Turbo Undying Pod (G/B/W)

Modern* warlord213


zandl says... #1


You do know you can use spells other than creature spells, right?

March 2, 2012 4:15 p.m.

warlord213 says... #2

Im trying to figure out how I should add in prey upon or go for the throat

March 3, 2012 10:35 p.m.

cry3tic says... #3

take out the birthing pods, and the glissa's....and everything else....

March 4, 2012 11:53 p.m.

zandl says... #4

Pay no mind to trolls like cry3tic. There are actually people here who want to help you get better at the game and deck-building.

You want to capitalize on creatures that give you the most bang for your buck in Pod decks, like Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine, Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger, and VorapedeMTG Card: Vorapede. Also, you should add some non-creature spells that aid you in things you might be lacking, like creature control. I'd go up to 23 lands and get a playset of Woodland CemeteryMTG Card: Woodland Cemetery to help with your mana-base. Then don't be afraid to add in some mass removal, like Black Sun's ZenithMTG Card: Black Sun's Zenith. BSZ is great because it hits every creature, regardless of protection or hexproof.

If you need some inspiration or ideas, just search the web for Standard Birthing Pod Decks. You'll find some interesting combos and cards that way.

March 5, 2012 1:08 a.m.

warlord213 says... #5

cry3tic is my friend in real life and he hates this deck because it kills him all the time. Also I want to keep it at 60 to make sure I draw birthing pod which is making it difficult to find room from creature killer.

March 5, 2012 1:03 p.m.

cry3tic says... #6

mfw his face <_<

March 6, 2012 3:21 p.m.

zandl says... #7

I see. Internet sarcasm is really hard to read the first time through. >_>

And I never said add more cards. I just said add some lands. At 23 lands, you'll be hitting your first four land-drops on average. With 20, your average falls much closer to three.

If this were my deck, I'd take out 2x VorapedeMTG Card: Vorapede, 4x Ambush ViperMTG Card: Ambush Viper, 1x Mikaeus, the UnhallowedMTG Card: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, 1x Kessig RecluseMTG Card: Kessig Recluse, and a few other things to make room for more lands, non-creature spells, and shrink your deck to 60 (as it currently sits at 63).

March 6, 2012 3:36 p.m.

warlord213 says... #8

zandl thanks for all your help. Ive been considering all your suggestions my self. it seems if I take out Kessig RecluseMTG Card: Kessig Recluse or VorapedeMTG Card: Vorapede I might run out of 4 and 5 cmc to birthing pod out. Also I want the deck to be able to run if my birthing pods get removed (I.e Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction). I have no problem getting lands as it stands thou I need to acquire Woodland CemeteryMTG Card: Woodland Cemetery.

March 6, 2012 4:14 p.m.

cry3tic says... #9

4x hits! It's super effective!

March 6, 2012 4:24 p.m.

Praag says... #10

I have a similar deck with the same name lol :P check it out if you'd like. Mine works very well and is well rounded to oppose any deck. Undying Birth (comments)

March 6, 2012 10:25 p.m.

toastytoast says... #11

this is probably cuz somehow it seems i've become a Venser fanboy, but i like the undying birthing pod deck channel fireball put up with Venser, the SojournerMTG Card: Venser, the Sojourner to reset your undying creatures. well thats my opnion i'm not the best deck designer by far, but it seems pretty solid maybe with a few tweaks for your specific metagame at your local shop.

March 8, 2012 11:11 p.m.

The real problem is that you don't have a good enough creature curve. You have early mana acceleration, but nothing to do with the mana once you get it. Point to fact: you have seven creatures with a cmc greater than 4 (excluding Solemn SimulacrumMTG Card: Solemn Simulacrum). Your deck is geared to get to the good stuff quickly, but there's not much to get to.

Mikaeus is there to give undying but most of the deck already has it.

Another problem is that you have a TON! of removal in the instant/enchantment department. The point of pod is to run creatures with ETB or LTB abilities in place of these.

Those are the problems, now for some fixes:

Any Pod deck worth mentioning runs at least 2-3 copies of Acidic SlimeMTG Card: Acidic Slime.

Sylvok ReplicaMTG Card: Sylvok Replica is also nice for artifact and enchantment removal.

To snipe creatures I recommend SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender, though some like Morkrut BansheeMTG Card: Morkrut Banshee. Or you can put Entomber ExarchMTG Card: Entomber Exarch in this spot. It's DuressMTG Card: Duress on a stick that can be podded. What's not to like?

Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph gets you another Pod, an enemy Titan, snipes Geist of Saint TraftMTG Card: Geist of Saint Traft, or another ETB/LTB affect from whatever you have on the field.

Archon of JusticeMTG Card: Archon of Justice is mad at you and enemy planeswalkers.

Massacre WurmMTG Card: Massacre Wurm instantly kills token decks.

I wouldn't mind seeing 1 or 2 copies of Undying EvilMTG Card: Undying Evil in the mainboard just to catch the opponent off guard. I've given Mikaeus undying with it before; the look on the other guy's face was priceless.

Hope this helps!

March 19, 2012 7:42 p.m.

Oh and if you can find a spot you can get a lot of utility from Unburial RitesMTG Card: Unburial Rites.

March 19, 2012 7:43 p.m.

Also, 60 cards. No more. It's the difference between playing a Birthing PodMTG Card: Birthing Pod deck and a deck with a Birthing PodMTG Card: Birthing Pod somewhere in it that you never seem to draw.

March 19, 2012 7:45 p.m.

