I took the deck to game day last night and took first place!
round 1: 2-0 I played against a bant combo deck, killed him turn three game one. game two I sided in 2 Chained to the Rocks for 2 Armed / Dangerous he tried to ramp into his combo but I chained down his Elvish Mystic In response he tapped all his creatures to Chord of Calling for a Banisher Priest targetting my huge Akroan Crusader in response I played Gods Willing gave my guy pro white and swung in for lethal
round 2: 2-0 against azorius control, I had an advantage here because I sat next to him during round one when he was playing against a control mirror so I got to see pretty much his entire deck and how he plays it. Game one he let me get him down to four when he had no huge threats out so i just waited for him to tap out for a huge Sphinx's Revelation and in response Boros Charmed him for lethal. game two I sided in 3 Ajani's Presence taking out 3 Armed / Dangerous opening hand had 2 Ordeal of Heliod I was at 40 life turn four and he scooped.
round 3: 2-0 against what he called rabblered or something like that, it was pretty much just mono-red aggro and I just outraced him both games, I didn't even sideboard haha.
round 4: 2-1 This was by far my hardest round he was playing mono-green aggro, game 1 I played an Akroan Crusader and just overwhelmed him with tokens. game 2 I kept a hand with two Sacred Foundry and 5 creatures, I just drew into land the entire game and got screwed. game 3 opening hand was Sacred Foundry, Mountain, Plains, Hero of Iroas, Madcap Skills, Madcap Skills, and Ethereal Armor turn two i drew into Gods Willing played the hero and at the end of his turn played Gods Willing for some scry, turn three played two madcaps and an ethereal armor and swung for 15 and he scooped.
took first place and got a playmat and more store credit than the deck was worth! Overall I'm pretty happy with how it went the two decks I was most afraid to match up with were mono black and golgari, luckily I didn't have to face either so it ended up working out well haha