Turn 3 win/ S&M

Modern SpartanCEL

SCORE: 42 | 142 COMMENTS | 12070 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS

SpartanCEL says... #1

Piranha Marsh is actually a pretty sweet card. It does fit the theme with Master of Cruelties and Rakdos, Lord of Riots but sadly it enters tapped, and we only have 1 swamp anyway. If someone were to budgetize this deck that'd be up there on the list(or just because you can) but we can use an untapped land and Lightning Bolt or the other ways to deal damage. You have very nice suggestions!

December 29, 2014 2:15 p.m.

xfitslingshot says... #2

  • 1 from me! I did a deck like this in Standard. I don't like Rogue's passage and having to pay 4 mana though. Instead I splashed white for god's willing (makes your guy unblockable AND really hard to kill), and boros charm (more burn, or a double-striking desecration demon, or protects your guy from removal). I don't really play modern though, is your deck competitive?
December 30, 2014 9:32 a.m.

SpartanCEL says... #3

xfitslingshot hey thanks man!! Well I can't officially vouch for it's competitivness because I haven't done a tournament (lack of money or time) but a much eairler and worse version of this deck held off a mono black control (all tricked out with Phyrexian Obliterators and Sorin Markov and I believe Liliana of the Veil as well) for a good bit until I got overwhelmed. There's only so many times you can Dreadbore a Phyrexian Obliterator before something else gets you haha. Anyway none have my friends have been able to beat that deck 1v1 if my memory hold true. So this deck should be competitive and that's what I've tried to do. Thanks for the +1!!

December 30, 2014 10:20 a.m.

SpartanCEL says... #4

But about splashing white I'm going to keel it b/r because we need the right mana for Rakdos, Lord of Riots and the other spells good idea though!

December 30, 2014 10:26 a.m.

CoachCudaback says... #5

Hey would you mind taking a look at my deck would be much appreciated Evil Genius

December 30, 2014 11:16 p.m.

Delmare says... #6

I really like the looks of this deck, I just wish there was a way to bring that cost down some. I know you have to pay to get the good stuff but I wonder if there is a way to make this about half it's cost and still be a turn 3 killer. Also could you take a look at my deck Face Bash

December 31, 2014 3:01 a.m.

SpartanCEL says... #7

Delmare put it in the deck description

December 31, 2014 6:44 a.m.

Programmer_112 says... #8

So, is this an aggro deck? Midrange? Those are the only two possibilities I see for the current build, but either way, you are missing some very, very important cards if this wants to do well in Modern

January 1, 2015 6:56 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #9

I think it's technically midrange the goal is to ramp into big flyers or master. And what would they be I'm all for suggestions. This is more of a rogue deck but I want it to be competitive

January 1, 2015 7:03 p.m.

Yggdrasil60 says... #10

Desecration Demon sucks in modern right now, because of Young Pyromancer

January 1, 2015 7:10 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #11

One card obviously make another unplayable automatically

January 1, 2015 8:21 p.m.

Yggdrasil60 says... #12

Not automatically, but since UR delver is the most played deck at the moment, it may not be the best idea to run the full playset, but I can be wrong.
Also, have you considered Funeral Charm ? Conditional removal, discard at instant speed and makes master of cruelties unblockable with urborg

January 1, 2015 8:39 p.m.

Yggdrasil60 says... #13

Also, you could add some discard to deal with removals and creatures before they hit the board

January 1, 2015 8:41 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #14

Yggdrasil60 Well that's a better argument but unless there's a better creature you can show me a great replacement haha. I remembered someone recommended Funeral Charm and it was you lol, and after loosing a match against an insane removal deck I'm definitely considering changes. I'd say swap out Madcap Skills? Let me know what you think

January 1, 2015 9:08 p.m.

If you want a better creature than DD, then there are a plethora of options. One which I happen to like is Olivia Voldaren, which wins games on its own unless the opponent answers it within 1-2 turns

January 1, 2015 9:19 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #16

Programmer_112 so best case scenario we get her turn 3 with Rakdos Signet. Turn 4 we steal and that wins games? I guess it can I'll have to try her out. and I'll look into other guys I personally debated Ob Nixilis, the Fallen with myself for a while if you would think he has a place

January 1, 2015 9:35 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #17

Not turn 4 turn 4 we would deal damage turn 5 steal

January 1, 2015 9:36 p.m.

