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Turbo-Stasis Revisited



Favorite deck back in the day was my U/B turbo-stasis deck, based on Matthew Place's 1996 semi-finals deck from the 1996 Nationals that was featured in Duelist #14 (December 1996) (and yes, I tracked down a copy of this Duelist to find the decklist).

My version did not run Kismet and relied heavier on counterspells. The goal was to play a Howling Mine on turn 2 and Stasis by turn 4, keeping card filtering and draw (including Lim-Dul's Vault, the main reason to play black, along with Demonic Tutor) happening fast so there was always at least an Island open coming into my turn. Protected by Force of Will.

With the passage of time, there are now lots of additional tricks to be played. So I'm rebuilding (couldn't find a turbo-stasis build for Legacy anywhere that I liked too much), using tools I've seen in Legacy stasis decks, together with some home-brewed solutions. Because Black Vise is banned in Legacy, I've gone with Jace, the Mind Sculptor as the win-condition (other than decking an opponent to death); I figure once the board is controlled, a Jace can be run up to his ultimate for the finishing move (his +1 is useful to do some anti-opponent filtering of land).

Also cut black to go straight blue (don't need white since Frozen AEther accomplishes what Kismet did

I don't have a lot (any) Legacy experience, so no idea how this sits in the meta or how it would fair against first tier decks, but it was too much fun to play back in the day to not give it another try.


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Added a Frozen Aether to give another full-lock win-con, and dropped an Island (with all the card draw, the mana was okay with 24 total)


Revision 3 See all

(11 years ago)

-1 Boomerang main
-1 Brainstorm main
+1 Counterspell main
+1 Reset main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
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