The H is O (Budget Turn 3 Kill)

Standard dreamaddict


BlackLotus84 says... #1

Looks like a really fun budget deck. Plus 1 from me.

July 22, 2015 9:57 p.m.

pwned_at says... #2

Why no Titan's Strength ?

July 24, 2015 7:31 p.m.

dreamaddict says... #3

Because with a deck like this, I am already pushing it having 10 cards that are creature-dependent. Although...if I were going to put them in, it would be taking out 2 of the Infectious Bloodlust for it (or maybe all four, I don't know). Tonight at FNM is when rubber meets the road, so I'll figure it out after then.

July 24, 2015 7:41 p.m. Edited.

dreamaddict says... #4

OK, pwned_at, I changed my mind. I thought about it and: Fiery Impulse is also creature-dependent, but in fishbowling the Spell Mastery doesn't trigger very often, making it kind of a stupider Wild Slash. Whereas (chuckle) if I use Titan's Strength instead of the Impulses, I can (snicker) possibly get a Turn 3 kill (MWAHAHAHAHA)!!! It's too awesome not to try. Thank you for the suggestion, sir!

July 24, 2015 8:34 p.m.

pwned_at says... #5

hey its me again i playtested the deck its realy funny what you think about Dragon Mantle

July 26, 2015 5:51 a.m.

Dadouuxx says... #6

I would probably run Akroan Crusader instead of Satyr Hoplite as it gives you tokens to block or attack anyway and reduce the efectiveness of spot removals.

August 3, 2015 11:31 p.m.

dreamaddict says... #7

Hoplite gets a +1/+1 counter, which puts him into Battle Rage Trample range with one enchantment, like everyone else. The Crusader does not, which breaks the combo. This deck, I am going full combo. It actually ends up playing 3 or 4 creatures per game many times, which is enough width to help. I think it's better that each creature fits the combo instead of having more creatures (which is why no Dragon Fodder), hence why no Crusader-type dudes or Fodders or Lightning Berserker or (other red creature that isn't 2/2 or gets there after one cast/enchantment).

August 4, 2015 12:06 a.m.

thegwinkster says... #8

i am using this at my next fnm. ill let you know how it does lol.

August 4, 2015 2:24 a.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #9

Love it! +1 I would consider finding cards that will survive rotation so that it can carry on after. Would likely slow it a bit, but no telling what will come with BFZ so keep an eye on the spoilers and hope for the best.

New name idea though... "Your deck got ran over by a swiftspear". Sing it.. you'll understand the reference.

August 4, 2015 11:35 a.m.

dreamaddict says... #10

I don't think Wizards is going to let this kind of Turn 3 shenanigan continue after rotation. AFAIK, the Standard "speed limit" is Turn 4. I'm not expecting this thing to work after rotation, but if it can then I'll look into it when it happens. For now, the H is O.

August 4, 2015 4:11 p.m.

youngben says... #11

Arc Lightning is great in case they play some annoying blockers.

August 4, 2015 7:13 p.m.

dreamaddict says... #12

Arc Lightning costs 3 mana, I didn't want to spoil the aesthetic. I wanted to see how many bases I could cover with 1 and 2. That's what Magmatic Chasm is intended for, or if your meta is really full of annoying blockers then you could have Scouring Sands instead. At Shane's, the flavor-du-jour is more big ramp red/green than tokens, so I went with Chasms. Of course, once you build it it's yours, so anything goes.

August 4, 2015 8:21 p.m. Edited.

ShadyProphet says... #13

Have you given any thought to Fiery Impulse? I'm one short on the Wild Slash so I subbed in a fiery impulse. Sure it doesn't prevent damage like the slash does, but with the amount of instants and sorceries in here the spell mastery will be nifty.

August 4, 2015 9:19 p.m.

tangey says... #14

Drop infectious bloodlust for 2x Break Through the Line. It will carry you through mid lane if they stabilize.

August 5, 2015 6:21 a.m.

imwhatufear says... #15

funny how adding to your toughness puts you out of range of of burn it moves into valorous stance range also you seem like you would get owned by surge of rightousness

August 5, 2015 11:47 a.m.

dreamaddict says... #16

First of all, I built this for shits and giggles. When I want something really competitive, I go to Star City Games and read the articles about the Pro Tour winners. The way I see it, if you're going to try and make this deck competitive, you might as well just sub everything out for one of the mono-red winning decklists from there.

The Turn 3 kill is a fun joke to play on someone, and this is a different take on it that uses the extra toughness from enchantments for board supremacy and burn protection, and a bit of math with prowess and counters to seal the bonus trample on Battle Rage. There are other takes, but this one is mine. Dies to Surge of Righteousness? Sure it does. The whole premise is ridiculous from a certain point of view. Then again, it's enlightening as to why Valorous Stance works on the number 4. If you look at it that way, as a science experiment, there's all kinds of things you can learn about how the game is put together and why it is how it is at a certain fundamental level. I found myself wishing for Goblin Guide at a certain point, and had a little satori moment as to just why he is the best one-drop in all of's the math.

