Judge_Beard says... #2
@DeeLight I had completely forgotton about the Dig Through Time, but Telling Time is a satisfactory answer for now. Thanks!
November 26, 2015 2:30 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #5
Nice deck, but it's errantly tagged. It isn't Tron because it doesn't use the Urzatron lands (Urza's Mine, Urza's Tower, and Urza's Power Plant). Other than that, it looks nice. I love weird infinite combos like this. +1
December 2, 2015 1:38 p.m.
Judge_Beard says... #6
@canterlotguardian Oh, I had forgotten, thanks. I started out writing this with Urzas lands, but dropped them after a while. Completely forgot about the tags.
December 2, 2015 1:42 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #7
After goldfishing a few hands, I've found that it's quite easy to make infinite green mana more often than infinite blue since all you need is the enchanted elf, and a single utopia sprawl to make infinite green. I recommend cutting down on a few BSZ and adding the additional 2 Spellskites to the MD. I'd also cut the Sylvan Caryatids for either the Kiora's Followers you have in the maybeboard, or Voyaging Satyrs to have additional ways to combo out, since the Caryatids can't do the combo. Perhaps cutting the final 2 BSZs for some Serum Visions would help find pieces if you need them. I just found the BSZs to be largely irrelevant most of the time. Nice deck though! +1
December 4, 2015 7:50 a.m.
StUrzasBeard says... #8
While making infinite green mana, toss in Genesis Hydra to dig out and bomb the field with your Emmy while you're at it. Buy one infinitely large hydra get a second eldrazi free!
December 5, 2015 11:48 a.m.
StUrzasBeard says... #9
I did miss the emrakul cast trigger, but you won't need an extra turn when they scoop anyway.
December 5, 2015 11:56 a.m.
Judge_Beard says... #10
@GeminiSpartanX I hadn't had a proper test of it at the time, the list then being just something I'd knocked together one evening, but after testing it I'm inclined to agree. BSZ isn't entirely useless to be honest, the advantage versus Genesis Wave being that I could potentially use less mana to find the missing pieces plus an Emrakul, but its value is outweighed by Serum Visions and Telling Time. The Kiora's Followers were definitely a better choice than the Sylvan Caryatids, directing fire away from Arbor Elfs as they appear to be a bigger threat. Genesis Wave was the surprise workhorse in this setup, even though I lose the cast trigger. At times it allows the combo to just hit the field all at once.
@StUrzasBeard I thought about it and while another Genesis Wave type effect is nice, I feel I'm sacrificing too much by playing the Genesis Hydra. I am considering another creature to prevent Slaughter Games effects from happening however, but I think another of the Eldrazi Titans is in order, at least a 1 of.
I think as an attempt to assemble the combo quicker, I need to test Fertile Ground. The extra 1 cmc is negligible when the combo isn't together yet, and can potentially set off a game winning Genesis Wave. II'm also considering some Fogs for the sideboard to help with aggro decks.
December 6, 2015 7:47 p.m.
If you want alternate win cons, why not Eldrazi Conscriptions or Enter the Infinite? You'd need two Conscriptions but you should get them off of Genesis Wave.
December 9, 2015 2:20 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #12
I've fiddled around with some numbers and a possible sideboard if you're interested here: Genesis of Emrakul
I like how Spellskite really shuts down certain modern decks, and since it protects the main gameplan I'm running 4 in the MD.
December 9, 2015 2:34 p.m.
Judge_Beard says... #13
@GeminiSpartanX Yeah, I really need to add the two other Spellskites, but I will add them as soon as I get the physical ones. Nice sideboard! I've not had much of an idea of one yet myself, but I'll certainly be using yours as a reference, thanks.
December 9, 2015 3:34 p.m.
teamawesome1 says... #14
I recommend Summoner's Pact, should give you 8 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn rather than making you dig and hop for combo pieces
December 11, 2015 9:50 a.m.
awesomeragle says... #15
RTFC Summoner's Pact searches for a green card. Emrakul is not a green card.
December 11, 2015 10:02 a.m.
Bijan_Guildmage says... #17
Why Emrakul, the Aeons Torn why you can Spawnsire of Ulamog. Put an a couple Emrakuls in your sideboard to let you take a few turns in a row as well as All Is Dust just in case. You could also throw in It That Betrays or Pathrazer of Ulamog to rub it in.
December 12, 2015 2:07 p.m.
