
Modern cplvela0811


I've made a new Sultai list that I'd like you to check out. Ancestral Rock

I'm trying to see if Ancestral Vision is worth playing. I mean, when you think about "What if Jund or Abzan... Played Ancestral Vision?" It sounds pretty terrifying.

August 27, 2017 1:42 a.m.

cplvela0811 says... #2


I like it. I feel that your use of Ancestral Vision is well placed, as your discard suit is quite disrupting.

August 27, 2017 3:15 a.m.

KaiserMTG says... #3

Nice list +1. Personally I think sultai is one of the most powerful and underutilized color combos in modern. I just built a competitive sultai list myself if you care to check it out: Brain Maggots (competitive BUG tempo)

I see you're taking more of a reactive approach with all the counterspells rather than a reactive approach with Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize. Have you had any troubles with maintaining large Goyfs with the 4 delvers in the deck? Perhaps 1 Bitterblossom would do you some good by giving you more air defense and the capability to max out your Goyfs

August 29, 2017 7:43 p.m. Edited.

cplvela0811 says... #4


Thank you. I mean that. is interesting. I enjoy the options.

The discard variant is nice, but it is too slow. In theory when playing cards like Thoughtseize & Inquisition of Kozilek, at the end of the day they are nothing more than "one-for-one" spells. gives the added incentive of having so much card draw that Mana can efficiently be played at a lower land count, while reliably being able to cast the spells in the Main. 1x of cards are now 2x ofs because of . More importantly Snapcaster Mage. The second is playing 12 draw spells with 4x of them being free and virtually rendering the deck to a pseudo 56 as the main. The free 4x of cantrips also enable consistent T2 Gurmag Anglers and I have had Mishra's Bauble + Thought Scour wholeheartedly maintain my Tarmogoyf toughness, for relevancy with Stubborn Denial. There are 6 card types with Graveyard dedication. Seldom do I have Tarmogoyf sit around 3/4 power/toughness, but even then still beats many creatures. Since we like time (being based, rather than ) the game doesn't die for us as time goes on.

"What doesn't grow, dies. And what dies, feeds the Tarmogoyf."

To further elaborate on why I played the Counterspell variant of : many players are shifting to potent spells and being able to play magic on their turn is so devastating. Especially when there is a game plan in the motion. We are not just countering to counter and throughout the later games - Thoughtseize might slay us or perhaps they do not have cards in hand and you need to stop their game ending TopDeckWins! That is where the Flash capabilities with Snapcaster Mage + Counterspell (what we have in Modern) are paramount.

Consider this: What is more devastating, to remove their best card from hand on your Turn and allow them to cast spells unchallenged - or to counter their best spell and force them to exhaust not only their spell, but potentially costing them their entire Turn?

August 30, 2017 12:03 a.m.

cplvela0811 says... #5

I personally feel that if this were a Delirium shell I would play 2x Bitterblossoms.

August 30, 2017 12:12 a.m.

Twanicus says... #6

Lol, went to upvote, appearently already did some time ago. Just some tech from one salty mage to another, try out Architects of Will, perhaps in the bauble slot. I realize that on paper it isn't free like bauble, nor gets 3 in the yard like scour, but ive had some brutal plays with goyf and Grim Flayer by instant speed cycling. Particularly againt souls tokens. Keep up the good works bud, my list is updated if you're interested.

September 12, 2017 2:33 a.m.

cplvela0811 says... #7


Thanks for the suggestion and up vote brotha! I too refer to these colors as the Salty. I have a friend named Rob - who named it that, due to being sour towards the way it decimated his Token deck. I will have to test it out (Architects of Will). It seems like a Street Wraith. It has the 2 card types, the instant speed, uncounterable draw, and late game may act as a win con.

September 13, 2017 12:45 p.m. Edited.

tlhunter07 says... #8

Dude that banner is fucking sexy :)

September 14, 2017 1:25 p.m.

cplvela0811 says... #9


Thank you my brotha! ;)

September 14, 2017 4:09 p.m.

Hmm, looking through the deck it looks solid, and really fast paced. Have you thought about using cycling cards as well? They can help you drop card types into the graveyard if you don't start with a good opening hand. I can't really think of a specific cycler you would want to use. Most likely a swampcycler or a forestcycler

September 19, 2017 1:19 p.m.

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