Too many non-creature spells! I played junk pod before I moved on to my spirit build but please listen: You definitely want your creature alternatives, and ivantheterrible listed some good ones. Speaking from my experience, here's some changes I think would do this deck some justice:

  1. Drop Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator , add SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender: The problem with obliterator isn't just the fact you can't consistently cast him: he doesn't immediately affect the board when you pod into him and will eat a removal spell if mikeaus isn't out. SkinrenderMTG Card: Skinrender will actually remove the threat that obliterator is trying to block, and even crippling a titan isn't a terrible play. You can even kill your own Viridian EmissaryMTG Card: Viridian Emissary if necessary, which leads to change #2.
  2. Drop Solemn SimulacrumMTG Card: Solemn Simulacrum, add Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph: In a format as fast as this one, 4 mana is definitely not where where we want to durdle with card advantage or 4 mana Rampant GrowthMTG Card: Rampant Growths: we want to start fighting back and putting on pressure of our own. Phyrexian MetamorphMTG Card: Phyrexian Metamorph is the nuts with undying and you should definitely try to fit 4 in this build, podding into him and podding out of undying actually starts to MULTIPLY your creatures. Thrun, the Last Troll MTG Card: Thrun, the Last Troll you can take or leave, Entomber ExarchMTG Card: Entomber Exarch is good on paper but terrible in practice, with all the aggro decks and flashback spells running around.
  3. Drop 1-2 VorapedeMTG Card: Vorapede, add 2-3 Acidic SlimeMTG Card: Acidic Slime: VorapedeMTG Card: Vorapede is great in pod but too many is clunky and you definitely want to make room for the slimes. Keeping control off 5 mana and killing various anthem effects is much better than it seems, don't let 5 mana turn you off.
  4. Go down to 4 copies or less of Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade, Go for the ThroatMTG Card: Go for the Throat and Oblivion RingMTG Card: Oblivion Ring total (perhaps 2 g.f.t.t. and 2 o-ring): While dealing with a few problematic cards or so doesn't hurt, having this many removal spells which otherwise don't do things for your deck really hurts your podding efficiency. I had 2 Oblivion RingMTG Card: Oblivion Ring in my build and I still hated every time I drew them. Unless your spells directly work with creatures they often become cumbersome and clog up your deck: having some is nice, having too many is not. Exceptional alternatives:
  5. Consider Unburial RitesMTG Card: Unburial Rites, Undying EvilMTG Card: Undying Evil and Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb: Who would ever want to kill your Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger a total of 6 times? How about they attempt to remove those pesky Hex ParasiteMTG Card: Hex Parasites or Elesh Norn, Grand CenobiteMTG Card: Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite? Keeping your creatures alive and super recursion is what this deck is about anyway right, so why make removal absolutely futile for the opponent! Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb destroys token and aggro decks, while giving all your guys +1/+1 counters, and certainly beats spot removal. Dirty tricks are fun and effective.
March 19, 2012 9:37 p.m.

Also too long for one post, but I really think that Mikaeus, the UnhallowedMTG Card: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed isn't good enough. We want our 6-7 mana creature to win us the game, not enable other creatures to win the game. Massacre WurmMTG Card: Massacre Wurm really should go in instead, he allows our guys to punch through the other player's defense if they haven't flat out been killed, and the life loss may be a game winner. I understand how you want undying to be the focal point of the deck, but Mikeaus is not a game ender, he's a game prolonger.

March 19, 2012 9:49 p.m.

Thanks for extrapolating all that! I'm unfamiliar with the recent standard metagame so I just tried to give the best creatures I considered for my deck that were standard legal. I'm running a 60-card singleton deck (Pod is the 4-of exception) for casual multiplayer shenaniganry. The arbitrary restriction is arbitrary.

Recursion is the key though; I run Eternal WitnessMTG Card: Eternal Witness, Apprentice NecromancerMTG Card: Apprentice Necromancer, Phyrexian DelverMTG Card: Phyrexian Delver etc. to that effect. It's important to be able to pod into the right cmc when you need to. Our creatures are spells; it's important to keep that in mind.

If you have room after making the important changes, I recommend playtesting with Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vat. The times it has stayed on the field it have been wonderful for me.

March 19, 2012 10:35 p.m.

jwaters1 says... #18

mainboard thrun. Acidic Slime, more strangleroot giest, Drop Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator . cut down on the hex parasites, even sideboard them. sideboard Celestial PurgeMTG Card: Celestial Purge

March 19, 2012 11:40 p.m.

zandl says... #19

Too many cards. 60 or bust.

March 20, 2012 1:08 p.m.

jwaters1 says... #20


March 20, 2012 6:12 p.m.

zandl says... #21

Also, just wondering how often you get mana-screwed. If you draw out a Phyrexian Obliterator MTG Card: Phyrexian Obliterator , you've only got 8 Black sources to cast him with, since you can't really rely on Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise to live past turn 2.

March 21, 2012 1:02 a.m.

Yeah! Leave standard and play Summoner's EggMTG Card: Summoner's Egg or drop the Obliterator!

March 21, 2012 10:43 a.m.

cry3tic says... #23

Has potential.

March 22, 2012 5:38 p.m.

Aquamaniac says... #24

4x [Razorverge Thicket]], 1x Sun TitanMTG Card: Sun Titan, and Some Wolfir SilverheartMTG Card: Wolfir Silverheart wouldn't hurt either.

May 6, 2012 5:01 p.m.

Your early ramp is good, keep it.

Massacre WurmMTG Card: Massacre Wurm rocks... better than Reaper.

May 6, 2012 5:54 p.m.

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