Yggdrasil60 says... #18

Batterskull, Demigod of Revenge, Inferno Titan, Grave Titan, Tombstalker, etc...
Oh, I totally forgot I already made the suggestion xD
I love Madcap Skills, but I have to admit it's weak in modern because every deck has spot removals and it doesn't boost thoughness. Apostle's Blessing may be a good replacement, because it can both protect your master from removal and pass trough your opponent's creatures.
Your sideboarded needs to be revised too, I recommand adding Shatterstorm against affinity, Dragon's Claw against burn, RDW and delver, Duress against control and non-creature combo decks, Grafdigger's Cage against pod and snappy, Anger of the Gods against all aggro decks, there's a lot of choice depending of your local meta

January 1, 2015 9:54 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #19

Thanks so much guys I like the idea of Batterskull and I'll consider Apostle's Blessing. Thanks for the sb help man but I gtg bed I'll check up on this tomorrow

January 1, 2015 10:07 p.m.

Glavestone says... #20

Remove the Graven Cairns and Rakdos Signet The cairns just don't have enough enough value, you don't need mana fixing in a deck this aggro. Then the Signet is just a bad option, if you insist on having mana artifacts throw in a Talisman of Indulgence so that gets you a lot more fast. Replace all of the Terminate in order to put in Dreadbore it just gives you more options. Take out one Rogue's Passage and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for two Vexing Devil after all of that we still have four cards to fill in. That is where you put in four Thoughtseize they will get rid of your oppenants answers to taking out your super quick combo.

January 2, 2015 5:15 a.m.

Delmare says... #21

Glavestone I am a little confused on why you would want Talisman of Indulgence over Rakdos Signet. From what I am told they did away with mana burn some time ago, why would you want something that gives your one mana of red or black and do a damage to yourself as opposed to just getting one of each? I love the idea of Vexing Devil in this deck and replacing the Terminate with Dreadbore. Is there a cheaper card than Thoughtseize that could be substituted for awhile? Mainly because of the price on them.

January 2, 2015 7:49 a.m.

SpartanCEL says... #22

I agree I'd prefer Rakdos Signet just because nobody else plays doesn't mean we can't. I'll possibly consider the Graven Cairns and I'm not opposed to cutting a land at most 2. I'm not a fan of Vexing Devil more than likely your opponent will take the 4 unless they have removal but tell me why it's a good card or convince me to playtest it and we'll see. I'm leaning more and more towards Olivia Voldaren she seems like the bomb we need to replace Desecration Demon but I'm still looking.

January 2, 2015 8:16 a.m.

SpartanCEL says... #23

As of Terminate vs Dreadbore I'm not opposed to swapping them. Also not opposed to Thoughtseize except that we have a 8 lands to hurt us. I wish my eairler naive self didn't trade the one I got away

January 2, 2015 8:19 a.m.

Yggdrasil60 says... #24

Don't EVER play Vexing Devil in an other deck than RDW. I mean, it doesn't fit your global gameplan, it doesn't make you comeback if you are behind and is kinda overkill when you are ahead.
The difference between Rakdos Signet and Talisman of Indulgence is that you can tap talisman turn 2 for mana.
Also, don't put the dreadbore maindeck, because of it's sorcery speed, and the fact that there is only few PW in modern (lili in all BGx midrange, ajani in some UWR midrange, and that's pretty much all)
The best budget replacement for thoughtseize is Inquisition of Kozilek

January 2, 2015 10:24 a.m.

SpartanCEL says... #25

So how does this sound? Just a thought

-4 Desecration Demon

-4 Madcap Skills

-4 Lightning Bolt

+4 Olivia Voldaren

+4 Apostle's Blessing

+4 Inquisition of Kozilek

I find myself never using Lightning Bolt and when I do it's usually countered somehow so I'm willing to cut it. Olivia Voldaren is sick. Inquisition of Kozilek because of our life loss from our shocks and fetches turn one fetch into shock into Thoughtseize is 5 life right there. Now that's the worst case scenario but still. Apostle's Blessing to protect everyone. Talisman of Indulgence I'm still not over but we can cast spells turn 2 then.

January 2, 2015 10:48 a.m.

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