Hi, imppressive, most impressive. Please tell us about your FNM night with this great deck.
Do you believe this is competitive in WMCQ
August 22, 2015 4:24 a.m.
ShadyProphet says... #3
Went 2-2 with it last night. Was undefeated into round 3 with it, neither of the first 2 rounds lasted more than 15 minutes. Round 3 I went against another burn deck and wasn't able to keep the creatures around long enough to buff them, round 4 I went against a dromoka deck and went 1-2 because I wasn't drawing enough creatures.
August 22, 2015 2:19 p.m.
dreamaddict says... #4
Yeah, when it wins it wins. I've discovered that the Abzan matchup is almost 100% impossible because of how insanely focused the strategy is. It definitely punishes anyone who doesn't have their early game together, though. More than being a fun, cheap deck, I find it interesting as an academic breakdown of the limitations of the early game. It's also enlightening. I'm glad you guys are having fun with it at FNM, I have been as well.
August 26, 2015 6:09 p.m.
This looks really fun to play.
But... wtf did you just have me watch?
September 5, 2015 3:43 p.m.
Your deck is really very strong, please rate my version of your deck and I appreciate your sugestions of making sideboard.
September 16, 2015 6:22 a.m.
ShadyProphet says... #9
Drew the turn 3 last night, unfortunately my opponent dropped Duress turn 1 and took away my Temur Battle Rage.
ShadyProphet says... #1
Play tested this against a coworker today. Won both games within 5 turns. Needless to say the salt was intense. I may play this at FNM this week, wanting to try something different from my goblin creator.
August 18, 2015 2:15 p.m.