
Creature (4)

Artifact (4)

Infinite Combos:

Presence of Gond + Sunstrike Legionnaire

  • Infinite elves

  • Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond

  • Infinite elves

  • And including sideboard cards:

    Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner

  • ∞/∞ creature(s)

  • Presence of Gond + Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner

  • Infinite elves + a ∞/∞ creature

  • Turn 3: Infinite Elves

    Presence of Gond + Sunstrike Legionnaire :

  • Turn 1: Forest or Plains

  • Turn 2: Land, Sunstrike Legionnaire

  • Turn 3: Land, Presence of Gond on Sunstrike Legionnarie, make infinite elves

  • Turn 4: Swing with all

  • Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond :

  • Turn 1: Forest, Avacyn's Pilgrim

  • Turn 2: Plains (can be Forest because you started with Avacyn's Pilgrim), tap Avacyn's Pilgrim for Midnight Guard

  • Turn 3: Land or no land, Presence of Gond enchanting Midnight Guard, make infinite elf tokens

  • Turn 4: Swing for any arbitrary number of damage

  • Turn 4: Two ∞/∞ Creatures

    Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner :

  • Turn 1: Forest, Avacyn's Pilgrim

  • Turn 2: Land, tap Avacyn's Pilgrim for Viridian Joiner

  • Turn 3: Land or no land, Umbral Mantle, equip to Viridian Joiner

  • Turn 4: Land or no land, tap Viridian Joiner for G, tap two lands to use Umbral Mantle, tap Viridian Joiner for 3, use Umbral Mantle to untap it, tap Viridian Joiner for 5... do this 10000000 times...
  • equip Umbral Mantle to your mana dork, use your infinite mana to tap it for mana then give it +2/+2 with Umbral Mantle, repeat. Swing with your mana dork and Viridian Joiner, which are both ∞/∞

  • Turn 5 Wins

    You can take any of the three above cases and take one turn with a tutor (Heliod's Pilgrim for Presence of Gond, Commune with the Gods for any combo piece except Umbral Mantle) for a turn 5 win rather than turn 4.

    Or you can use a different combo:

    Presence of Gond + Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner :

  • Turn 1: Forest, Avacyn's Pilgrim

  • Turn 2: Land, Avacyn's Pilgrim for Viridian Joiner

  • Turn 3: Land (or no land), Umbral Mantle, equip to Viridian Joiner

  • Turn 4: Make infinite mana with Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner as done in the previous example. With this infinite mana, play Presence of Gond or a tutor to get it (Commune with the Gods or Heliod's Pilgrim). Enchant Viridian Joiner with Presence of Gond, tap for an elf, untap with Umbral Mantle, repeat as many times as you want.

  • Turn 5: Win

  • And then there are many turn 6 wins, but I will save my time and your time and let you figure those out yourself.

    Despite the fact that this deck is $25 (as of 8/23/14) on mid price, it wins on around turn 5 every time.

    Deck Breakdown


  • Avacyn's Pilgrim: Ramps, which allows me to combo out faster.
  • Benevolent Bodyguard : If you don't have Avacyn's Pilgrim, play this turn 1 so you can protect your combo later on.
  • Devoted Caretaker : Repeatable protection from removal and burn unless they spend their precious removal on my 1-drop. Either way, good for me.

  • Heliod's Pilgrim: It's three mana, but it tutors for Presence of Gond.
  • Midnight Guard: A combo piece.
  • Sunstrike Legionnaire : Another combo piece.

  • Sorcery:

  • Oust : Pretty much spot removal because I don't care about their life total at all.

  • Instants:

  • Congregation at Dawn: If you need Sunstrike Legionnaire or Midnight Guard this can get it for the huge price of GGW. If you need Presence of Gond, you will unfortunately need to tutor Heliod's Pilgrim first. The only reason this is in the deck is because it provides the whole combo. T1 Avacyn's Pilgrim -> this T2 -> Sunstrike Legionnaire T3 -> Heliod's Pilgrim T4 -> Presence of Gond T5 for a T6 win is not horrible.
  • Emerge Unscathed: Protect before I make a combo, and if it is Umbral Mantle + Viridian Joiner , I can swing and win.
  • Silence: I usually hate Silence, but it is a must to protect the combo. Play it a the beginning of your turn. They can't counter and they can't remove.

  • Enchantments
  • Presence of Gond: A combo piece.
  • ---#Suggestions Welcome and +1 if You Like the Idea#---My other super budget combo deck:

    Turn 4 Win 80% of the Time

    Casual BorosPlayer


    ---Non-Budget Suggestions
  • Grand Abolisher: No more counterspells, removal... Yes please.
  • Suggestions

    Updates Add

    Removal still poses a big problem for this deck.


    Devoted Caretaker



    I never really needed to use Condemn anyways. T4 or T5 is about when threats come out, but infinite elves can just kill them. The only thing not covered was T2 and T1, but nothing of importance happens then.


    Top Ranked
    • Achieved #9 position overall 10 years ago
    Date added 10 years
    Last updated 10 years
    Key combos

    This deck is Casual legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    11 - 0 Rares

    5 - 9 Uncommons

    23 - 6 Commons

    Cards 60
    Avg. CMC 1.82
    Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G
    Folders 10/10 Will Buy, elves doe, need to make, 2015, Decks Bought, Decks to Build, Not my decks, modern, Fun Decks, Cheap
    Ignored suggestions
    Shared with