 4 Manamorphose, 2 Unbridled Growth. These are all free/cheap cantrips in green/white that can help us dig deeper for pieces. Though that is their primary purpose they also fill the graveyard with different card types for Traverse the Ulvenwald. This card is essential for our deck as it not only finds creature combo pieces but Hall of the Bandit Lord as well once delirium is activated!
An interesting part of building this deck was finding the correct balance of card types so that delirium will be enabled as soon as possible. Manamorphose, Street Wraith, and Mishra's Bauble are three different card types that replace themselves for essentially 0 mana. Seven sorceries between Adventurous Impulse and Commune with Nature and five fetchlands add two more easily attainable types. There is even a pair of Unbridled Growth as insurance. Using the playtest app on the sidebar I rarely find myself needing another type to have delirium.
Hall of the Bandit Lord is essential because it allows our fragile cards to win on our turn with haste, otherwise we are forced to wait an entire turn vulnerable to death. The four Pact of Negation in main provides a much needed method of protection from removal or counters.
Possible changes I am considering: Switching one Horizon Canopy for a sixth fetchland. The horizon canopy is wonderful in grindier matchups where the card draw is relevant, but having a land in the graveyard for delirium can sometimes be critical. Also, while I understand the intention of diversifying my fetchlands, and it is my eventual goal to do so, is it such a great burden? If they're playing Pithing Needle they most likely won't be naming Windswept Heath and instead would hit druid. Input would by appreciated.
Some input from playing the deck as well on the card choices:
- Firstly Scattered Groves it can be fetched on turn 1 if there is no play to be made, but more often than not with 4 Manamorphose and 4 Summoner's Pact for Wild Cantor I only need 2 mana to win as long as one of them is an untapped Bandit Hall. Instead It acts as another draw spell if I have infinite mana and during sideboard games is another fetchable land.
- This brings us to Wild Cantor which is exclusively in the deck for color fixing. He allows a turn 2 win by filtering one of Devoted Druid's 2 green mana into white. Although I have played him turn 1 before with no other play it is only on very rare occasions.
- 4 Adventurous Impulse instead of 4 Commune with Nature or even Ancient Stirrings is because although this deck does not need vary many lands does not mean I do not need to hit the land drops. Plus this finds all 4 essential combo pieces.
- 1 Eternal Witness is present in the deck as a tutor piece if Walking Ballista is in the graveyard to activate delirium or it is been taken out with a discard spell. In some situations it can be used to pull a tutor or draw spell out of the graveyard once infinite mana has been achieved.
This deck does an impressive of damage to itself but also can fairly consistently win on turn three. It is cool, check it out.
Sideboard Choices:
- 4 Path to Exile which come in against fair creature decks like jund or death's shadow decks. They're also important against opposing creature combo decks (mostly on the draw).
- 3 Silent Gravestone are important to protect against surgical extraction and has niche uses against re-animator. Eventually I'd like these to be Surgical Extractions since I could surgical in response to theirs and fail to find. They would still be useful against re-animator and some other decks.
- Defense Grid acts as a fifth pact of negation. Most decks are so designed to be streamlined and mana-effecient that they have trouble playing out threats while still having mana for removal.
- 1 Caustic Caterpillar Effectively the same mana cost as rec sage and can be brought back to hand with Eternal Witness if there's multiple problematic permanents to deal with and I already have infinite mana and a Duskwatch Recruiter
in play
- 1 Reclamation Sage Since I only have on Eternal Witness the second artifact/enchantment removal slot is effectively filled by this sideboard staple
- 2 Mirran Crusader is a house against jund. Although I may switch down to 1 for another Kitchen Finks since jeskai is becoming the fair deck of choice
- 1 Kitchen Finks but as I just mentioned soon maybe two
- 1 Shalai, Voice of Plenty can be an auto win against burn until they string together two spells by which time I have hopefully comboed. Against some decks Shalai is essential because she is in theory a backup win condition. While I have not used her as such yet the possibility is there.
- 1 Mystic Enforcer This is my anti mardu package but also good against any black deck. He is essentially pro-red as well since most of the time he will be out of bolt range. An excellent addition against Hollow One and crew