

Hardcast Emrakul deck. Early as turn 2, but more reliably turn 3-4. The idea is to:

Turn 1 > Forest, Arbor Elf

Turn 2 > Forest, Utopia Sprawl on the untapped one naming blue. Double the Utopia Sprawl then untap the tapped one with Arbor Elf. Freed from the Real using 3 mana (1 blue and one green from double sprawl forest, 1 from normal forest) on Arbor Elf, untap with the floating blue mana and then produce infinite mana. The combo is still possible with only one Utopia Sprawl, but 2 are needed for the turn 2 combo, and you will only produce infinite green mana. Kiora's Follower can also be used.

From this cast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, or search for him using Genesis Wave, Serum Visions, Remand and Telling Time.

Opening hands ideally should contain at least 1 Freed from the Real and 1 Utopia Sprawl. This deck runs on as little as 2 green or 1 green 1 blue mana, so land starved hands aren't necessarily as bad as they seem.

Stall till you have your combo with cards like Spellskite and Remand. Spell Pierce and Remand strategically when your combo is still coming together, protecting Arbor Elfs and Kiora's Followers at key moments is essential. Genesis Wave can assist in finding the combo pieces itself, while also allowing you to bounce your graveyard back to your library by sending an Emrakul to the graveyard.

Disclaimer: I only add cards to the MB/SB that I physically own.

Update: Back after a long break. Check the update section for more info. Mainboarded 4x Spell Pierce till I figure out what to replace Git Probe with.


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Its been a long time since I came back to this deck. I partly left it as I mostly play casual and its too much for the kitchen table group. Also, taking a break from buying cards kinda slows down updates and playtests!

I did bring it to a few modern tournaments over the last 2 years, playing it over Affinity in most cases. Outside of lacking some consistency based around drawing Freed from the Real, the deck has operated quite well at even the highest tiers of modern decks. Now, that said, its winrate is 50% due to this slight lack of consistency and for my opponents penchant for sideboarding Pithing Needle. I still have not developed a decent sideboard, but I have some ideas now. On a side note, sideboarding Kiora's Follower for the first game and adding it to the main deck for the second (assuming a win) usually means the Pithing Needle fails to stall me once I've cast a Follower. If you haven't played the deck, you never see it coming.

Also, I want to move away from Emrakul as the main wincon. I think I'd still like 2 in the deck for infinite bounce purposes (assuming no exiles) aswell as one wincon, so I'm considering turning this into a Genesis Wave into Biovisionary deck. Theres a few other considerations there, so until I iron it out, the list shall remain nearly the same. Unlike other Biovisionary decks, I feel there isn't much point in having endless shapeshifters (maybe a few though juuuuust in case). Keeping the Arbor Elf, Freed from the Real, Genesis Wave and Utopia Sprawl shell, I'm looking for suggestions!

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Revision 5 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Abundant Growth maybe
+4 Biovisionary maybe
-1 Bloom Tender maybe
+1 Blue Sun's Zenith side
-4 Fog side
-1 From Beyond maybe
-4 Gitaxian Probe main
+1 Grafdigger's Cage side
+1 Hurkyl's Recall side
-1 It That Betrays maybe
+1 Kitchen Finks maybe
+1 Lightning Greaves maybe
+3 Misty Rainforest maybe
+1 Pithing Needle side
+1 Relic of Progenitus side
-1 Spell Pierce maybe
-1 Time of Need maybe
-1 Turn Aside maybe
-1 Voyaging Satyr maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

10 - 9 Rares

18 - 2 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.10
Folders LOL WAT, Cool modern, Cool Decks, Decks to beat, Random decks , LOL decks, Deck Ideas, Random decks that work really, really well, decks I'm wanting to build, Decks
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