Judge_Beard says... #18
@Bijan_Guildmage Spawnsire is nice, but it suffers from the problem of being instantly targetable when it enters the battlefield. It also doesn't bounce your graveyard back if it does get removed. I also want to keep the sideboard open to utility rather than having it be where my wincon is. Its not a bad idea over all though, but its just not the direction I want to go with this, it feels like it adds an additional step without adding too much more to whats already there. I am considering a single It That Betrays though, mostly to protect against Slaughter Games style effects.
December 13, 2015 1:03 p.m.
Sooooo I would recommend Helix Pinnacle since...my you know... Infinite mana and such.You could also add Bloom Tender for another pairing with freed for infinite mana.
December 13, 2015 2:37 p.m. Edited.
The_Squirrel says... #20
I would consider adding 1 Lightning Greaves, or Swiftfoot Boots. The main reason being that if Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is put into play via Genesis Wave, you won't get the extra turn. You would need to attack that turn to ensure your victory. In addition, it could be nice to give one of your elf or merfolk haste. Just be careful with Lightning Greaves, its the better of the two, but you won't be able to put Freed from the Real on a creature equiped with it.
Also, Misty Rainforest and any fetch lands that can get forests would help (as you might already know.) I don't know if they fit your budget though. Anticipate might be better than Telling Time as you will likely be looking for one specific card. If you don't find it in the three, you would want two of them to go on the bottom of the deck. Sleight of Hand may help as well.
December 13, 2015 5:06 p.m.
Judge_Beard says... #21
@The_Squirrel I thought about Lightning Greaves already, but the early game is too mana intensive to play them, and its not advancing the combo well. The Spellskites have been enough to deter most problems so far that I think shroud is not necessary.
Anticipate is an interesting one, but it can have the double edged effect of forcing me to choose between a Utopia Sprawl and Freed from the Real. Telling Time suffers from the opposite, sometimes it doesn't allow me to cycle enough cards. Sleight of Hand is pretty sweet though.
@ArchFline Helix Pinnacle is VERY interesting, thanks for that.
December 13, 2015 9:53 p.m.
PookandPie says... #22
Bloom Tender + Freed from the Real creates as much green mana as you want by itself, which is important since having one fewer card in your combo means a much higher chance of actually realizing it during a game. Honestly, though, rather than using a 3 card combo and an additional card as a finisher (requiring 4 cards total to not durdle into oblivion), it would probably be better, overall, to use Orochi Leafcaller + Zhur-Taa Druid + Freed from the Real for a potential immediate third turn win- no muss, no fuss..
If you're wanting to stick with the Emrakul plan no matter what, though, Time of Need seems to be a good card for fetching him once your mana combo has come together, which is also the only time in which you'd want Emrakul in your hand. This is also entirely green, meaning you don't require any additional blue mana.
Too bad Pemmin's Aura is from Scourge, lol. Then you'd be able to keep U open to protect your enchanted creature.
December 17, 2015 7:25 a.m.
Judge_Beard says... #24
@PookandPie The thing about Bloom Tender is that it costs 2 over Arbor Elfs 1. This means I'm not tapping it for sure until turn 3. Arbor Elf on the other hand can get the combo out on turn 2. Genesis Wave isn't always needed to get Emrakul onto the field, often it can just put the combo out by turn 3 and assuming I've already got a creature that can start tapping for mana, its an instant win regardless. Now that said, you would be right in saying it can give infinite mana by then, but its not a strictly superior method. I've tested this deck heavily against Modern Affinity (this list http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/08-07-15-RRY-affinity/ ) and I don't feel as if Bloom Tender would necessarily speed things up. Turn 2 wins happens often enough for me to want to keep pushing forward with the Arbor Elfs. Bloom Tender could easily take the place of Kiora's Follower, but ultimately it doesnt make much of a difference. I'll try it though, see what happens.
December 18, 2015 8:16 a.m.
@PookandPie, @Judge_Beard: Yeah, Bloom Tender seems better than Kiora's Follower by your logic. It is an expensive-ish card lame enough.. The Tender can't help you go off "faster", since you can't beat the god 4 card combo turn 2 Emrakul in speed. But it can be more consistent, which this is a pretty inconsistent 3 card combo. I did notice you made a sideboard in one of your other builds - why is it not on this list?
If you're interested in looking at some alt. game plans (when combo doesn't come together), here's a list I made: Who Enchants Creatures Anyway?
DeeLight says... #1
It's hilarious to get out a turn 2 Emrakul, but while we're here, remember Dig Through Time was recently banned in Modern on top of its Legacy ban. The options to replace it are sadly, lackluster, but there's anything from Telling Time to Time Warp in order to keep browsing through your deck or buy more time.
November 26, 2015 2:10 a.m.