(imwhatufear: It actually is funny how adding to my toughness mitigates burn, and makes it vulnerable to the Stance.)

Fiery Impulse: I didn't use it because it only hits a creature. I tried to use the spots for creature/player burn instead. The spell mastery works here, probably you could make some cuts and put it in with full effect if it seems necessary in your meta.

Break Through the Line: Now this is probably the best suggestion I've seen so far. At least you get what this deck is about. The main reason I had Bloodlust was because I can't have more than 4 Full Moon. It's OK if you have 3 mana to snap out one of the creatures real quick-like, but would BTTL net a better success rate overall? I just may actually test that out. Thank you, sir.

August 5, 2015 2:53 p.m.

ShadyProphet says... #17

So in other words this deck isn't really competitive?

August 5, 2015 4:01 p.m.

Argy says... #18

I get what you're trying to do.

It's hard sometimes when you have a very clear vision but others can't see it.

I played the deck and it works very well.

August 7, 2015 4:37 a.m. Edited.

dreamaddict says... #19

Argeaux: Thank you. I actually don't look at tappedout as the place to get the most competitive ideas, but instead as a fantastic mad science lab for exploring and learning deckbuilding, as well as a good venue for more artful, fun builds. There are great decks on here, truly, but...the best ones are secrets until they wreak havoc at the Pro Tour, at which point they are spoiled all over SCG/professionally competitive MTG sites. I too am happy with this, it does work well for what it is. I would have tagged it competitive if I believed it so...maybe I'll tag it gimmick so people don't get confused here.

August 7, 2015 8:04 p.m.

Calinushu says... #20

After a little testing i found an opponent which managed to very effectively counter me with Hornet Nest and Goblin tokens.

So i was thinking of Scouring Sands for sideboard. What do you think ?

August 10, 2015 8:08 a.m.

Abubroki says... #21

+1LOL!! The spirit of the deck and most especially your comments and the TO as Mad science lab idea... Fully agree. Congrats on taking your idea to tourney and your performance.

August 11, 2015 7:35 a.m.

I like what you have going on here. Break Through the Line and Infectious Bloodlust seem a little mana hungry for 18 lands because they are at their best when you are able to use them and play a threat on the same turn. Personally I would cut the Tormenting Voice for 2 more mountains.

August 11, 2015 4:16 p.m.

dreamaddict says... #23

Calinushu: I think it's up to your meta. There are two pertinent facts regarding Hornet Nest. One is that trample damage assigns lethal to the blocker first, and then any leftover damage to the opponent. This means that as long as you have Call of the Full Moon or Temur Battle Rage, it ends up in the best case scenario for a red burn deck which is 2 hornets, same as a Wild Slash. There's no way to get rid of a Nest in a better way without splashing another color. Two is that Battle Rage always gives double strike, which is a way to avoid the deathtouch. I hate the Nest as well, but those are some tools you already have. I would say, if your meta has an obnoxious amount of that going on, then you could probably switch the Magmatic Chasm out for Scouring Sands with good effect. I actually never found myself using the Chasm in any of my matches, or even really wanting to. That could easily be switched out for Sands, no problem.

Rasta_Viking29: Infectious Bloodlust is OK with 3 lands, because you can hurry a creature out. I haven't tried Break Through the Line yet. I actually used to have 20 lands in this thing, and it was too many, believe it or not. I was tempted to put in Magmatic Insight at one point, but realized the foolishness of doubling dead cards instead of just putting something better in. Mostly, the Tormenting Voice is for a gamble if your hand has too many of either creatures or can throw either one away for a chance at something to help. There are only two in there, and I was grateful to see them every time they showed up...they did exactly what they were supposed to, for me at least. Even though they cost two mana, the versatility is worth it in the pinch. That's where I'm coming from on it. By all means, feel free to try that though if you think it will work better.

August 11, 2015 4:42 p.m.

dreamaddict at first look I thought Break Through the Line was in the deck instead of just a maybe. 18 seems better if you aren't having to constantly sink mana into anything.

August 11, 2015 4:51 p.m.

I dig the deck. Nice work!

I built a similar idea a while back, turn 3 kill and all, but I'm running it in Naya. Green and red pump with some white protection to make sure Akroan Line Breaker gets through. Swinging as a 10/5 with double strike, trample, and intimidate all made possible with the help of Elvish Mystic.

'"Naya' business, bra"

August 13, 2015 9:10 a.m.

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