Turn 2 Hardcast Emrakul/Genesis Wave

Modern* Judge_Beard


xavrr says... #1

I love this!

I had no idea how to use this deck, but I playtested it and still got turn 5 Emrakul, making it up as I went along!

December 18, 2015 3:25 p.m.

PookandPie says... #2

The point of Bloom Tender isn't to make your deck faster at all. It's to make it more consistent by requiring fewer cards to still get the combo to win.

It's still better than Kiora's Follower, and allows you to win when you don't have Arbor Elf, Utopia Sprawl, Freed from the Real AND Emrakul in hand. Bloom Tender simply requires itself, Freed and the Emrakul in hand. A 4 card combo becomes a 3 card combo if your Arbor Elf dies (which it will. Modern is full of kill spells). Kiora's Follower also requires a 4 card combo, making Bloom Tender the strictly superior choice in a vacuum. My whole suggestion wasn't about speed- it was about consistency.

Also, that Affinity list isn't a good one to test against because it runs 0 removal- how many decks in Modern can you actually say run no removal? Even Titan Bloom runs Slaughter Pact. Every list that's actually won an event on mtgdecks that I can find run between 2-4 Galvanic Blast in the main with Whipflares in the side. Some, like this one, run a lot of burn main, which could easily be turned toward your Arbor Elf game 2: http://mtgdecks.net/decks/view/459701.

Playtest against that list, or any other list with 4 Galvanic Blasts main, and report back.

December 18, 2015 7:06 p.m.

Judge_Beard says... #3

@PookandPie The affinity list I linked on runs 3 Galvanic Blast and 2 Whipflare, aswell as Ethersworn Canonist, seeing as this deck runs zero removal that can be a game winner. And I disagree with Affinity being a bad one to test against. It can win on turn 3 incredibly consistently with a good pilot, its not one to be snubbed. Particularly when this deck doesn't have a single blocker that isn't an elder god.

While the point about Bloom Tender being technically better than Kiora's Follower is true, its marginal, at best. Yes, in my previous comment I went on about speed, but my ultimate point was that while it is superior, its by very little. The real bottleneck regardless of any other card you use is Freed from the Real. I did say I would try it however, so no need to hammer your point home, I do understand the value. I should also mention that part of why I run Kiora's follower is because people, at least round here, target the shit out of them when they see one. People are wise to Follower shenanigans. Its the perfect armor for an Arbor Elf.

And to answer your previous question, of course this deck has to use Emrakul. Thats the point. Like I say in my description I'm aware of technically more stable Gx tron decks out there. This deck is made entirely with the goal of putting the fear of Emrakul into people.

December 19, 2015 4:46 a.m.

PookandPie says... #4

I'm not hammering anything. I apologize if you feel that way, however I simply felt I would address the fact that you misinterpreted why I even suggested that card from the start. If it makes you feel better, I won't say a thing after this comment since I'm apparently being a badger.

On Affinity: That Affinity list uses those cards... in the sideboard. I never said Affinity was a bad deck to test against- I said that deck was a poor one to test against. That's a completely different statement and I don't disagree that Affinity is a fine deck with which you can test. I would like to address, however, that the deck you linked to only runs removal in the sideboard which practically guarantees you win game 1 if you draw the proper cards (since you win a whole turn earlier than Affinity can at its fastest). If you don't see how that's an issue, that's fine, but I made my suggestion and you are free to try it out or not. Regardless of if you do or don't, I'd at least like to make sure you know why the suggestions are made in the first place, hence the clarifications.

December 19, 2015 7:09 a.m.

ArchFline says... #5

So I know that they are suuuuuuuper expensive but I fee like you land base could use a bit of extra consistency given that you need at least a blue and a green land to, pull off the combo, I know that Utopia Sprawl helps but having an ironclad land set up can make or break a deck that needs its mana early. So perhaps Misty Rainforest would help. At worst it helps thin your deck somthatnyou have a higher chance of drawing into what you want. I however do realize it's way over priced at the moment.

December 19, 2015 10:34 a.m.

ArchFline says... #6

To clarify to position since Utopia Sprawl can only enchant forests their is a possibility that you could draw a hand with 2 Island and no forests, this instance pretty much means a mulligan which effectively reduces your chances of drawing the cards that you need for your turn 2 win. But I do understand that this would not happen often and the value vs price is a hard thing to justify. And on a side note don't forget to tag your deck for the "infinite combo' hub to get it out their a bit more. +1

December 19, 2015 10:45 a.m. Edited.

Judge_Beard says... #7

@PookandPie The affinity list mentioned is my own, so it was played with all removal in. I even added a few Doomblades for a few tests to see how heavy we could go with the removal and still win. a 50/50 winrate is what I recorded over 12 games, with different pilots for the Affinity list. I haven't had a chance to try it against many other T1 decks yet, but I felt that affinity list utilising all its removal would be a good test of its mettle. If they draw all removal, that is me doomed, unless I can Genesis Wave out the combo.

Also, I apologise if you feel like you've been made a badger, I detected a confrontational tone in your reply and maybe didnt react the best to it, and I apologise. It came from my lack of proper expression on my part. I didn't just mean speed, but that the overall consistency increase is very slight indeed. I will of course be trialing Bloom Tender, its the kind of suggestion I need, but I of course will argue any and all points when it comes to effectiveness. please don't feel as if you aren't welcome to post, all suggestions are welcome.

