Attempts to get a Hand of Emrakul out on Turn 1 by using Universal Automation + Brood Birthing + Simian Spirit Guide + Pyretic Ritual. Obviously a super sensitive combo that won't always fire, if ever, on turn one but can still get Hand of Emrakul out by turn 2 or 3. This is not tested, nor is it confirmed reliable. I'm posting to see if anyone has advice before I build it, as I'm on a semi-strict budget.

We're running Manamorphose and Streetwraith to help cut our deck down along with Prismatic Vista . This cuts 12 cards from our deck effectively, helping us search for our two cards we can sacrifice to bring Hand of Emrakul into play.

There is a lot of ramp because this deck needs to outpace decks like Death's Shadow , Burn, Control decks (which will ruin gameplans by turn 3 with counterspells), and other decks that cheat in Eldrazi cards. The purpose of this deck is to hopefully be in a winning position by turn 4-5. Considering that our win-con slows down the opponents by turn 3 if the deck runs well, we can just bank on the fact that we're blowing up their lands and other important cards.

This deck needs a lot of work, and feedback is very appreciated! Thanks in advance.


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Lightning Greaves seemed like a good way to prevent my opponent from killing Hand, but I've changed my strategy quite a bit and will be updating the list to reflect that soon. Using Street Wraith and Manamorphose this deck is now effectively 52 cards, and I will do everything I can to slim it down further. I will most likely be adding Cathartic Reunion or Faithless Looting to the deck to help me search faster for my combo.

See me wishing Raze was modern legal because the strategy is no holds barred now. I plan to use Annihilator to completely stop my opponent from having lands on the battlefield. Along with some very cheap land destruction/removal like Crack the Earth I plan to lock my opponent out of playing spells. I will also probably run Boom / Bust when I make room for it. This is shaping out to be a disgusting deck, I really hope I can find a way to make it consistent on T1, or at the very least, T2.

One thing that does help this deck a lot is that it only needs 1 land on the field to go off completely thanks to Simian Spirit Guide and the ramp this deck has, meaning if I use Crack the Earth on T1 to just stutter my opponent while I look for my combo, I'm still going to be fine later.


Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors WUBG

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Rares

4 - 0 Uncommons

33 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.37
Tokens Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C
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