@ArchFline Yeah, Misty Rainforest is quite expensive. I droped cash for the shocklands here though, so given time I'll get Rainforests aswell. Thanks for pointing out the tagging, wouldn't have thought about it.

December 19, 2015 2:35 p.m.

ArchFline says... #8

Glad to help :D

December 19, 2015 4:17 p.m.

Death927 says... #9

December 21, 2015 2:32 p.m.

Judge_Beard says... #10

@Death927 That fetches a green creature, not any creature.

December 22, 2015 7:05 a.m.

swiknaba says... #11

December 27, 2015 6:18 p.m.

Chord of Calling is Emrakul 9-12.

I'd say Gitaxian Probe is an inferior cantrip, since you have mana ramp already without the combo, making the 0-cost benefit of Probe less useful. Peer Through Depths pulls chord and wave . That may not be the best option, but is definitely one.

Turn Aside is lovely for protecting your combo.

Since you have room in your sideboard, why not throw in 4 Biovisionary? Just for the lulz. Hitting them off a wave or chord would be beautiful.

I would recommend running 4 different fatties so you can hit them all off a wave.

A wishboard of Eldrazi and other cards is also viable. This is especially appealing because of Spawnsire of Ulamog.

Just thoughts. Keep everybody in fear of Emrakul! +1

January 13, 2016 4:44 p.m.

Judge_Beard says... #13

@thecakeisalie42 I was thinking about Biovisonary, could be fun. My sideboard really is not thought out yet properly though. Had a bit of a break from magic the past month so I haven't worked it out yet. You've suggested some good ideas though, so I'll look into em, cheers! And yes, people need to fear Emrakul!

January 13, 2016 5 p.m.

And oops, you can only hit them all off wave. My bad.

January 13, 2016 8:53 p.m.

Hello again! You'll need to cut Git. Probe from this deck since it's no longer legal. Fortunately, you can replace it with Street Wraith if you don't want to pay any mana, or with Sleight of Hand or Mystic Speculation if you want to dig through more of your deck. Dive Down and Blossoming Defense are good protection spells for your land-untapping creatures if you want to add them to your MD. If you're able to get a set of Misty Rainforests now thanks to the somewhat-recent reprint, thinning your deck of some lands wouldn't hurt either when you're digging for an answer. Also Botanical Sanctum is the fastland that this deck likely wants. The SB can be counterspells like Dispel and Spell Pierce, along with artifact/enchantment destruction like Nature's Claim, Natural State, Dissenter's Deliverance, and Hurkyl's Recall. Some grave hate like Relic of Progenitus help round out getting blown out by GY decks. Finally, some kitchen finks for resilience against Death's Shadow beats and Liliana of the Veil decks as well as for burn/aggro would help keep you alive long enough to find your combo pieces.

January 17, 2018 1:45 p.m.

Judge_Beard says... #16

@GeminiSpartanX Hey! Ahh, ok, I had completely missed Git Probe being banned. On further inspection the site says its not modern legal! Silly me, cheers for the headsup. I completely forgot to add Hurkyl's Recall to the sideboard, I run 2 now. And hmm, I must have accidentally deleted the Spell Pierces, another good catch. Like I said, its been a while! Misty Rainforests are on their way as soon as I get paid. As for the rest though, ty for the suggestions! Something I've been playing with is dropping Spellskites, do you think Dive Down would be a good replacement? The reasoning here is that unless it comes off a Genesis Wave, Spellskite is a very obvious 'I want to protect the next thing I drop' card, which leads to artifact hate followed by removal. I should add, I'm not adding anything to the main/sideboard I don't physically own yet, hence no Misty Rainforests. Botanical Sanctum over Breeding Pool? Or both? As is, I've had 0 issues drawing lands I want, outside of thinning as you said yourself, though I can see the case of Sanctum over Pool, those shocklands can prove to be detrimental (yup, more than once the shockland has killed me. However, a turn one Pool has also proved very effective. I suppose I'm just trying to cast protection on my wallet here haha. I fully intend to add Sleight of Hands as Telling Time has proven to be a major workhorse.

January 17, 2018 2:06 p.m.

Judge_Beard says... #17

Also I have multiple Relic of Progenitus, why did I never think of them.

January 17, 2018 2:09 p.m.

I wouldn't cut the Breeding Pools for the Sanctums, as you still need to have the forest type for your Utopia Sprawls. I'd add the sanctums in place of a 3 islands or 2 islands and 1 forest. Having more duals should help in the games where you have both blue and green 1-drops to play on your 2nd turn. I think Spellskite is still good in the SB since it's good against Infect (which still exists), Affinity when they try to move Ravager counters, and other control-style decks while Blossoming Defense is better in the MD.

January 17, 2018 2:59 p.m.

Judge_Beard says... #19

I agree on that with Spellskite, I don't think I'd want to drop it entirely. In my meta I don't find much infect or Affinity outside of myself (Affinity was the first ever deck I made myself and have been playing at least some variant for 15 years), but is good all the same. I've mostly used them to stop things being bolted, but they've performed fairly poorly against other blue users. That said, they still thinned hands as targets. How has your Genesis of Emrakul deck worked out?

January 17, 2018 3:07 p.m.

Oh I was never able to find the set of Freed from the Real I thought I had, but I moved on to other projects and forgot about it until just now. I'll put it together after the pro tour and take it for a spin for sure!

January 17, 2018 3:17 p.m.

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